Rationalisation of Post Retirement Complimentary Pass (PRCP) entitlement of railway employees, retired in the regime of different Pay Commissions: RBE No. 24/2023 |

Rationalisation of Post Retirement Complimentary Pass (PRCP) entitlement of railway employees, retired in the regime of different Pay Commissions: RBE No. 24/2023

RBE No. 24/2023

(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD) 

No, 2022/E(W)/01/02/5

New Delhi, dated 07.03.2023

The General Managers/DGs/CAOs (P)
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.

Sub : Rationalisation of Post Retirement Complimentary Pass (PRCP) entitlement of railway employees, retired in the regime of different Pay Commissions.

Ref : (i) Central Railway’s letter No. P/CR/HQ/Pass/494 dated 02.05.2022.
(ii) Board’s letter No. 2022/E(W)/01/08/1 dated 28.10.2022.

Grievances were received from certain sections of retired railway employees stating that their juniors who retired: after 07.01.2016 with “Status & Pay Level in Pay Matrix (PLPM)” equal to them are enjoying higher travel entitlements, as compared to them. Central Railway, vide their letter cited under Ref.(i) above, have also drawn attention to the difficulties being faced in switching over to E-Pass Module in respect of employees retired in different CPC regimes due to prevalence of varying entitlements.

2. The matter has been examined in consultation with Pay Commission Directorate of Railway Board. In order to bring in uniformity in PRCP entitlement of pre-2016 and post-2016 retirees as well as for ease of administering PRCP facility, with the approval of Competent Authority, it has been decided that “Status cum PLPM” shall be the uniform criteria for PRCP entitlement. Accordingly, wherever the PRCP entitlement is not in consonance with the entitlement stipulated in Board’s letter cited under Ref.(ii) above, Pass Issuing Authorities may re-fix the same to correspond with the “Status cum PLPM/Notional PLPM” indicated in the PPOs/Revised PPOs. In case of retired railway employees deceased in the interregnum, Widow Pass entitlement may be re-fixed accordingly.

3. However, if PRCP/Widow Pass entitlement as per rules prevalent at the time of retirement/demise of a railway employee happens to be higher in comparison with the one stipulated in Board’s letter cited under Ref.(ii) above, the higher entitlement should be continued.

4. In the case of Passes already issued and still valid, change of entitlement is not permissible and the revised entitlement shall be applicable only on the Passes issued henceforth.

5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

Dy. Director Estt. (Welfare) – I
Railway Board

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