Outstanding grievance more than 30 days under CPGRAMS portals |
Outstanding grievance more than 30 days under CPGRAMS portals: CGDA instructs to examine all the grievances outstanding at your end and all efforts may be taken for redressal within 30 days Controller of Defence Accounts Rajendra Path, Patna – 800019 Circular NO. AN/1A/097/XI(CIRCULAR) Dated 25/08/2022 To, The officer in charge 1. All sub offices under CDA Patna 2. All Sections of Main Office Sub:- Outstanding grievance more than 30 days under CPGRAMS portals. **** A copy of Hars Office letter No. AN/Grievance/CPGRAMS/Reminders/2022 dated 22.08.2022 on the above subject matter is forwarded herewith for information, guidance and strict compliance. Further, it is requested to examine all the grievances outstanding at your end and all efforts may be taken for redressal within 30 days. (Ashish Kumar Verma) Dy. CDA (AN) Controller General of Defence Accounts, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.- 110010 F.No. AN/Grievance/CPGRAMS/Reminders/2022 Dated:22.08.2022 The Grievance Officer O/o...