Subject: Submission of nomination for Arrears of Pension and Commutation of Pension after introduction of Single Pension Application Form ‘Form 6-A’ for Central Government civil employees.


F.No55/13/2023 .-P&PW(C)(Part1) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions -Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare , New Delhi, dated II.09.2024


Subject:  Submission  of  nomination  for  Arrears  of  Pension  and Commutation  of  Pension  after  introduction  of  Single  Pension Application Form ‘Form 6-A’ for Central Government civil employees.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare notification dated 16.07.2024 whereby Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules. 2021 were amended and a new Single Pension Application Form ‘Form 6-A' was introduced for submission by retiring Central Government civil employees for sanction of pension under these rules. This Application Form 6-A’ has replaced the existing 'Form 6’ and also prescribed submission of nomination, family details, undertaking to banks and other details in the single form.

 2.                        The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare vide notification dated 28.03.2014 had introduced a Common Nomination Form ‘Form- A’ for submission of nomination for Arrears of Pension and Commutation of Pension by the Central Government civil employees.

 3.                        The new Single Pension Application Form ‘Form 6-A’, to be filled by retiring Central Government employees includes details of nomination for the Arrears of Pension and Commutation of Pension. Therefore, retiring Central Government employees are required to submit the nomination for these benefits in Form 6-A from the date of its effect as per notification dated 16.07.2024. The Common Nomination Form ‘Form A’ shall not be required to be submitted along with the Form 6-A.

 4.                       However, the Central Government pensioners/family pensioners shall continue to submit nomination for Arrears of Pension/Family Pension and Commutation of Pension in Common Nomination Form ‘Form A’ in the cases where the nomination is submitted separately after the retirement or for any subsequent change in the nomination made earlier by the Central Government pensioner/family pensioner.

 5.                  All Ministries I Departments are requested to bring the contents of these orders to the notice of Controller of Accounts/Pay and Accounts Officers and Attached Offices under them.

6.                   Formal amendments to the CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 and the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 in terms of the decisions contained in this order will be issued in due course.

- -






1.  Copy of Notification No. GSR 410 (E) dated 16.07.2024

Copy of Notification No. GSR 235 (E) dated 28.03.2014

(Vishal Kumar) Under Secretary to Govt of India

Ph No.24644634


New Delhi, the 16th  July, 2024

 G.S.R. 410(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309, and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor- General of India in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021, namely: -

1.               Short title and commencement.-(1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Pension) Amendment Rules, 2024.

(2) They shall come into force after one hundred twenty days from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2.               In the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021, (hereinafter called the said rules), in rule 50, in sub-rule (15), for clause (e), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-

“(e) The Government servant shall submit the up to date details of the family again in Form 6-A at the time of retirement from Government service.”.

3.               In the said rules, in rule 53,-

(a) for sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“(1) Unless otherwise exempted by a general or special order of the Government, the pension case of a Government servant shall be processed through online mode (Bhavishya/e-HRMS) and the retiring officials, who are on e-HRMS, shall submit Form 6-A through e-HRMS (only superannuation cases). Retiring Government servants, who are not on e-HRMS and for cases other than superannuation (i.e. Voluntary retirement, Premature retirement, Permanent absorption in State Government/Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body, Invalidation, Compulsory retirement and Dismissal/Removal from service), shall submit Form 6-A through Bhavishya.”;

(b) in sub-rule (2), in clauses (a) and (b), for “Bhavishya”, the following shall be substituted, namely:- 

“online mode (Bhavishya/e-HRMS)”.

4.               In the said rules, in rule 57, -

(a)          in sub-rule (1), in clause (c) for sub-clause (iii), the following sub-clause shall be substituted, namely:-

                                           “(iii) advise the retiring Government servant to submit Form 6-A”;

(b)          in sub-rule (2), for clause (a), the following clauses hall be substituted, namely:-

“(a) The Government servant shall submit duly completed Form 6-A to the Head of the Office, not later than six months prior to his date of retirement.”;

(c)          in sub-rule (3), in clauses (a) and (b), for “Form 4 and Form 6”, shall respectively be substituted

“Form 6-A”;

(d)          for the proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-

“Provided that where the said form is submitted by the spouse or any other member of the family, the Government servant shall not be entitled to the benefit of commutation of a percentage of pension until he himself subsequently applies for such commutation in accordance with the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981.”

5.               In the said rules, in rule 58, - 

(a)     for sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“(1) A Government servant, who is retiring or has retired for reasons other than superannuation, shall submit Form 6-A to the Head of Office, immediately after the competent authority has approved such retirement or the retirement has become effective, as the case may be.”;

(b)    in sub-rule (2), in clauses (a) and (b), for “Form 4 and Form 6”, “Form 6-A” shall respectively be substituted. 

(c)     for the proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-

“Provided that where the said form is submitted by the spouse or any other member of the family, the Government servant shall not be entitled to the benefit of commutation of pension until he himself subsequently applies for such commutation in accordance with the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981.”

6.               In the said rules, in rule 59, -

(a)     in sub-rule (1), for “Form 4 and Form 6”,  “Form 6-A”  shall respectively be substituted;

(b)    in sub-rule (2), for “rule 58 have”,  “rule 58 has”  shall be substituted.

7.               In the said rules, in rule 60, -

(a)     in sub-rule (1), in clause (i), for “copies of Form 4, Form 6 and an undertaking to the Bank in Format 9”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted;

(b)    in sub-rule (3), for “a copy of each of the Forms”, “copies of Form and Format” shall be substituted;

(c)     in sub-rule (4), for “Form 4 and Form 6”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

8.               In the said rules, in rule 62, in sub-rule (6), in clause (a) for “Form 4 and Form 6”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

9.               In the said rules, in rule 63, in sub-rule (4), in clauses (a) and (b), for “Format 9”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

10.            In the said rules, in rule 80, in sub-rule (5), 

(i)    for the proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-

“Provided that if there is no member of the family eligible to receive family pension on death of Government servant, a member of the family in whose favour a nomination was made by the Government servant for payment of gratuity, shall be allowed to submit Form 6-A in place of Form 10 and the said member of the family shall indicate, the details of his or her Bank Account in Form 6-A.”;

(ii)  for clause (c), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-

“(c) The Head of Office shall send Form 4, Form 10, Format 9 and Format 13 (if applicable) or Form 6A, as the case may be, with Form 7 and a forwarding letter in Format 10, to the Accounts Officer for authorisation of pension, retirement gratuity and family pension, if applicable.”;

11.            In the said rules, in Form 4, in para 1, for “along with Form 6”, “in Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

12.            In the said rules, for “Form 6”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

13.            In the said rules, in Form 7, under the sub-heading “ FORM – 7 CHECK LIST FOR HEAD OF OFFICE FOR TIMELY PROCESSING OF RETIREMENT DUES”, item 9 and item 10 shall be omitted. 

14.            In the said rules, in Format 10, under the sub-heading “Enclosures”,-

(a)             for item 2, the following item clause shall be substituted, namely:-

    “2. Form 6-A or Form 10”

(b)            for item 3, the following item clause shall be substituted, namely:-

“3. In case of Form 10, details of family in Form 4 and undertaking to the Bank in Format 9”

(c)             for item 4, the following item clause shall be substituted, namely:-

“4. Form 7 or Form 11 duly completed, along with enclosures and checklists.”


[F. No. 55/13/2023-P&PW(C)] DHRUBAJYOTI SENGUPTA, Jt. Secy.






Form 6-A

[See rules 50, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63 and 80]

A. Particulars to be obtained by the Head of Office from the retiring/retired Government Servant





2.5cm x 3.5cm



1.   Detail of Government servant:



Designation/ Rank


Date of birth


Date of retirement






Aadhaar No




2.   Address after retirement for future correspondence:

Flat/House No./Bldg. Name




Village & Post Office/Block


City &District




Pin Code


Mobile No


Telephone No.(If any)


E-mail ID


Alternate E-mail ID


3.   Details of Bank through which Pension is to be drawn:

Type of A/c 


     Single/ Joint with Spouse 

A/c  No.


Bank's Name


Branch Address




Note 1: Please attach a copy of the first page of passbook/cancelled cheque/document showing the name of Account

Holder. (The name should be the same in the bank account, this form and the office records.) 

Note 2: Please ensure that the Government servant is the Primary Account holder in the Joint Account 

Note 3: In case Head of Office is satisfied that it is not possible for the retiring Government servant to open a joint account for reasons beyond his / her control, this requirement may be relaxed. 

4.   Details of member of the family of Government servant who has been authorized under Rule 57(3) to submit this Form on behalf of the retiring/retired Government servant (if applicable):



Relationship with the Government servant


Aadhaar No.




Flat/House No./Bldg. Name




Village & Post Office/Block


City &District




Pin Code


Mobile No.


Telephone No.(If any)


E-mail ID


Reason(s) for nonsubmission of form by government servant



5.   I desire to commute ___________% (in words) of my pension under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021 in accordance with the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981.

Note: A member of family who has been authorised under Rule 57(3) to submit this Form on behalf of the retiring/retired Government servant shall not be eligible to apply for commutation of pension.  

6.   Indicate whether family pension is also admissible from any other source - Military or State Government or Public sector undertaking/ autonomous body/ local fund under the Central or State Govt: Yes/No

7.   Whether any departmental or judicial proceedings pending against the Government servant? If so, the details thereof:

8.   Whether the Government servant wants to receive Pension Payment Order (PPO) in Office through Head of Office?: Yes/No


(Tick the statement which is applicable)

(1) I am satisfied with the length of qualifying service to be reckoned for pension and gratuity, as intimated by the Head of Office under Rule 57(1)(c)


I am not satisfied with the length of qualifying service to be reckoned for pension and gratuity, as intimated by the Head of Office under Rule 57(1)(c) and I have submitted a representation in this respect separately.


I have not been intimated about the length of qualifying service to be reckoned for pension and gratuity.

(2) I am satisfied with the emoluments and average emoluments to be reckoned for pension and gratuity, as intimated by the Head of Office under Rule 57(1)(c).


I am not satisfied with the emoluments and average emoluments to be reckoned for pension and gratuity, as intimated by the Head of Office under Rule 57(1)(c) and I have submitted a representation in this respect separately.


I have not been intimated about the emoluments and average emoluments to be reckoned for pension and gratuity. 

(3) I am aware that future good conduct of the pensioner/family pensioner shall be an implied condition for every grant of pension/family pension and its continuance. Enclosures: As per list attached


Note 1: Commutation of pension is optional. Item 5 may be struck off if the retiring Government servant does not desire to commute pension.

Note 2: A separate application for commutation of superannuation pension in Form 1-A of Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 is required to be submitted in case the retiring/retired Government servant desires to apply for commutation of pension after submission of this form.

Note 3: Commutation of pension after one year or for commutation of pension in case of compulsory retirementpension/invalidpension/compassionate allowance will be applied in Form-2 of Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981.


Note 4: Aadhaar Number. if provided, consent to link it to bank account and also for authentication of identity from UIDAI for pension related purpose only, is presumed.


B.I Details of Family Members

[See rules 50 (15), 57, 58, 59, 60, 62 and 80]


1.                   The details of all members of family (whether eligible for family pension or not, who are alive as on date) including spouse, all children, parents/parents in law and disabled siblings (brothers and sisters) may be given. 

2.                   The fact regarding disability or change of marital status of a family member should also be indicated in the

‘Remarks’ column. 

3.                   Wife and husband shall include judicially separated wife and husband. 





Date of Birth


Aadhaar No.

Relationship with Govt. Servant

Marital Status












































































(i)           In case of new addition of name, not included in service book, proof of date of birth is to be submitted.

(ii)          In the case, Form 6-A is being submitted by any person other than Government servant and spouse, the family member details already submitted by the Government servant shall be added in the details and no change in the family member details shall be allowed.

B.II       Whether any member of the family (other than spouse), as above, is proposed to be co- authorized for family pension i.e permanently disabled child/Dependent Parents/Permanently disabled siblings [Rule 63(1) and 79(2)]: 


      If yes, the details regarding co-authorised family member (s) may be given as under:


Name of the family members to be co













Name of the family member coauthorised


Signature/ left hand thumb



Personal mark of identification

Details of pension/ family pension from other sources (if any)


Tel/Mob No. and email ID

Details of






(If Bank Account

details are











A/c No-
















A/c No-















A/c No-




B.III    In case the family member(s) to be co-authorised, suffering from disorder or disability of mind, including mental retardation, details of guardian/ nominee, wherever applicable:




Name of the family member coauthorised

Name of guardian/nominee

Date of Birth of guardian/nominee

Aadhaar No.


Relationship with the Govt


Relationship with mentally disabled family member

Tel/Mob No. and email ID 





































(i)            The name(s) of permanently disabled child/children/siblings and/or dependent parents shall be added in the PPO only if there is no other eligible prior claimant for family pension 

(ii)          The co-authorisation shall become invalid in case any other member of family becomes entitled to family pension prior to the co-authorised family member. 


List of Documents to be submitted/enclosed.

1.  Two specimen signatures (to be furnished in a separate sheet). If the member of the family cannot sign   his        /her name then he/she is required to put the impression of his/her left/right thumb etc. on the document in lieu of specimen signature.

2.  Proof of identity. 

3.  Proof of relationship with the pensioner.

4.  Certificate of age showing date of birth.

5.  A copy of Photo ID proof of the guardian along with proof of Permanent Address.

6.  Two specimen signatures of guardian (to be furnished in a separate sheet if the member of the family is minor or suffering from mental disability) 

7.  If the guardian cannot sign his/her name then he/she is required to put the impression of his/her left/right thumb etc. on the document in lieu of specimen signature. 

8.  Last Income Tax Return failing which Certificate from SDM failing which any other document regarding income in support of the claim for family pension. 


C. Common Nomination Form for Gratuity, General Provident Fund and Central Government Employees' Group Insurance Scheme

[See Rule 46 of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021, Rule 5 of General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 and Para 19.7 of Central Government Employees’ Group Insurance Scheme, 1980]

i.           any amount of gratuity, the payment of which may be authorised under rule 44 and Rule 45 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021

ii.         amount that may stand to my credit in the General Provident Fund

iii.       any amount that may be sanctioned by the Central Government under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980






Type of




Name, date of birth (DOB) and address of the nominee





Relationship with employee/ pensioner






Share to be paid to each


If nominee is minor, name, DOB and

address of person who may

receive the amount on behalf of minor

Name, DOB,

relationship and address of


nominee in case the nominee under Column(2) predeceases the employee






Share to be paid to each

Name,  DOB and

address of person who may receive the amount if

alternate nominee in Column(6) is a minor



Contingency on happening of which nomination shall become invalid
























































































These nominations supersede any nominations made by me earlier.


(i)    In the case, Form 6-A is being submitted by any person other than Government servant, the nomination   already submitted by the Government servant shall be added in the details and no change in the nomination shall be allowed.

(ii)  The nominee(s)/alternate nominee(s)’ shares together should cover the whole amount.

   D. (Common Nomination Form for Arrears of Pension and Commutation of Pension) 

[See Rule 5 of Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 and Rule 7 of Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981] i. Arrears of Pension

ii. Commuted Value of Pension payable under Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981







Type of





date of birth

(DOB) and address

of the nominee





Relationship with employee/ pensioner





Share to be paid to each


If nominee is minor, name, DOB and

address of person who may receive the amount on behalf of minor

Name, DOB,

relationship and address of alternate nominee in case the nominee under Column(2) predeceases the employee





Share to be paid to each


DOB and

address of person who may

receive the amount if alternate nominee in Column(6) is a minor



Contingency on happening of which nomination shall













Value of



























Arrears of



























      These nominations supersede any nominations made by me earlier.


Note: The nominee(s)/alternate nominee(s)’ shares together should cover the whole amount.


E. Undertaking by Government servants who have worked in any Intelligence or Security-related


(See Clause (b) of Sub-rule (4) of Rule 7)


 I,............................,who have worked in …………………..(Name of Organization(s)) on the post of...............................,for the period……….,do here by solemnly declare that, save with prior approval of the Competent Authority, I shall not publish in any manner, while in service or after my retirement, any information or material or knowledge which is related to the domain of the organisation and obtained by virtue of my working in the said Organization. This declaration is notwithstanding my responsibilities and liability, in terms of the relevant conduct rules, pension rules, laws dealing with offences relating to official secrets or national security and Intelligent Organisations (Restriction of Rights) Act, 1985 (58 of 1985), as the case may be. I further agree that in the event of any failure of the above undertaking by me, the decision of the Government as to whether it was likely to prejudicially affect the aspects stated above shall be binding on me.

2.  I am aware that the pension which may be granted to me after retirement, in terms of the relevant pension rules, can be withheld or withdrawn, in full or part, for any failure of this undertaking given.



(i)    Write not applicable for other Ministry/Department/Organization

(ii)  In case, the form is being filled on behalf of government servant, this section may be striked down.


F.     Option for availing Medical Facilities under Central Government Health Scheme or Fixed Medical Allowance after retirement.

I opt the following facility

i.  I will be residing in a CGHS area and would be availing CGHS facility


ii. I will be residing in a CGHS area but would not be availing CGHS facility. I understand that I will not be eligible for Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA)


iii. I will be residing in non-CGHS area but would be availing CGHS facility for In-patient Department (IPD) and Out-patient Department (OPD) treatment. I will not be eligible for FMA


iv. I will be residing in a non-CGHS area but would be availing CGHS facility for IPD treatment only by payment of CGHS contributions. I will also avail FMA for OPD treatment.


v. I will be residing in a non-CGHS area and would not be availing CGHS facility for both IPD treatment and OPD treatment. I will avail FMA.


vi. I will avail medical facilities available to spouse/family members who is an employee/ pensioner of Government/PSU/Autonomous Body. I will not avail CGHS facility and FMA


vii. Avail Medical facility of previous Organization. I will not avail CGHS facility and FMA


viii. Avail Medical Facility of Previous Organization/ ECHS facility/other Health facility. I will not avail CGHS facility and FMA



G.    Undertaking

(See Rules 57, 58, 60, 63 and 80)



The Branch Manager




In consideration of your having, at my request, agreed to make payment of pension due to me every month by credit to my account with you. I the undersigned agree and undertake to refund or make good any amount to which I am not entitled or any amount which may be credited to my account in excess of the amount to which I am or would been titled. I further here by undertake and agree to bind myself and my heirs, successor, executors and administrators to indemnify the bank from and against any loss, suffered or incurred by the bank in so crediting my pension to my account under the scheme and to forthwith pay the same to the bank and also irrevocably authorise the bank (mentioned at the S.No. 3 of Part A) to recover the amount due by debit to my said account or any other account/ deposits belonging to me in the possession of the bank.

        2.   The date of birth of spouse is _             _             and her mark of identification is                                                     


H  - Verification

I     certify that the particulars and declarations given by me in points A to G of this form is true to the best of my knowledge.





Signature of Government servant/Family member

(with name) authorised to submit this Form


The details of the Government Servant given above are verified and found to be in the order.





Signature of HOO



List of additional Documents to be attached with Form 6-A


1.       Two specimen signatures (to be furnished in a separate sheet). If the claimant cannot sign his/her name then he/she is required to put the impression of his/her left/right thumb on the document in lieu of specimen signature.   

2.       Three copies of Joint photograph with spouse or, if it is not possible to submit joint photograph with spouse, separate photographs of self and spouse,  along with three copies of photograph of the member or members of the family whose names are to be included in the Pension Payment Order as a co-authorised family pensioner. (Photographs to be attested by Head of Office).  

3.       Form for submitting details under Anubhav (optional). 

4.       Copy of PAN Card


Note: The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R. 868 (E), dated the 20th December, 2021 and were subsequently amended vide number G.S.R. 770 (E), dated the 7th October, 2022.
































Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064

                                                       and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.  SARVESH KUMAR SRIVASTAVA Digitally signed by SARVESH KUMAR SRIVASTAVA Date: 2024.07.16 21:56:31 +05'30'

14.  S .O. 1529, dated 6.6. 2009

15.  S .O. 2689, dated 03.10. 2010

16.  S.O. 3091, 25th September, dated 2012.


New Delhi, the 16th  July, 2024

 G.S.R. 410(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309, and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor- General of India in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021, namely: -

1.               Short title and commencement.-(1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Pension) Amendment Rules, 2024.

(2) They shall come into force after one hundred twenty days from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2.               In the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021, (hereinafter called the said rules), in rule 50, in sub-rule (15), for clause (e), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-

“(e) The Government servant shall submit the up to date details of the family again in Form 6-A at the time of retirement from Government service.”.

3.               In the said rules, in rule 53,-

(a) for sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“(1) Unless otherwise exempted by a general or special order of the Government, the pension case of a Government servant shall be processed through online mode (Bhavishya/e-HRMS) and the retiring officials, who are on e-HRMS, shall submit Form 6-A through e-HRMS (only superannuation cases). Retiring Government servants, who are not on e-HRMS and for cases other than superannuation (i.e. Voluntary retirement, Premature retirement, Permanent absorption in State Government/Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Body, Invalidation, Compulsory retirement and Dismissal/Removal from service), shall submit Form 6-A through Bhavishya.”;

(b) in sub-rule (2), in clauses (a) and (b), for “Bhavishya”, the following shall be substituted, namely:- 

“online mode (Bhavishya/e-HRMS)”.

4.               In the said rules, in rule 57, -

(a)          in sub-rule (1), in clause (c) for sub-clause (iii), the following sub-clause shall be substituted, namely:-

                                           “(iii) advise the retiring Government servant to submit Form 6-A”;

(b)          in sub-rule (2), for clause (a), the following clauses hall be substituted, namely:-

“(a) The Government servant shall submit duly completed Form 6-A to the Head of the Office, not later than six months prior to his date of retirement.”;

(c)          in sub-rule (3), in clauses (a) and (b), for “Form 4 and Form 6”, shall respectively be substituted

“Form 6-A”;

(d)          for the proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-

“Provided that where the said form is submitted by the spouse or any other member of the family, the Government servant shall not be entitled to the benefit of commutation of a percentage of pension until he himself subsequently applies for such commutation in accordance with the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981.”

5.               In the said rules, in rule 58, - 

(a)     for sub-rule (1), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“(1) A Government servant, who is retiring or has retired for reasons other than superannuation, shall submit Form 6-A to the Head of Office, immediately after the competent authority has approved such retirement or the retirement has become effective, as the case may be.”;

(b)    in sub-rule (2), in clauses (a) and (b), for “Form 4 and Form 6”, “Form 6-A” shall respectively be substituted. 

(c)     for the proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-

“Provided that where the said form is submitted by the spouse or any other member of the family, the Government servant shall not be entitled to the benefit of commutation of pension until he himself subsequently applies for such commutation in accordance with the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981.”

6.               In the said rules, in rule 59, -

(a)     in sub-rule (1), for “Form 4 and Form 6”,  “Form 6-A”  shall respectively be substituted;

(b)    in sub-rule (2), for “rule 58 have”,  “rule 58 has”  shall be substituted.

7.               In the said rules, in rule 60, -

(a)     in sub-rule (1), in clause (i), for “copies of Form 4, Form 6 and an undertaking to the Bank in Format 9”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted;

(b)    in sub-rule (3), for “a copy of each of the Forms”, “copies of Form and Format” shall be substituted;

(c)     in sub-rule (4), for “Form 4 and Form 6”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

8.               In the said rules, in rule 62, in sub-rule (6), in clause (a) for “Form 4 and Form 6”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

9.               In the said rules, in rule 63, in sub-rule (4), in clauses (a) and (b), for “Format 9”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

10.            In the said rules, in rule 80, in sub-rule (5), 

(i)    for the proviso, the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-

“Provided that if there is no member of the family eligible to receive family pension on death of Government servant, a member of the family in whose favour a nomination was made by the Government servant for payment of gratuity, shall be allowed to submit Form 6-A in place of Form 10 and the said member of the family shall indicate, the details of his or her Bank Account in Form 6-A.”;

(ii)  for clause (c), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-

“(c) The Head of Office shall send Form 4, Form 10, Format 9 and Format 13 (if applicable) or Form 6A, as the case may be, with Form 7 and a forwarding letter in Format 10, to the Accounts Officer for authorisation of pension, retirement gratuity and family pension, if applicable.”;

11.            In the said rules, in Form 4, in para 1, for “along with Form 6”, “in Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

12.            In the said rules, for “Form 6”, “Form 6-A” shall be substituted.

13.            In the said rules, in Form 7, under the sub-heading “ FORM – 7 CHECK LIST FOR HEAD OF OFFICE FOR TIMELY PROCESSING OF RETIREMENT DUES”, item 9 and item 10 shall be omitted. 

14.            In the said rules, in Format 10, under the sub-heading “Enclosures”,-

(a)             for item 2, the following item clause shall be substituted, namely:-

    “2. Form 6-A or Form 10”

(b)            for item 3, the following item clause shall be substituted, namely:-

“3. In case of Form 10, details of family in Form 4 and undertaking to the Bank in Format 9”

(c)             for item 4, the following item clause shall be substituted, namely:-

“4. Form 7 or Form 11 duly completed, along with enclosures and checklists.”


[F. No. 55/13/2023-P&PW(C)] DHRUBAJYOTI SENGUPTA, Jt. Secy.






Form 6-A

[See rules 50, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63 and 80]

A. Particulars to be obtained by the Head of Office from the retiring/retired Government Servant





2.5cm x 3.5cm



1.   Detail of Government servant:



Designation/ Rank


Date of birth


Date of retirement






Aadhaar No




2.   Address after retirement for future correspondence:

Flat/House No./Bldg. Name




Village & Post Office/Block


City &District




Pin Code


Mobile No


Telephone No.(If any)


E-mail ID


Alternate E-mail ID


3.   Details of Bank through which Pension is to be drawn:

Type of A/c 


     Single/ Joint with Spouse 

A/c  No.


Bank's Name


Branch Address




Note 1: Please attach a copy of the first page of passbook/cancelled cheque/document showing the name of Account

Holder. (The name should be the same in the bank account, this form and the office records.) 

Note 2: Please ensure that the Government servant is the Primary Account holder in the Joint Account 

Note 3: In case Head of Office is satisfied that it is not possible for the retiring Government servant to open a joint account for reasons beyond his / her control, this requirement may be relaxed. 

4.   Details of member of the family of Government servant who has been authorized under Rule 57(3) to submit this Form on behalf of the retiring/retired Government servant (if applicable):



Relationship with the Government servant


Aadhaar No.




Flat/House No./Bldg. Name




Village & Post Office/Block


City &District




Pin Code


Mobile No.


Telephone No.(If any)


E-mail ID


Reason(s) for nonsubmission of form by government servant



5.   I desire to commute ___________% (in words) of my pension under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021 in accordance with the provisions of the Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981.

Note: A member of family who has been authorised under Rule 57(3) to submit this Form on behalf of the retiring/retired Government servant shall not be eligible to apply for commutation of pension.  

6.   Indicate whether family pension is also admissible from any other source - Military or State Government or Public sector undertaking/ autonomous body/ local fund under the Central or State Govt: Yes/No

7.   Whether any departmental or judicial proceedings pending against the Government servant? If so, the details thereof:

8.   Whether the Government servant wants to receive Pension Payment Order (PPO) in Office through Head of Office?: Yes/No


(Tick the statement which is applicable)

(1) I am satisfied with the length of qualifying service to be reckoned for pension and gratuity, as intimated by the Head of Office under Rule 57(1)(c)


I am not satisfied with the length of qualifying service to be reckoned for pension and gratuity, as intimated by the Head of Office under Rule 57(1)(c) and I have submitted a representation in this respect separately.


I have not been intimated about the length of qualifying service to be reckoned for pension and gratuity.

(2) I am satisfied with the emoluments and average emoluments to be reckoned for pension and gratuity, as intimated by the Head of Office under Rule 57(1)(c).


I am not satisfied with the emoluments and average emoluments to be reckoned for pension and gratuity, as intimated by the Head of Office under Rule 57(1)(c) and I have submitted a representation in this respect separately.


I have not been intimated about the emoluments and average emoluments to be reckoned for pension and gratuity. 

(3) I am aware that future good conduct of the pensioner/family pensioner shall be an implied condition for every grant of pension/family pension and its continuance. Enclosures: As per list attached


Note 1: Commutation of pension is optional. Item 5 may be struck off if the retiring Government servant does not desire to commute pension.

Note 2: A separate application for commutation of superannuation pension in Form 1-A of Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 is required to be submitted in case the retiring/retired Government servant desires to apply for commutation of pension after submission of this form.

Note 3: Commutation of pension after one year or for commutation of pension in case of compulsory retirementpension/invalidpension/compassionate allowance will be applied in Form-2 of Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981.


Note 4: Aadhaar Number. if provided, consent to link it to bank account and also for authentication of identity from UIDAI for pension related purpose only, is presumed.


B.I Details of Family Members

[See rules 50 (15), 57, 58, 59, 60, 62 and 80]


1.                   The details of all members of family (whether eligible for family pension or not, who are alive as on date) including spouse, all children, parents/parents in law and disabled siblings (brothers and sisters) may be given. 

2.                   The fact regarding disability or change of marital status of a family member should also be indicated in the

‘Remarks’ column. 

3.                   Wife and husband shall include judicially separated wife and husband. 





Date of Birth


Aadhaar No.

Relationship with Govt. Servant

Marital Status












































































(i)           In case of new addition of name, not included in service book, proof of date of birth is to be submitted.

(ii)          In the case, Form 6-A is being submitted by any person other than Government servant and spouse, the family member details already submitted by the Government servant shall be added in the details and no change in the family member details shall be allowed.

B.II       Whether any member of the family (other than spouse), as above, is proposed to be co- authorized for family pension i.e permanently disabled child/Dependent Parents/Permanently disabled siblings [Rule 63(1) and 79(2)]: 


      If yes, the details regarding co-authorised family member (s) may be given as under:


Name of the family members to be co













Name of the family member coauthorised


Signature/ left hand thumb



Personal mark of identification

Details of pension/ family pension from other sources (if any)


Tel/Mob No. and email ID

Details of






(If Bank Account

details are











A/c No-
















A/c No-















A/c No-




B.III    In case the family member(s) to be co-authorised, suffering from disorder or disability of mind, including mental retardation, details of guardian/ nominee, wherever applicable:




Name of the family member coauthorised

Name of guardian/nominee

Date of Birth of guardian/nominee

Aadhaar No.


Relationship with the Govt


Relationship with mentally disabled family member

Tel/Mob No. and email ID 





































(i)            The name(s) of permanently disabled child/children/siblings and/or dependent parents shall be added in the PPO only if there is no other eligible prior claimant for family pension 

(ii)          The co-authorisation shall become invalid in case any other member of family becomes entitled to family pension prior to the co-authorised family member. 


List of Documents to be submitted/enclosed.

1.  Two specimen signatures (to be furnished in a separate sheet). If the member of the family cannot sign   his        /her name then he/she is required to put the impression of his/her left/right thumb etc. on the document in lieu of specimen signature.

2.  Proof of identity. 

3.  Proof of relationship with the pensioner.

4.  Certificate of age showing date of birth.

5.  A copy of Photo ID proof of the guardian along with proof of Permanent Address.

6.  Two specimen signatures of guardian (to be furnished in a separate sheet if the member of the family is minor or suffering from mental disability) 

7.  If the guardian cannot sign his/her name then he/she is required to put the impression of his/her left/right thumb etc. on the document in lieu of specimen signature. 

8.  Last Income Tax Return failing which Certificate from SDM failing which any other document regarding income in support of the claim for family pension. 


C. Common Nomination Form for Gratuity, General Provident Fund and Central Government Employees' Group Insurance Scheme

[See Rule 46 of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021, Rule 5 of General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 and Para 19.7 of Central Government Employees’ Group Insurance Scheme, 1980]

i.           any amount of gratuity, the payment of which may be authorised under rule 44 and Rule 45 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021

ii.         amount that may stand to my credit in the General Provident Fund

iii.       any amount that may be sanctioned by the Central Government under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980






Type of




Name, date of birth (DOB) and address of the nominee





Relationship with employee/ pensioner






Share to be paid to each


If nominee is minor, name, DOB and

address of person who may

receive the amount on behalf of minor

Name, DOB,

relationship and address of


nominee in case the nominee under Column(2) predeceases the employee






Share to be paid to each

Name,  DOB and

address of person who may receive the amount if

alternate nominee in Column(6) is a minor



Contingency on happening of which nomination shall become invalid
























































































These nominations supersede any nominations made by me earlier.


(i)    In the case, Form 6-A is being submitted by any person other than Government servant, the nomination   already submitted by the Government servant shall be added in the details and no change in the nomination shall be allowed.

(ii)  The nominee(s)/alternate nominee(s)’ shares together should cover the whole amount.

   D. (Common Nomination Form for Arrears of Pension and Commutation of Pension) 

[See Rule 5 of Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 and Rule 7 of Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981] i. Arrears of Pension

ii. Commuted Value of Pension payable under Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981







Type of





date of birth

(DOB) and address

of the nominee





Relationship with employee/ pensioner





Share to be paid to each


If nominee is minor, name, DOB and

address of person who may receive the amount on behalf of minor

Name, DOB,

relationship and address of alternate nominee in case the nominee under Column(2) predeceases the employee





Share to be paid to each


DOB and

address of person who may

receive the amount if alternate nominee in Column(6) is a minor



Contingency on happening of which nomination shall













Value of



























Arrears of



























      These nominations supersede any nominations made by me earlier.


Note: The nominee(s)/alternate nominee(s)’ shares together should cover the whole amount.


E. Undertaking by Government servants who have worked in any Intelligence or Security-related


(See Clause (b) of Sub-rule (4) of Rule 7)


 I,............................,who have worked in …………………..(Name of Organization(s)) on the post of...............................,for the period……….,do here by solemnly declare that, save with prior approval of the Competent Authority, I shall not publish in any manner, while in service or after my retirement, any information or material or knowledge which is related to the domain of the organisation and obtained by virtue of my working in the said Organization. This declaration is notwithstanding my responsibilities and liability, in terms of the relevant conduct rules, pension rules, laws dealing with offences relating to official secrets or national security and Intelligent Organisations (Restriction of Rights) Act, 1985 (58 of 1985), as the case may be. I further agree that in the event of any failure of the above undertaking by me, the decision of the Government as to whether it was likely to prejudicially affect the aspects stated above shall be binding on me.

2.  I am aware that the pension which may be granted to me after retirement, in terms of the relevant pension rules, can be withheld or withdrawn, in full or part, for any failure of this undertaking given.



(i)    Write not applicable for other Ministry/Department/Organization

(ii)  In case, the form is being filled on behalf of government servant, this section may be striked down.


F.     Option for availing Medical Facilities under Central Government Health Scheme or Fixed Medical Allowance after retirement.

I opt the following facility

i.  I will be residing in a CGHS area and would be availing CGHS facility


ii. I will be residing in a CGHS area but would not be availing CGHS facility. I understand that I will not be eligible for Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA)


iii. I will be residing in non-CGHS area but would be availing CGHS facility for In-patient Department (IPD) and Out-patient Department (OPD) treatment. I will not be eligible for FMA


iv. I will be residing in a non-CGHS area but would be availing CGHS facility for IPD treatment only by payment of CGHS contributions. I will also avail FMA for OPD treatment.


v. I will be residing in a non-CGHS area and would not be availing CGHS facility for both IPD treatment and OPD treatment. I will avail FMA.


vi. I will avail medical facilities available to spouse/family members who is an employee/ pensioner of Government/PSU/Autonomous Body. I will not avail CGHS facility and FMA


vii. Avail Medical facility of previous Organization. I will not avail CGHS facility and FMA


viii. Avail Medical Facility of Previous Organization/ ECHS facility/other Health facility. I will not avail CGHS facility and FMA



G.    Undertaking

(See Rules 57, 58, 60, 63 and 80)



The Branch Manager




In consideration of your having, at my request, agreed to make payment of pension due to me every month by credit to my account with you. I the undersigned agree and undertake to refund or make good any amount to which I am not entitled or any amount which may be credited to my account in excess of the amount to which I am or would been titled. I further here by undertake and agree to bind myself and my heirs, successor, executors and administrators to indemnify the bank from and against any loss, suffered or incurred by the bank in so crediting my pension to my account under the scheme and to forthwith pay the same to the bank and also irrevocably authorise the bank (mentioned at the S.No. 3 of Part A) to recover the amount due by debit to my said account or any other account/ deposits belonging to me in the possession of the bank.

        2.   The date of birth of spouse is _             _             and her mark of identification is                                                     


H  - Verification

I     certify that the particulars and declarations given by me in points A to G of this form is true to the best of my knowledge.





Signature of Government servant/Family member

(with name) authorised to submit this Form


The details of the Government Servant given above are verified and found to be in the order.





Signature of HOO



List of additional Documents to be attached with Form 6-A


1.       Two specimen signatures (to be furnished in a separate sheet). If the claimant cannot sign his/her name then he/she is required to put the impression of his/her left/right thumb on the document in lieu of specimen signature.   

2.       Three copies of Joint photograph with spouse or, if it is not possible to submit joint photograph with spouse, separate photographs of self and spouse,  along with three copies of photograph of the member or members of the family whose names are to be included in the Pension Payment Order as a co-authorised family pensioner. (Photographs to be attested by Head of Office).  

3.       Form for submitting details under Anubhav (optional). 

4.       Copy of PAN Card


Note: The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R. 868 (E), dated the 20th December, 2021 and were subsequently amended vide number G.S.R. 770 (E), dated the 7th October, 2022.



 7.16 21:56:31 +05'30'

14.  S .O. 1529, dated 6.6. 2009

15.  S .O. 2689, dated 03.10. 2010

16.  S.O. 3091, 25th September, dated 2012. 

Nomination for Arrears of Pension and Commutation of Pension after introduction of Single Pension Application Form ‘Form 6-A’ for Central Government civil employees vide CCS (Pension) Amendment Rules 2024: DoP&PW O.M. dated 11.09.2024

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare

Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated 11.09.2024


Subject: Submission of nomination for Arrears of Pension and Commutation of Pension after introduction of Single Pension Application Form ‘Form 6-A’ for Central Government civil employees.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare notification dated 16.07.2024 whereby Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021 were amended and a new Single Pension Application Form ‘Form 6-A’ was introduced for submission by retiring Central Government civil employees for sanction of pension under these rules. This Application ‘Form 6-A’ has replaced the existing ‘Form 6’ and also prescribed submission of nomination, family details, undertaking to banks and other details in the single form.

2. The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare vide notification dated 28.03.2014 had introduced a Common Nomination Form ‘Form- A’ for Submission of nomination for Arrears of Pension and Commutation of Pension by the Central Government civil employees.

3. The new Single Pension Application Form ‘Form 6-A’, to be filled by retiring Central Government employees includes details of nomination for the Arrears of Pension and Commutation of Pension. Therefore, retiring Central Government employees are required to submit the nomination for these benefits in Form 6-A from the date of its effect as per notification dated 16.07.2024. The Common Nomination Form ‘Form A’ shall not be required to be submitted along with the Form 6-A

4. However, the Central Government pensioners/family pensioners shall continue to submit nomination for Arrears of Pension/Family Pension and Commutation of Pension in Common Nomination Form ‘Form A’ in the cases where the nomination is submitted separately after the retirement or for any subsequent change in the nomination made earlier by the Central Government pensioner/family pensioner.

5. All Ministries / Departments are requested to bring the contents of these orders to the notice of Controller of Accounts/Pay and Accounts Officers and Attached Offices under them.

6. Formal amendments to the CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 and the Payment of Arrears of Pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 in terms of the decisions contained in this order will be issued in due course.


  1. Copy of Notification No. GSR 410 (E) dated 16.07.2024
  2. Copy of Notification No. GSR 235 (E) dated 28.03.2014

(Vishal Kumar)
Under Secretary to Govt of India
Ph No. 24644634


  1. All Central Government Ministries / Departments.
  2. Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi.
  3. C&AG, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi.
  4. CGA, Department of Expenditure. INA, New Delhi.
  5. NIC for posting on the website of this Department

 the PDF 


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