1. No.2024/I & Trans. Cell/Healthcare / P dated 29.08.24 by Ministry of Railways /Railway Board
  2. Gov. Ministry of Health & FW, OM No.Z 15025 /105 /2017 /DIR / CGHS/EHS dated 09.11.2017.
  3. Gazette notification No.R-12013/01/2022/Ethics of 02.08.2023
  4. RB Lr. No.2018/Tran cell/Health/Medical issues of 24.01.2019.
  5. RB Lr. No.2021/H-1/10/MOU of 20.11.2023
  6. RB Lr. No.2009/H/6-4/Policy of 09.04.2015
  7. RB Lr. No.2018/Transcell/Health/CGHS(eOFF.No.3270783) of 16.06.2021

IR’s Digital Health Infrastructure (HMIS)

The railway serving employees, pensioners, and their dependent beneficiaries coming under RELHS and having UMID cards:

  • a. Are entitled to medical treatment, services, and medicines at RHs/RHUs.
  • b. If not having a UMID card, their UMID card number would be generated at the first opportunity with reference to PPO and Aadhar when they approach RH/RHU for treatment, but they should not be denied treatment.

Remaining details/fields in UMID cards would be verified and filled up in the HMIS Database.

Additional Provision:

  • a. The servants, attendants, or non-dependents who are temporarily staying with the railway employee or pensioner, if needing medical attention, could avail treatment/services/medicines at RHs/RHUs as private patients on PAYMENT at city-specific CGHS rates or as prescribed by Railways wherever CGHS rates are not available.
  • b. Such treatment for non-dependents shall be limited to the jurisdiction of RHs/RHUs where the employee or pensioner resides.
  • c. This jurisdiction will be mentioned in HMIS, and for all other RHs/RHUs, such usage is prohibited and the system to those other RHs/RHUs would be blocked.
  • d. All transaction slips in HRMS with respect to treatment for such non-dependents as private patients shall capture the name, relationship, Aadhar card of the patient along with OTP-based confirmation by the primary UMID cardholder and payment.
  • e. All such transactions will reflect in the HMIS profile of the primary cardholder.

Pan-IR UMID card: For serving staff, pensioners, and dependent beneficiaries. A QR-based Pan-IR UMID card will be issued, on request, through HMIS at Rs.100/card.

e-UMID: All UMID cards, as 'issued Document' will be in Digi-Locker of the Primary cardholder (pensioner) and available in the 'Beneficiary Profile' on the HMIS app.

Special instructions for the Primary UMID card holder (PCH)

  • UMID card is non-transferable.
  • Misuse of the UMID card shall be liable for proceedings under DAR/Civil/Criminal proceedings.
  • Card to be kept in safe custody and used scrupulously.
  • Changes or updates are the responsibility of the PCH.
  • When a fresh card is required due to any changes in HMIS, the card shall be blocked, and a fresh card shall be applied for.
  • Loss/Theft of the card shall be immediately reported by the PCH to the Medical Officer/CMS along with an FIR copy, and the card will be blocked in HMIS.

Pan-IR UMID validity

  • UMID card is valid on IR-based, at any RH/RHU & IR Empanelled Health Care Organizations (HCOs) like Private Hospitals, Diagnostics, specialists, etc.

Treatment with referral or without referral in EMERGENCY

  • LIVE DIRECTORY in HMIS app has lists of IR empanelled HCOs.
  • Patients can see the list of empanelled hospitals/HCOs, which includes 2 lists:
    • A List – for CASHLESS treatment on referral & in EMERGENCY.
    • B List – for NON-CASHLESS treatment on referral (mentioned as 'CARE').
  • All Zonal railways shall recognize all empanelled HCOs with which they have MOUs and shall incorporate them in all existing empanelled HCOs.

Referral not required
For treatment at:

  • Institutes of National Importance (INIs) like PGIMER-Chandigarh, JIPMER-Puducherry, NIMHANS-Bengaluru, and other 25 AIIMS.
  • OPD / IPD / Investigations / Diagnostics / Tests.
  • Medicines & follow-up medicines prescribed at INIs can be obtained at RHs/RHUs in OPD.
  • For IPD treatment, until the time the patient is admitted in these INIs, medicines, tests, and diagnostics will be covered in the expenses during the treatment.
  • Dental implants are not allowed, and dental treatments are excluded.
  • Reimbursement for treatment at these INIs shall be as per actuals or city-specific CGHS rates, whichever is lower.

Simplified REFERRAL

  • Referral can be obtained through a Railway doctor at RH or through HMIS as an e-referral.
  • Referral shall not be in favor of any particular empanelled hospital or HCO by name, as per Ministry of Health & FW, CGHS instructions regarding the regulation on professional conduct & ethics.
    • Any violations could invite vigilance scrutiny, and the erring doctor may be liable for conduct rule violations.
  • All employees, pensioners, and dependents are entitled to avail treatment/services at any IR empanelled HCOs, regardless of the Zonal Railway that empanelled the HCO.
  • The referral will be valid for treatment at any IR empanelled HCOs on IR.
  • The validity of treatment is 15/30 days, and the type of treatment will be mentioned. Further extensions of referrals will be subject to revalidation by the same referring RH/Doctor.


  • If patient, even with UMID card, availed treatment/services from the HCO from List B of IR Empanelled HCOS or at any Non-empanelled private hospital.
  • Patient NOT obtained any REFERRAL from RH.
  • Situation is NOT AN EMERGENCY as declared by the HCO or hospital.
  • Patient has to pay the bills on his/her own.
  • Reimbursement could not be claimed - NOT ELIGIBLE.
  • If treatment taken from the IR empanelled List B HCO, rates for treatment/tests/diagnosis/OPD/IPD will be at CGHS rates with UMID CARD.
  • If treated at Non-IR Empanelled private Hospital, treatment rates at the Hospital rates.

On card of Primary card Holder and dependents, the following details will be displayed:

On the front side of the card:

  • QR code
  • UMID No. / Masked Aadhaar
  • Type of card SELF/Dependent
  • Validity up to --/--/----
  • Valid at all RHs/RHUs on IR
  • Referral or Emergency cases are entitled to cashless treatment at any IR Empanelled hospitals shown in HMIS directory.
  • At INIs, NO referral is required and is reimbursable as eligible.
  • Name of cardholder

On the rear side of the card:

  • Name of PCH/card number
  • Designation at the time of retirement
  • Masked cell Number
  • PPO No.
  • Jurisdictional RH/RHU ---/--- DIV_RLY__
  • Special instructions
  • Signature of issuing authority

Note: In the present issued UMID card through umiddigitalir, some details and validity over IR not available. But the procedure to apply and get a fresh UMID card through HMIS app is not specified. To be ascertained.

Note: This brief is prepared on the basis of RB Lr. No.2024/I & Trans.Cell/Healthcare/P dated 29.08.2024. For any clarification, please refer to the original letter.

  • The eligible Reimbursement claim will be credited within prescribed time limit (now 60 days - from the date of submission of claim) to the Bank account of PCH as indicated.


  • When the patient needs treatment at an EMERGENCY SITUATION (as per defined in RB letter REF. No.7)
  • Patient can choose the HCO from list A or B of IR empanelled HCO from HMIS Directory.
  • IR empanelled HCO would have an OTP based login access to verify the patient’s UMID card and tick the EMERGENCY TREATMENT - ‘RED FLAG’ shown against the UMID card.
  • HMIS system would trigger an SMS-SOS based message and the SMS would be sent to the concerned RH in charge (CMS) of the jurisdiction unit of PCH and also to Zonal Central Railway hospital (PCMD).
  • The bills in ORIGINAL attested by the treating doctor of HCO, along with other required documents (like covering letter to CMS, Application for reimbursement, Emergency admission & Essentiality certificate from HCO with signature and seal, original discharge summary, original medicines, lab tests, etc., bills with signature and stamp, copies of UMID card, PPO, bank pass book first page, declaration regarding insurance claim, patient dependency certificate, if required, PCH declaration certificate), would be submitted to the DESIGNATED JURISDICTIONAL RH/RHU of the Primary Card Holder to CMS/RH for having availed the treatment with reference to the EMERGENCY TREATMENT within 6 months from the date of discharge.

Note: List of documents & check list for reimbursement can be obtained from the concerned CMS office.

  • The eligible Reimbursement claim will be credited within prescribed time limit (now 60 days from the date of submission of claim) to the Bank account of PCH as indicated.

Additional Benefit of Reimbursement of Medical Expenses from 2 sources (Insurance & Railways)

  • Patient can avail the benefit of PRIVATE INSURANCE of self or dependent for paying the bills at IR empanelled HCO from list B.
  • Total bill claimed less paid by insurance subjected to admissible amount @ CGHS rates REF No.6.
    • Total bill Rs.1,00,000. Paid from Insurance company Rs.40,000. Amount approved by Railways Rs.70,000. Reimbursement eligible is Rs.60,000 since lesser than Rs.70,000 (1,00,000 - 40,000 = 60,000).
    • Total bill Rs.1,00,000. Paid from Insurance company Rs.20,000. Amount approved by Railways Rs.70,000. Reimbursement eligible is Rs.70,000 since lesser than Rs.80,000 (1,00,000 - 20,000 = 80,000).

·         * UMID card holder can choose empanelled hospital/HCOs from the list A - CASHLESS and LIST B-NON-CASHLESS and get referral.


·         * The RH/RHU would be duty bound to render all assistance/guidance to the patient in making his/her decision about choice from that list of IR empanelled HCOs.


·         * If an employee/pensioner/beneficiary needs a Medical pass, then the choice would be exercised by PCH in writing.


·         * In all referral cases, a referral authentication TOKEN, along with a DIGITAL REFERRAL LETTER, in HMIS would be generated by the RH/RHU that has referred the patient.


·         * The concerned empanelled HCO, wherever the patient chooses to avail the referral treatment/facility, would use its own - HCO specific login ID to accept the referral token available against the UMID card details in HMIS App.


·         * In EMERGENCY CASES, the empanelled HCO would use its login ID to verify that UMID and tick on RED-FLAG. An SMs (SOS) message in HMIS against that UMID would be sent to the concerned RH/RHU incharge (CMS) of UNIT of the PCH and Zonal railway administrator (PCMD).




·         For payments relating to treatment services including medicines at RH/RHU has been provided in HMIS.



·         Patient, with UMID card, is issued with a Referral letter for 15/30 days to any IR empanelled hospital without mentioning the name of the empanelled HCO.



·         • Patient verifies the location/Rating/services/specialization offered by the IR Empanelled HCO from lists A & B from HMIS Directory.

·         • Chooses CASHLESS treatment from the IR empanelled HCO from list A.

·         • IR empanelled HCO would have an OTP-based login access to verify the patient’s UMID card and tick the UNIQUE REFERRAL TOKEN - shown against the UMID card and acknowledge the Digital Referral Letter issued by the doctor of any RH.

·         • Patient would be admitted as In-patient and get treatment.

·         • Bills will be paid by Railways - CASHLESS TREATMENT.



·         • Patient verifies the location/Rating/services/specialization offered by the IR Empanelled HCO from lists A & B from HMIS Directory.

·         • Chooses NON-CASHLESS treatment from the IR empanelled HCO from list B, since he/she found that HCO is suitable and convenient.

·         • IR empanelled HCO would have an OTP-based login access to verify the patient’s UMID card and tick the UNIQUE REFERRAL TOKEN - shown against the UMID card and acknowledge the Digital Referral Letter issued by the doctor of any RH.

·         • Patient would be admitted as In-patient and get treatment.

·         • Patient avails treatment as In-patient as per Railway referral.

·         • Payment will be made by the patient himself/herself @ CGHS rates.

·         • The bills in ORIGINAL attested by the treating doctor of HCO, along with other required documents like discharge summary, tests conducted, reports, etc., would be submitted to the DESIGNATED JURISDICTIONAL RH/RHU of the Primary Card Holder to CMS/RH for having availed the treatment.

  • UMID card holder can choose empanelled hospital/HCOs from the list A - CASHLESS and LIST B - NON-CASHLESS and get referral.
  • The RH/RHU would be duty-bound to render all assistance/guidance to the patient in making his/her decision about choice from that list of IR empanelled HCOs.
  • If an employee/pensioner/beneficiary needs a Medical pass, then the choice would be exercised by PCH in writing.
  • In all referral cases, a referral authentication TOKEN, along with a DIGITAL REFERRAL LETTER, in HMIS would be generated by the RH/RHU that has referred the patient.
  • The concerned empanelled HCO, wherever the patient chooses to avail the referral treatment/facility, would use its own - HCO specific login ID to accept the referral token available against the UMID card details in the HMIS App.
  • In EMERGENCY CASES, the empanelled HCO would use its login ID to verify that UMID and tick on RED-FLAG. An SMS (SOS) message in HMIS against that UMID would be sent to the concerned RH/RHU in charge (CMS) of the unit of the PCH and Zonal railway administrator (PCMD).


For payments relating to treatment services, including medicines at RH/RHU, have been provided in HMIS.


  • Patient, with a UMID card, is issued a referral letter for 15/30 days to any IR empanelled hospital without mentioning the name of the empanelled HCO.


  • Patient verifies the location/rating/services/specialisation offered by the IR Empanelled HCO from lists A & B from the HMIS Directory.
  • Chooses CASHLESS treatment from the IR empanelled HCO from list A.
  • IR empanelled HCO would have an OTP-based login access to verify the patient’s UMID card and tick the UNIQUE REFERRAL TOKEN shown against the UMID card and acknowledge the Digital Referral Letter issued by the doctor of any RH.
  • The patient would be admitted as an in-patient and receive treatment.
  • Bills will be paid by Railways - CASHLESS TREATMENT.


  • Patient verifies the location/rating/services/specialisation offered by the IR Empanelled HCO from lists A & B from the HMIS Directory.
  • Chooses NON-CASHLESS treatment from the IR empanelled HCO from list B, since they found that the HCO is suitable and convenient.
  • IR empanelled HCO would have an OTP-based login access to verify the patient’s UMID card and tick the UNIQUE REFERRAL TOKEN shown against the UMID card and acknowledge the Digital Referral Letter issued by the doctor of any RH.
  • The patient would be admitted as an in-patient and receive treatment.
  • The patient avails treatment as an in-patient as per the Railway referral.
  • Payment will be made by the patient himself/herself at CGHS rates.
  • The bills, in ORIGINAL, attested by the treating doctor of the HCO, along with other required documents like discharge summary, tests conducted, reports, etc., would be submitted to the DESIGNATED JURISDICTIONAL RH/RHU of the Primary Card Holder to CMS/RH for having availed the treatment.





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