Migration of Bharatkosh to RBI’s ekuber version 2.0. – UTR No. updation not required – SOP for CPIN Utility: CGA O.M. dated 20.02.2025

 Migration of Bharatkosh to RBI’s ekuber version 2.0. – UTR No. updation not required – SOP for CPIN Utility: CGA O.M. dated 20.02.2025

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
O/o Controller General of Accounts

Dated: 20.02.2025


Subject: Migration of Bharatkosh to RBI’s ekuber version 2.0.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject above and state that Bharatkosh shall be migrated to ekuber version 2.0 w.e.f 22nd February 2025.  This migration shall enable a unique Challan Payment Identification Number (CPIN) to be generated for NEFT/RTGS mode of payment only. Henceforth, the payee will no longer be required to update the UTR on Bharatkosh after successfully transferring the fund.

2. The Standard Operating Procedure on the CPIN utility for payees and Pay and Accounts office is annexed for reference. The office of Pr. CCA/ CCA/CA with independent charge of the Central Ministries/Departments is requested for widespread circulation amongst the concerned stakeholders. A copy of user guide has also been updated on the Bharatkosh website for constantly available reference.

(Anupam Raj)


(A) Introduction

Bharatkosh, formerly known as the Non-Tax Receipt Portal, provides a one-stop solution for the collection and accounting of non-tax receipts for all Ministries and Departments. It is a 24×7 online web-based system that enables citizens, corporates, or any entity to make online payments to the Government through modes like credit cards, debit cards, internet banking, UPI, NEFT, and RTGS for availing services. Additionally, it also facilitates donations to Swachh Bharatkosh, National Disaster Relief Fund as a payment gateway and is integrated with several independent portals for the collection and accounting of receipts.

(B) Need for migration to ekuber 2.0

NEFT/RTGS is one of the payment modes supported by Bharatkosh. At present, non-tax receipts received through NEFT/RTGS mode are processed via ekuber version 1.0 where the payee has to mandatorily enter the UTR on Bharatkosh for verification and reconciliation of receipts received in PAO’s RBI receipt account. Often, the payees transfer funds directly to PAO’s RBI receipt account without generating deposit slips or they miss updating the UTR on Bharatkosh resulting in unreconciled receipts.

In e-Kuber version 2.0, on selection of NEFT/RTGS mode, a unique Challan Payment Identification Number (CPIN) will be generated. On receipt of fund, the RBI will share the Unique Transaction Reference (UTR) which will be automatically updated against the transaction on Bharatkosh. The payee will not be updating the UTR on Bharatkosh portal.

(C) Making payment through Bharatkosh using NEFT/RTGS in ekuber 2.0

If a payee wishes to make payment using the NEFT/ RTGS mode on Bharatkosh, it is advised that the user may first register themselves by following the below steps:

  1. Click on the ‘Register’ button on the Home page.
  2. Enter a valid Mobile No. and E-mail ID; click on the ‘Send OTP’ button.
  3. Enter the OTP sent on the mobile no. provided by the user and click on the ‘Verify’ button.
  4. Enter all the details correctly and click on the ‘Submit’ button. The payee is required to enter a valid Username and password, as per the valid acceptable characters allowed for these fields. The following fields are to be mandatorily filled by the payee in their profile.
  • NEFT-Based Transaction (Depositor will check this checkbox field)
  • Select Bank Name
  • Bank Account Number
  • IFSC Code

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