Change of name by pensioner/family pensioner in PPO – No separate procedure prescribed in the Pension Rules for change in name/surname in the PPO after retirement : DoPPW clarifies Railway Board RBE No. 54/2023 dated 17.04.2023

Change of name by pensioner/family pensioner in PPO – No separate procedure prescribed in the Pension Rules for change in name/surname in the PPO after retirement : DoPPW clarifies Railway Board RBE No. 54/2023 dated 17.04.2023

RBE No 54/2023

( रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(NG)I-2022/NM/2

New Delhi, dated 17.04.2023

The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways & Production Units.
(as per standard mailing list)

Sub: Change of name by pensioner/family pensioner.

Attention is drawn to provisions contained in para 1201 of Chapter XII of IREM Vol. I, wherein procedure in respect of change of name by a Railway servant (in service) is provided.

One of the Zonal Railways has sought clarification/guidelines applicable on change of name by pensioner/family pensioner. The matter has been examined in consultation with Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, and the Finance Directorate of Railway Board. It is stated that there is no separate procedure prescribed in the Pension Rules for change in name/surname in the PPO of the government employees or spouse after retirement. The PPO is issued on the basis of service records/service book of the employee. Necessary action in the matter may be taken in terms of provisions contained in Chapter XII of IREM Vol.1

This disposes off FA&CAO/F&G/NR’s letter no. 96/Adm/C/17/SRS dated 05.12.2022.

(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Tele No. 23303658

Change of name by pensioner/family pensioner in PPO – No separate procedure prescribed in the Pension Rules for change in name/surname in the PPO after retirement : DoPPW clarifies Railway Board RBE No. 54/2023 dated 17.04.2023

RBE No 54/2023

( रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(NG)I-2022/NM/2

New Delhi, dated 17.04.2023

The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways & Production Units.
(as per standard mailing list)

Sub: Change of name by pensioner/family pensioner.

Attention is drawn to provisions contained in para 1201 of Chapter XII of IREM Vol. I, wherein procedure in respect of change of name by a Railway servant (in service) is provided.

One of the Zonal Railways has sought clarification/guidelines applicable on change of name by pensioner/family pensioner. The matter has been examined in consultation with Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, and the Finance Directorate of Railway Board. It is stated that there is no separate procedure prescribed in the Pension Rules for change in name/surname in the PPO of the government employees or spouse after retirement. The PPO is issued on the basis of service records/service book of the employee. Necessary action in the matter may be taken in terms of provisions contained in Chapter XII of IREM Vol.1

This disposes off FA&CAO/F&G/NR’s letter no. 96/Adm/C/17/SRS dated 05.12.2022.

(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Tele No. 23303658

Change of name/surname in the PPO of Government employees or spouse after retirement: Clarification by DoP&PW

सं. 3(2)/2022-P&PW(H)-7942 Dated 6.10.022
कार्मिक लोक शिकायत और पेंशन मंत्रालय

पेंशन और पेंशनभोगी कल्‍याण विभाग
8वीं मंजिल, ‘बी’ विंग, जनपथ भवन
जनपथ, नई दिल्‍ली-110001


Sub: Change of name of spouse Smt. Simro Devi in PPO of Late Shri Man Mohan Chander, Ex-Asstt. — seeking advice of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare- reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation’s UO No. A-38012/1/2021-Ad.II dated 8/7/2022 and this Department’s ID Note No. 3(2)/2022-P&PW-7942 dated 17/5/2022 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the advice of this Department has already been issued vide ID Note dated 17/5/2022 as referred to above.

2. The matter has been re-examined in this Department. It is stated that: –

(i) There is no separate procedure prescribed in the CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 or CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 for change of name/surname in the PPO of Government employees or spouse after retirement. The PPO is issued on the basis of service record/service book of the employee and the maintenance of service book is concerned with DoPT.

(ii) Further, this matter was discussed in the inter-ministerial Review meeting of pending grievances in CPENGRAMS, held under the chairmanship of Director(PW), Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare. Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation were informed that they may follow DoPT’s OM No. 190016/187-Estt. dated 12th March, 1987 for change of name of family pensioner also. In case the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation feels that there is some discrepancy in the documents submitted by the complainant family pensioner in support of her application for change of name in the PPO, they may sort it out with her directly and ensure that the request for change of name fulfils the conditions of DoPT’s OM No. 190016/187-Estt. dated 12th March, 1987.

3. This issues with the approval of the competent authority. hah

(अशोक कुमार सिंह)
अवर सचिव, भारत सरकार

The Under Secretary (Ad.II)
M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation
Khurshid Lal Bhawan, Janpath
New Delhi.

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