From the desk of Secy. General Bharat Pensioners Samaj

For some time one of the sister organization has been indulging in spewing venom against BPS. Perhaps those at the helm of affairs in that organization have lot of time & are feeling insecure.
 We will never reach our destination if we stop to throw stones on every dog that barks!
So without indulging in blame game let us move ahead undeterred. Next decade is going to be of struggle not only for pensioners but for the entire community of     Sr Citizens and organizations will have to determine whether Co-operation is a better model or conflict is?
We have already chosen the model of Co operation and have reached an understanding with NFRP Palghat, AIFPA Chennai , AISCCON Mumbai & Sr. Citizens Council Delhi to struggle  jointly & severally for the common issues viz:
1 Financial security (i.e.  In case of Pensioners, Retirement benefits inclusive of statuary Pension,   security of  pension & savings against  inflation & market risks).
2. Health care i.e. cashless hassle free & within easy reach medical care with adequate Fixed Medical allowance in lieu of OPD facility.
3. Social security & Travel facilities for elderly.(to save elderly from isolation & abuse)
4. Physical security against abuse & crimes
Comrades, most of the Pensioners & Family pensioners today are passing through a very difficult time, ever rising cost of living & health care has rendered  pension to be grossly inadequate .Most of us now find it difficult to manage the bare minimum basic needs of day to life in their meager pension. Government is neither agreeing to address anomalies created after 6th CPC or to constitute 7th CPC, nor it is agreeing for merging of 50% or to increase FMA to 1200 rupees per month or to restore commuted portion of Pension in 12years, in short it is not prepared to consider any of our just demands and does not bother to redress our grievances adequately
          Thus we pensioners have to take up on ourselves the task to establish the voice of reason & justice, to protect our well-being and to an honorable existence as senior Citizens in free India.

            Let’s then  mobilize ourselves in a big way to emerge as a force to be reckoned and  let the Govt./ political parties realize that we too have a vote Bank & that they will not be able to neglect us for long..
S.C.Maheshwari Secy. Genl.BPS


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