Management of Cases of Infertility under ECHS: ECHS Order dated 15.03.2023

 Management of Cases of Infertility under ECHS: ECHS Order dated 15.03.2023

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters MoD(Army)
Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt-110010


15 Mar 2023

IHQ of MoD (Navy)/Dir ECHS (N)
HQ Southern Command (A/ECHS & Med)
HQ Eastern Command (A/ECHS & Med)
HQ Western Command (A/ECHS & Med)
HQ Central Command (A/ECHS & Med)
HQ Northern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ South Western Command (A/ECHS & Med)
HQ Andaman & Nicobar Command (A/ECHS & Med)
IHQ of MoD (Army)/DIAV
AMA ECHS, Embassy of India, Nepal
All Regional Centres, ECHS



1. Refer to following:-

(a) COECHS letter No B/49770/AG/IVF dated 20 Feb 2006.

(b) Gol, MoH&FW letter No Z.15025/5/2011-CGHS III/CGHS(P) dated 22 Nov 2011.

(c) COECHS letter No B/49770/AG/IVF dated 29 Sep 2014.

2. Infertility treatment will, in normal course, be limited to available facilizes in service hospitals only. However, cases requiring “In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer” (IVF & ET) may be referred to AFMS Hospital, Govt Hospital, Empanelled Hospital or in Pvt Medical Institution registered with State/Central Govt subject to conditions laid down.

Treatment Of Infertility

3. Management of all cases of ‘Infertility’ will be investigated and treated in Service Hospitals only. In case such facility is not available locally, the patient may be referred to nearest service hospital where such facility is available. Patient may also be referred to the service hospital of patient’s choice subject to confirmation of availability of facility/bed/specialist.

4, Prior recommendations will be obtained from the service hospital proposed for referral, through the SEMO of ECHS Polyclinic referring the case. ECHS member has to make his/her own arrangements for travel to the service hospital where treatment is proposed to be undertaken. No Travelling Allowance will be payable by ECHS.

In Vitro Fertilisation And Embryo Transfer

5. The procedure of “In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer’ can be carried out in any, AFMS Hospital, Govt Hospital, Empanelled Hospital or in Pvt Medical Institution registered with State/Central Govt (a copy of registration certificate from state/centre showing registration of the hosp for In Vitro Fertilisation and / or Embryo Transfer to be attached being valid as on the date of prescription). The procedure at Pvt Medical Institution will be permitted for ECHS beneficiaries on a case to case basis, based on sanction by a Board of Officers under Chairmanship of MD ECHS. Recommendations of Senior Advisor/Classified Spl Obstetrics and Gynaecology of any AFMS Hospital/HOD Obstetrics and Gynaecology of a Govt Hospital will be examined by the Board of Officers for permitting the said treatment procedure.

6. The following criteria will be ensured for each case:-

(a) The women has to be married and living with her husband.

(b) Should be case of Primary Infertility with minimum of three years duration of Staying together with husband or a case of secondary infertility with no living issue.

(c) The age of woman should be between 21 to 39 years. The Specialist/Sr Advisor recommending the procedure would specifically screen cases where age of wife is above 35 years before recommending the case for IVF & ET.

(d) There should be clear indication of failure of conventional treatment (Male Factor /Female Factor) before permitting IVF & ET treatment procedure.

(e) Reimbursement of expenditure incurred on IVF & ET procedure will be allowed upto a maximum of 3 (three) fresh cycles.

(f) An amount not exceeding Rs.65,000/- (Rupees fifty five thousand only) per cycle or the actual cost, whichever is lower will be allowed for reimbursement. This amount will be inclusive of the cost of drugs and disposables and monitoring cost during IVF & ET procedures.

(g) As IVF & ET treatment is a planned procedure, reimbursement cases can be considered by ECHS only if prior approval was obtained by the beneficiary for undergoing the IVF & ET treatment.

(h) An undertaking from the applicant will be taken that he / she has not claimed the reimbursement for IVF and ET earlier from the Government of India in the past and will not claim it in future.

7. The application will be forwarded to CO ECHS for sanction. The documents will be forwarded to HOD Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AHR&R for his/her opinion and approval. The final sanction for the procedures will be given by MD, ECHS.

(a) Chairman – MD ECHS
(b) Member 01 – Sr Advisor (Obs & Gynae)
(c) Member 02 – Specialist (ART)
(d) Member Secretary – Dir Med ECHS

8. Med reports required for approval are as listed below:- .

(a) Male Partner:- Semen Analysis report, Semen Culture report.

(b) Female Partner – ESR, Mx Test, Hormone Assay (FSH(D2/D3), LH (D2/D3), Prolactin, T3, T4, TSH, AMH, Hysterosalpingography, Ultrasound pelvis.

9. The IVF & ET procedure should be carried out only at the centers having necessary facilities, including eqpt and trained manpower, for carrying out the above procedure.

10. The CO ECHS letter No B/49770/AG/IVF dated 20 Feb 2006 is hereby superseded.

(Sri Kant Kumar)
Lt Col
Jt Dir (Med)

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