L/S Question Implementation of e-Bill System ई-बिल प्रणाली का कार्यान्वयन |

Implementation of e-Bill System on Pilot basis in Ministries and Departments. ई-बिल प्रणाली का कार्यान्वयन मंत्रालयों और विभागों में प्रायेगिक आधार पर किया जा रहा है।





Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has implemented e-Bill system in all its Ministries and Departments so as to ensure transparency, efficiency and promptness in procurement and transaction operations;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) if not, the reasons therefor?



(a) The e-Bill system is under implementation on Pilot basis in Ministries and Departments.

(b) The e-Bill system was launched on Pilot basis on 2nd March, 2022 in 9 Pay & Accounts Offices of 8 Ministries/Departments. At present it is being implemented on pilot basis in 126 Pay & Accounts Offices (PAOs) of 47 Ministries/Departments as per list enclosed (Annexure-A).

(c) The e-Bill system is being implemented in a phased manner.


भारत सरकार
वित्त मत्रांलय
व्यय विभाग
लोकसभा तारांकित प्रश्न संख्या *316
उत्तर सोमवार, ८ अगस्त, २०२२ को दिया जाना है।

“ई-बिल प्रणाली का कार्यान्वयन”

*316. डॉ. अरविन्द कुमार शर्मा
क्या वित्त मंत्री यह बताने की कृपा करेंगे किः

(क) क्‍या सरकार ने अपने सभी मंत्रालयों/विभागों में ई-बिल प्रणाली लागू की है ताकि खरीद और लेनदेन कार्यों में पारदर्शिता, दक्षता और तत्परता सुनिश्चित की जा सके।

(ख) यदि हां, तो तत्सम्बन्धी ब्योरा कया है; और

(ग) यदि नहीं, तो इसके क्या कारण है?


वित्त मत्रांलय में मंत्री (श्रीमती निर्मला सीतारमण)

(क) ई-बिल प्रणाली का मंत्रालयों और विभागों में प्रायेगिक आधार पर कार्यान्वयन किया जा रहा है।

(ख) ई-बिल प्रणाली को 02 मार्च, 2022 को 8 मंत्रालयों/विभागों के 9 वेतन एवं लेखा कार्यालयों में प्रायोगिक आधार पर आरंभ किया गया है। वर्तमान में इसे 47 मंत्रालयों/विभागों के 126 वेतन एवं लेखा कार्यालयों (पीएओ) में संलग्न सूची (अनुबंध-क) के अनुसार शुरू किया गया है।

(ग) ई-बिल प्रणाली का कार्यान्वयन चरणबद्ध ढंग से किया जा रहा है।


Sl. No.Ministry/DepartmentsPay & Accounts Office (PAO) Name
1Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (3)1PAO(Sectt)-I, Delhi
2PAO(Sectt)-II, Delhi
3PAO, Kolkata
2Department of Fisheries (1) Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (3)4PAO(Sectt)-II, Delhi
5PAO(Sectt)-I, Delhi
6PAO(PPM), Faridabad
7PAO(F&AHD), Kolkata
3Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (1)

Department of Fertilisers (1) Department of Pharmaceuticals (1)

8Pr.A.O. (Fert-I), Delhi
9PAO, D/o Pharmaceuticals, Delhi
10Pr.A.O.-Cum-PAO, Delhi
4Ministry of Civil Aviation (3)11PAO(Sectt), Delhi
12PAO(DGCA & Safdarjung Airport), Delhi
13PAO(CAD), Kolkata
5Ministry of Tourism (1)14PAO(Tourism), Delhi
6Ministry of Coal (1)15PAO(Coal), Delhi
7Ministry of Textiles (1)16PAO(Textile), Delhi
 8Department of Commerce (4)17CPAO(Commerce), Delhi
18RPAO(Commerce), Kolkata
19PAO(Supply), Delhi
20PAO(Supply), Kolkata
 9Department of Consumer Affairs (2)

Department of Food and Public Distribution (2)

21PAO(CA), Delhi
22PAO(Food), Delhi
23PAO(Food), Kolkata
24PAO(CA), Kolkata
10Ministry of Cooperation (1)25PAO(Sectt)-I, Delhi
 11Ministry of Corporate Affairs (2)26PAO, Corporate Affairs, Delhi
27PAO (Corporate Affairs), Kolkata
 12Ministry of Culture (2)28PAO-Culture, Delhi
29PAO(ASI), Delhi
13Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (1)30PAO(NEC), Shillong
14Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (1)31PAO(Drinking Water), Delhi
 15Ministry of Earth Sciences (2)32PAO(IMD), Kolkata
33PAO(Ocean Development), Delhi
16Department of School Education and Literacy (1)34PAO(D/o Elementary Education & Literacy), Delhi
17Department of Higher Education (1)35PAO (Secondary Education), Delhi
18Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (1)36Pr.AO-Cum-PAO (DIT), Delhi
19Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (2)37PAO(Environment), Delhi
38PAO(BSI/ZSI), Kolkata
20Department of Economic Affairs (3)39PAO(Sectt), Delhi
40PAO(Mint), Noida
41PAO(IGM), Kolkata
21Department of Expenditure (5)42PAO-CGA, Delhi
43PAO-PFMS, Delhi
44PAO(DE), Delhi
45PAO, INGAF, Delhi
46CPAO, Delhi
22Department of Financial Services (1)47PAO(Disinvestment), Delhi
23Department of Public Enterprises (1)48PAO, Public Enterprises, New Delhi
24Department of Revenue (20)49PAO(Hqr), CBIC, Delhi
50PAO(Customs), Amritsar
51PAO(Excise), Chandigarh
52PAO(Excise), Jaipur
53PAO(Excise-I), Kolkata
54PAO(Excise), Kolkata
55PAO(Excise), Kolkata
56PAO(Customs), Kolkata
57ZAO(CBDT), Delhi
58ZAO, CBDT, Bareily
59ZAO, CBDT, Ludhiana
60ZAO, CBDT, Chandigarh
61ZAO, CBDT, Panchkula
62ZAO, CBDT, Udaipur
63ZAO, CBDT, Jodhpur
64ZAO, CBDT, Jaipur
65ZAO, CBDT, Amritsar
66ZAO, CBDT, Meerut
67ZAO, (CBDT) Shillong
68ZAO(CBDT), Kolkata
25Ministry of Food Processing Industries (1)69Pr.AO-Cum-PAO, FPI, Delhi
26Department of Health and Family Welfare (5)70PAO(NICD), Delhi
71PAO(LHMC), Delhi
72PAO(Sectt), Delhi
73PAO(RML), Delhi
74PAO(H&FW), Kolkata
27Ministry of Home Affairs (3)75PAO-Census, Delhi
76PAO(DCPW), Delhi
77PAO(Assam Rifle), Shillong
28Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (5)78PAO(Printing), Delhi
79PAO(DGW), Delhi
80PAO (Printing), Kolkata
81PAO(EZ), CPWD, Kolkata
82PAO(NEZ), CPWD, Kolkata
29Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (4)83PAO(Salt), Jaipur
84PAO(Heavy Industry), Delhi
85PAO(SSI), Kolkata
86PAO(SSI), Delhi
30Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (4)87PAO(Main Sectt), Delhi
88PAO(AIR), Kolkata
89PAO(Doordarshan), Kolkata
90PAO(Doordarshan), Guwahati
31Ministry of Jal Shakti (2)91PAO(Hqr), Delhi
92PAO(CGWB), Faridabad
32Ministry of Labour and Employment (2)93PAO(CLC), Delhi
94PAO(Main Sectt), Delhi
33Law and Justice (1)95PAO(Legal Affairs), Delhi
34Ministry of Mines (4)96PAO(Mines), Delhi
97PAO(GSI), Jaipur
98PAO(GSI), Kolkata
99PAO(GSI), Shillong
35Ministry of Minority Affairs (1)100PAO(Minority), Delhi
36Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (1)101Pr.AO-Cum-PAO, MNRE, Delhi
37Ministry of Panchayati Raj (1)102PAO, Panchayti Raj, Delhi
38Ministry of Planning (1)

Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (1)

103PAO(Planning), Delhi
104PAO(Statistics), Kolkata
39Ministry of Power (2)105PAO(CEA) New Delhi
106PAO(Sectt), Delhi
40Department of Rural Development (2)107PAO, Land Resources, Delhi
108Pr.A.O.-Cum-PAO (Sectt), Delhi
41Department of Science and Technology (6)109PAO-DST, Delhi
110PAO(DSIR), Delhi
111PAO(Bio-Technology), Delhi
112RPAO(Survey of India), Dehradun
113RPAO(Survey of India), Jaipur
114RPAO(SI), Kolkata
42Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (7)115PAO(Sectt), Delhi
116PAO(NH), Kolkata
117RPAO(NH), Guwahati
118PAO(Shipping), Delhi
119Pr.A.O.-Cum-PAO, Delhi
120PAO(LHLS), Noida
121PAO(Shipping), Kolkata
43Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (1)122Pr.A.O.-Cum-PAO, Delhi
44Department of Social Justice and Empowerment (1)123PAO(M/o SJE), Delhi
45Ministry of Steel (1)124PAO-Steel, Delhi
46Ministry of Women and Child Development (1)125PAO(WCD), Kolkata
47Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (1)126PAO(Youth Affairs & Sports), Delhi

Source: Lok Sabha PDF


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