CCS Pension Rules 2021 booklet printed by BPS
CCS Pension Rules 2021 Book Printed by BPS will be ready for dispatch in the Ist week of April 2022 one copy of the book for affiliates on payment of subsidized poatal registration charges of Rs 30 for additional copy to affiliates and to other than affiliates .Total cost per copy including postal registration charges will be Rs 180 .All payments in advance those interested may deposit the money in Bharat Pensioners SB a/c 2007101019420 IFSC code CNRB0002007 Canara bank Jangpura Bhogal branch New Delhi 110014 Aternatively money can also be sent through Pament portal available at w/o login. May intimate full details including addresses on e.mail bpscustomercare2020@ on WhatsAap or on BPS office Phones 011 24376642, 49027335 during 11.00 AM To 3.30 PM Monday to Saturday except Gazetted Holidays
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