SMS to pensioners regarding submission of Digital Life Certificate: Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DoP&PW) O.M. dated 13.01.2025
SMS to pensioners regarding submission of Digital Life Certificate: Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (DoP&PW) O.M. dated 13.01.2025
F. No. 1(2)/2023-P&PW(H)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 13th January, 2025
Subject: SMS to pensioners regarding submission of Digital Life Certificate
Every Central Government pensioner has to submit Annual Life Certificate in the month of November for further continuation of pension. For the convenience of pensioners, Digital Life Certificates were introduced, where the pensioner can submit annual Life Certificate through digital modes using biometric devices and through Face Authentication.
2. An important requirement for ensuring success of the DLC modes is that DLCs submitted by pensioners are updated in the Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDA) records, thus ensuring continuation of pension. Further, as per extant guidelines. Pension Disbursing Authorities including banks, are required to send SMS messages to the pensioners, confirming acceptance / rejection of their DLC by the PDA. This is essential, to ensure corrective action by pensioners and to ensure continuity of pension. lt has been observed, on account of several representations received from pensioners, that these SMS messages are not being sent by some PDAs on a regular basis, and pension is being discontinued despite DLC submission by the pensioner.
3. In view of the above, all PDAs are requested to ensure updation of DLCs in the PDA records and sending SMS messages of acceptance / rejection of DLCs to the concerned pensioner on T+1 basis. In this regard, OM dated 20th February, 2024 (copy enclosed) may be referred for detailed guidelines.
4. All Pension Disbursing Authorities are requested to take note of this OM for meticulous compliance.
5. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Ravikiran Ubale)
Tel. No. 011-24650580