
Showing posts from February, 2025

भारत पेंशनर्स समाज (BPS) के 8वें वेतन आयोग को प्रस्तुत ज्ञापन का प्रस्तावित अध्याय 2 – संक्षिप्त रूप में- Proposed Chapter 2 of BPS Memorandum to 8th CPC in brief

  अध्याय 2: पेंशन पूर्व-2004 सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों के लिए सिविल सेवा पेंशन सुधार सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों के लिए वित्तीय सुरक्षा और न्यायसंगत पेंशन सुनिश्चित करना आवश्यक है। सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के नकड़ा निर्णय में स्पष्ट किया गया है कि पेंशन कोई अनुकंपा नहीं, बल्कि एक वैधानिक अधिकार है, जो सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों के सामाजिक-आर्थिक न्याय की गारंटी देता है। पेंशनभोगियों को: सम्मान, आत्मनिर्भरता और गरिमा के साथ जीवनयापन की सुविधा हो। सेवानिवृत्ति पूर्व के स्तर के समान जीवन स्तर बनाए रखने की व्यवस्था हो। महंगाई और जीवनयापन लागत का प्रभाव 1 जनवरी 2016 से केंद्रीय पेंशन में कोई संशोधन नहीं हुआ है। महंगाई, आवश्यक वस्तुओं की बढ़ती कीमतों और चिकित्सा खर्चों में वृद्धि के कारण पेंशनभोगियों के लिए जीवनयापन कठिन हो गया है। पेंशन सुधार प्रस्ताव 1. पेंशन दर में संशोधन न्यूनतम पेंशन: 8वें वेतन आयोग के कल्पित वेतन (notional pay) का 65% (अंतिम वेतनमान या अंतिम 10 महीनों के वेतन औसत में से जो अधिक लाभकारी हो)।  (TECS की 5वें वेतन आयोग रिपोर्ट के अनुसार)। पारिवारिक पेंशन: अंतिम वेत...

Effect of compulsory retirement or dismissal or removal from railway service on the accumulated pension corpus under NPS in respect of railway servant covered under the National Pension System

RBE No. 15/2025 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAY) (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2025/F(E)III/NPS1/1 New Delhi, dated: 13.02.2025. The General Managers/Principal Financial Advisers, All Zonal Railways/Production Units etc., DGs of RDSO and NAIR. Subject: Effect of compulsory retirement or dismissal or removal from railway service on the accumulated pension corpus under NPS in respect of railway servant covered under the National Pension System -reg. The New Pension Scheme (now called as National Pension System(NPS)) was introduced vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs’ notification No. 5/7/2003-ECB & PR dated 22.12.2003. It was provided that the NPS would be mandatory for all new recruits to the Central Government service from 1st of January, 2004 except Armed Forces. The same was adopted on Railways vide Board’s letter No. F(E)II/2003/PN 1/24 dated 31.12.2003. 2. In cases where a railway servant covered under NPS is compulsorily reti...

Migration of Bharatkosh to RBI’s ekuber version 2.0. – UTR No. updation not required – SOP for CPIN Utility: CGA O.M. dated 20.02.2025

 Migration of Bharatkosh to RBI’s ekuber version 2.0. – UTR No. updation not required – SOP for CPIN Utility: CGA O.M. dated 20.02.2025 I-126/3/2022-ITD-CGA/391 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure O/o Controller General of Accounts GIFMIS-PFMS Division Dated: 20.02.2025 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Migration of Bharatkosh to RBI’s ekuber version 2.0. The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject above and state that Bharatkosh shall be migrated to ekuber version 2.0 w.e.f 22nd February 2025.  This migration shall enable a unique Challan Payment Identification Number (CPIN) to be generated for NEFT/RTGS mode of payment only. Henceforth, the payee will no longer be required to update the UTR on Bharatkosh after successfully transferring the fund. 2. The Standard Operating Procedure on the CPIN utility for payees and Pay and Accounts office is annexed for reference. The office of Pr. CCA/ CCA/CA with independent charge of the Central Ministries/D...

Perpetual Aadhaar Alignment Problem (PAAP)

  Perpetual Aadhaar Alignment Problem (PAAP) and how inconsistencies in Aadhaar details create long-term issues for individuals in India. Key points from the article include: Identity Document Mismatch : Most people in India have multiple identity documents like Aadhaar, ration cards, PAN cards, bank passbooks, etc. Government departments are increasingly insisting on consistent demographic details across these documents. Problems with Aadhaar Corrections : Aadhaar corrections are becoming harder due to restricted correction options by UIDAI. A minor correction can require long and costly visits to Aadhaar Seva Kendras, along with documents many do not possess. Fixing one discrepancy can create another in a different document (e.g., changing Aadhaar to match a bank passbook might misalign it with a PAN card). Challenges for Children and Schools : Aadhaar is practically compulsory for schoolchildren, and a new APAAR (Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry) number is also r...

8th Pay Commission Fitment Factor: NC-JCM Seeks Uniform Fitment For Central Govt Employees Regardless Of Pay Bands

8th Pay Commission Salary Revision: NC-JCM Seeks Uniform Fitment For Central Govt Employees Regardless Of Pay Bands The NC-JCM is an official body made up of bureaucrats and labor union leaders has said that it want the fitment factor to be same across all pay bands, whether it is Pay Band 1 or Pay Band 4. The National Council of Joint Consultative Machinery is negotiating with the 8th Pay Commission to set up a uniform fitment factor to revise central government employees’ salaries across all pay bands. This would ensure that all employees, regardless of their pay bands, would receive the same multiplication factor when their salaries are revised, NDTV reported. The NC-JCM is an official body made up of bureaucrats and labor union leaders. Its aim is to use conversation to settle any disagreements between the government and its employees. “We want the fitment factor to be same across all pay bands, whether it is Pay Band 1 or Pay Band 4. This will be our demand before the 8th Pay Comm...

Establishing Timely Compliance Mechanism for Court Orders to reduce the Contempt Cases in the Country: Ministry of Law and Justice Memorandum dated 03.01.2025 No. N-17/22/2024-NM (E-9819)

  Establishing Timely Compliance Mechanism for Court Orders to reduce the Contempt Cases in the Country: Ministry of Law and Justice Memorandum dated 03.01.2025 No. N-17/22/2024-NM (E-9819) Government of India Ministry of Law and Justice Department of Justice NMJR-I Section *** Jaisalmer House, 26 Man Singh Road, New Delhi- 110 011. Dated, the 3rd January, 2025 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: Mentioning of Matters of Urgent Public Importance-Special Mention raised by Dr. Ashok Kumar Mittal, MP. During the 266th Session of the Parliament in Rajya Sabha on 04.12.2024 Dr. Ashok Kumar Mittal, Hon’ble Member of Parliament (MP) has made a special mention of increasing contempt cases in the country as matter of urgent public importance. He suggested that the Government should establish an effective compliance mechanism to comply the orders of the courts in a time bound manner to get the justice timely by common man. 2. In this regard, all the Ministries/Departments are requested to kindly look...

Bank Dearness Allowance for the months of February, March and April 2025 for Workmen and Officer Employees in banks @ 21.22% under XI BPS/ 9th Joint Note dated 08.03.2024: IBA Order dated 20.02.2025

  Bank Dearness Allowance for the months of February, March and April 2025 for Workmen and Officer Employees in banks @ 21.22% under XI BPS/ 9th Joint Note dated 08.03.2024: IBA Order dated 20.02.2025 Indian Banks’ Association HR & Industrial Relations No.CIR/HR&IR/76/D/2024-25/1822 February 20, 2025 All Members of the Association (Designated Officers) Dear Sir/ Madam, Dearness Allowance for Workmen and Officer Employees in banks for the months of February, March and April 2025 under XI BPS/ 9T4 Joint Note dated 08.03.2024 The confirmed All India Average Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (Base 2016 =100) for the quarter ended December 2024 are as follows: – October 2024 144.5 November 2024 144.5 December 2024 143.5 The average CPI of the above is 144.23 and accordingly the number of points over 123.03 are 21.20 (144.23 – 123.03) The last average quarterly CPI was 142.86. Hence, there is an increase of 1.37 points for February, March and April 2025. in terms of cla...

ALL about Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Please Scan the QR code to know all about Bharat Pensioners Samaj  

Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) Proposal for Pensioners

Introduction: To address the healthcare needs of elderly pensioners and reduce overcrowding in hospitals, we propose raising the Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) for Central Government (C.G.) Pensioners to at least Rs 5000/- per month , without any distance restrictions. This will encourage pensioners to opt out of OPD services while ensuring necessary financial support for their healthcare. Justification for FMA Increase Historical Government Estimates The Committee of Secretaries (COS) meeting on 15.04.2010 cited CGHS OPD expenses at Rs 1369 per month for serving personnel (2007-08 estimates). Adjusting for inflation over 16 years , OPD costs have significantly increased. DRPSC Report to Rajya Sabha (2021) The Department-Related Parliamentary Standing Committee (DRPSC) Report 110 (presented on 10.12.2021 ) recommended Rs 3000/- per month for FMA. By 1.1.2026 (likely 8th CPC implementation date), inflation-adjusted costs will exceed Rs 5000/- per month . Key Requests & Sugg...

Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) Proposal for Pensioners

Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) Proposal for Pensioners Introduction: To address the healthcare needs of elderly pensioners and reduce overcrowding in hospitals, we propose raising the Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) for Central Government (C.G.) Pensioners to at least Rs 5000/- per month , without any distance restrictions. This will encourage pensioners to opt out of OPD services while ensuring necessary financial support for their healthcare. Justification for FMA Increase Historical Government Estimates The Committee of Secretaries (COS) meeting on 15.04.2010 cited CGHS OPD expenses at Rs 1369 per month for serving personnel (2007-08 estimates). Adjusting for inflation over 16 years , OPD costs have significantly increased. DRPSC Report to Rajya Sabha (2021) The Department-Related Parliamentary Standing Committee (DRPSC) Report 110 (presented on 10.12.2021 ) recommended Rs 3000/- per month for FMA. By 1.1.2026 (likely 8th CPC implementation date), inflation-adjusted costs wil...

Enhancing Medical Facilities for Pensioners

Enhancing Medical Facilities for Pensioners Introduction Health is a fundamental right, and the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) , RELHS & ECHS   & plays a crucial role in providing healthcare to employees and pensioners. However, limited coverage, outdated rates, and inadequate facilities, inadequate infrastructure and shortage of medical & paramedical staff create significant challenges. Key Issues and Demands: 1. Shortage of Medical Staff CGHS has a shortfall of over 490 doctors, increasing the doctor-to-beneficiary ratio to 1:3500 instead of 1:1000. Immediate recruitment and better incentives are needed to address the gap. 2. Expansion of CGHS Wellness Centres Current 475 units in 80 cities are over crowded; expansion to 150 cities and additional centres in metros is necessary. 3. Revision of CGHS Rates The last revision was in 2024; rates must be updated to reflect current market costs to ensure ...

Enhancing Medical Facilities for Pensioners

Enhancing Medical Facilities for Pensioners Introduction Health is a fundamental right, and the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) , RELHS & ECHS  & plays a crucial role in providing healthcare to employees and pensioners. However, limited coverage, outdated rates, and inadequate facilities, inadequate infrastructure and shortage of medical & paramedical staff create significant challenges. Key Issues and Demands: 1. Shortage of Medical Staff CGHS has a shortfall of over 490 doctors, increasing the doctor-to-beneficiary ratio to 1:3500 instead of 1:1000. Immediate recruitment and better incentives are needed to address the gap. 2. Expansion of CGHS Wellness Centres Current 475 units in 80 cities are over crowded; expansion to 150 cities and additional centres in metros is necessary. 3. Revision of CGHS Rates The last revision was in 2024; rates must be updated to reflect current market costs to ensure q...

Annual Validation of ECHS Membership of Dependents by submission of Life Certificate and Eligibility Document by Primary beneficiaries: ECHS Order 30 Jan 2025

  Annual Validation of ECHS Membership of Dependents by submission of Life Certificate and Eligibility Document by Primary beneficiaries: ECHS Order 30 Jan 2025 Central Organisation ECHS Adjutant General’s Branch Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army), Thimayya Marg, Near Gopinath Circle, Delhi Cantt- 110 010 B/49711-NSC/AG/ECHS/Gen Corr 30 Jan 2025 IHQ of MoD (Air Force) IHQ of MoD (Navy) HQ South Comd (A/ECHS) HQ East Comd (A/ECHS) HQ West Comd (A/ECHS) HQ Central Comd (A/ECHS) HQ Northern Comd (A/ECHS) HQ South West Comd (A/ECHS) HQ ANC HQ SFF & HQ Coast Guard Source Dot Com Private Ltd Plot No 16, Electronic City, Sector-18, Udyog Vihar, Phase-lV, Gurugram Haryana-122001 M/s UTI-ITSL UTI Bhawan, Plot No.3, Sector -11 CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra – 400614. All Regional Centers  ANNUAL VALIDATION OF ECHS MEMBERSHIP OF DEPENDENTS BY SUBMISSION OF LIFE CERTIFICATE AND ELIGIBILITY DOCUMENTS BY PRIMARY BENEFICIARIES 1. Please refer following:- (a) Central Organisation...

Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st July/1st January) for the pensionary benefits to those employees who had retired on 30th of June/31st of December before drawing the same — Clarification on 3rd party as mentioned in the Hon’ble Apex Court’s order dated 06.09.2024

  Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st July/1st January) for the pensionary benefits to those employees who had retired on 30th of June/31st of December before drawing the same — Clarification on 3rd party as mentioned in the Hon’ble Apex Court’s order dated 06.09.2024 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. PC-VI/2020/CC/13 New Delhi, dated: 19.02.2025 The General Managers/ Principal Financial Advisors, All Zonal Railways & Production Units Sub: Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st July/1st January) for the pensionary benefits to those employees who had retired on 30th of June/31st of December before drawing the same — Clarification reg. Ref: Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2020/CC/13 dated 03.12.2024. Attention 1s invited to Board’s letter under reference whereby DOP&T’s instructions/ clarification regarding grant of benefit of notional increment were adopted and circulated to all Zonal Railways/ PUs. 2. In continuation to above, queries were rec...