Inordinate delay in Family Pension to siblings .Banks not returning PPOs of deceased pensioners.BPS writes to Secy. financial Services


 NO: BPS /RP/NJP/M/03/22                                                                               DATE: 16-03-2022  



Sri Sanjoy Malhotra,


Secretary, Financial Services, Department of Financial Services,

Ministry of Finance, GOI 




Sub:- Inordinate delay in releasing Life Time Family Pensions to the children of deceased Railway Pensioners on account of Non-Return of original disburser’s portion of PPO with LPC by the CPPC of Nationalized Banks.


Ref: Status report of Pension Adalat held at Katihar of N. F. Railway on 07-03-2022.


Enclosed, please find hereunder a list of children of deceased pensioners, whose eligibility to get Life Time Family Pensions, are accepted by the Competent Authority of N. F. Railway since long, but no PPOs could be released on account of non-return of disburser’s portion of PPOs by the CPPC of Nationalized Banks.

That, the Railway Administration, as reported in the Pension Adalat, sent several reminders to the Bank Authority, but all went in vain.

That, our organization also requested the CPPC to take action on the letters of N. F. Railway, but of no result. Even Banking OMBUDSMAN also did not take any action on the issue.

That, it is also to be taken in view that, the Railway Administration is also sitting tight, on the above plea for years together dragging the issue from one Pension Adalat to the other.

That, all of our requests to issue Provisional PPO, as interim measure, to save the poor children from destitution, have so far been ignored.

That, the above are be cases of only one DIVISION of Railway. The similar problems are being faced by the poor applicant in other area of Indian Railways also.






Under the circumstances, I, on behalf of my organization, request your honour to take immediate action so that, the CPPCs are made to comply promptly with the above demands of the Railway Authority in returning back of the said original PPOs and LPC, based on which pension was paid to the parents of the applicants.

             With regards,                                                                

                                                                                                               Yours faithfully,


                                                                                                         (Bimalendu Chakraborty)

          Secretary (Railway Pensioners)

                                                                                                Bharat Pensioners Samaj /NDLS

 (Page-3)                                Annexure


List of Beneficiaries for Life Time Family Pension as per Status Report of Pension Adalat held at Katihar of N. F. Railway on 07-03-2022.




Applicants name and details

PPO No. & Date of deceased Pensioner

Parents Bank/ CPPC particulars

Remarks of Pension Adalat



Smt. Urmila Devi, widow daughter of  Late Balindra Bhagat, ex.Mate/SSEP.Way/


0206961881 Dt.31-12-1996

Central Bank of India, 2nd Floor MMO Building, MG Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001

5th reminder sent to CPPC Mumbai on 02-11-2021 for return of original PPO



Smt. Gita Majumdar Dhar, widow daughter of Late Hari Prasad Majumdar, ex.AYM/NJP

KIR/PN/2966 Dt.30-06-1983


Letter sent to CPPC/Bank for return of the original PPO with LPC



Smt. Manabi Guha, widow daughter of Late Satya Ranjan Sarkar, ex. Fitter/II/SGUJ

KIR/PN/2028 Dt.20-07-1981





Miss Sangita Basfore, U/M daughter of Late Sudai Basfore, ex. S/Cleaner under CMH/NJP

1608020680 Dt.31-07-2002

State Bank of India, Samriddhi Bhavan, 7th Floor, Strand Road, KOL-700001




Miss. Kalyani Chakraborty, U/M daughter of Late Manmatha Nath Chakraborty, ex.OS/SSE/Loco/NJP

KIR/PN/5391 Dt.30-10-1999

United Bank of India/Punjab National Bank 11, Hemanta Basu Sarani, 4th Floor, Kol-700001




Smt. Banani Saha, Divorced daughter of Late Gajendra Nath Saha, ex.Mail/Express Driver/NJP

0207990438 Dt.31-05-1999

State Bank of India, Subham Greens3rd. Floor, Lokhra Charali, NH-37, Guhati, Assam-781034




Miss Rekha Das, U/M daughter of Late Mano Mohan Das, ex. Driver/C/NJP

KIR/PN/2381 Dt.30-01-1982

United Bank of India/Punjab National Bank 11, Hemanta Basu Sarani, 4th Floor, Kol-700001




                                                                                                         (Bimalendu Chakraborty)

          Secretary (Railway Pensioners)

                                                                                                Bharat Pensioners Samaj /NDLS


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