PENSION CYBER SPOTLIGHT — Bulletin by PFRDA towards educating on issues relating to Pension and Retirement Savings

 PENSION CYBER SPOTLIGHT — Bulletin by PFRDA towards educating on issues relating to Pension and Retirement Savings

B-14/A, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan,
Qutub Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai. New Delhi-110016

No.: PFRDA/33/1/1/0001/2021-ICS INTRDY


All NPS/APY Subscribers & Stakeholders

Subject: PENSION CYBER SPOTLIGHT — Newsletter for the Quarter ending December 2021

Social Media has become a reflection of one in the digital world. With millions of users sharing personal details, photos, information, making connection with strangers, it has become a growing challenge for the personal and digital security. It 1s important to protect ourselves while deriving the maximum benefits from the Social media. It necessitates to understand the potential threats such as Profile Hijacking, Fake Profiling, Cyber Bullying etc. Adoption of the preventive steps and being vigilant can go long way in safeguarding one’s digital life.

In this direction, Volume 3 focusses on Social Media threats and preventive measures to be taken by users to minimise risk. From the preventive standpoint, this edition brings under spotlight ‘Cyber Insurance’, which has become a growing requirement in light of increasing cyber-attacks.

2. “PENSION CYBER SPOTLIGHT’ The Quarterly Cyber Security and Technology Newsletter designed in a lucid way towards the objective of creating much needed awareness in a rapidly evolving cyber threat scenario, in order to safe guard one’s priced assets.

3. ‘PENSION CYBER SPOTLIGHT — VOLUME 3’, attached at Annexure for the benefit of the stakeholders. Do attempt the quiz at the end of the newsletter, which has been designed to help readers review and remember concepts from previous volumes.

The bulletin is issued under section 14(2)q) of PFRDA Act 2013 towards educating the subscribers and the general public on issues relating to pension, retirement savings and the same placed at PFRDA’s website ( under the ‘Pension Cyber Spotlight’ in the “About Us’ section.

Yours Sincerely,

K. Mohan Gandhi
Chief General Manager

Source: Click here to view/download Pension Cyber Spotlight VOL 3


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