News letter 22.10.2011


Wish You all a very happy Depawali

Important announcements :1  56th AGM of Bharat Pensioners Samaj is scheduled to be held on 04.011.2011 from 10.00hrs onwards in Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 11001.All members Affiliates & supporters are cordially invited.
BPS announces winners of 2011 awards

2. With the intention of developing healthy competition and to encourage better service to Pensioners by its affiliated Associations. Bharat Pensioners Samaj, introduced PEMS i.e. Performance evaluation & monitoring system, under which best performing Association of the year is rewarded 
 Batta Memorial Trophy  with a cash Prize of Rs 5000/. From  2010  a  Spl. Prize Trophy plus two runners-up cash prizes were added to this system. From this year replacing the Spl prize Trophy, BPS announces introduction of Daya Maheshwari memorial Trophy with cash prize of Rs 5000/-

This year's result for winners of these prizes is as follows as follow:

1. AICGA Pune
2. BSNL & DOT Pensioners Association Ahemdabad.
3. DAPWA Chandigarh
4. RSCWS Mohali

Winners are requested to be present on 04/11/2011 in 56th  AGM of Bharat Pensioners Samaj to receive  the awards
Secretary General Bharat Pensioners Samaj                                        Dated.16. 10.2011

Documents uploaded on website :


Other information
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week as ‘Grievance Redressal Week’

F.No. DGIT (Vig.)/PV/201 0-11 /VAP                                                                                            Date : 20.10.2011
All the CCsIT(CCA)
Sub : Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week as “Grievance Redressal Week” – Reg. Ref : DO letter even number of DGIT (Vig.) dated 28.09.2011.
Please refer to CVC Circular No. 09/07/11 dated 12.09.2011 and DO letter of DGIT (Vig) dated 28.09.2011 and accordingly the Department would be celebrating Vigilance Awareness Week from 31st October to 5th November, 2011this year on theme of “Participative Vigilance”.
2. The CVC during its consultative meeting with the CBDT on 18.10.2011 has conveyed that the VigilanceAwareness Week 2011 should also be observed as “Grievance Redressal week”. Hence in addition to the various activities suggested in the earlier communication , the week long celebration should be combined with the whole hearted effort to redress pending grievances of the tax payers in the areas like Rectifications , Appeal effects , issuance of Refunds , Requests for PAN Migrations etc .
3. Special arrangements be made to facilitate the tax payers and adequate publicity should also be given so that maximum grievances get redressed during the week.
4. At the end of the week, a consolidated report on achievements be sent to this office in respect of all the CC sIT in your region in the following format :
Pendency as on30.10.2011
Disposal duringthe Week
Rectification Applications

Appeal Effects

Refunds related Grievances

PAN Migration related matters

Any other type of Grievance

1. This information be sent along with a consolidated report about the manner in which the VigilanceAwareness Week was observed along with photographs, CDs etc. It is proposed to compile the reports in form of souvenir for submission to the CVC. It is therefore requested to send the report and also to mail the same on email id to facilitate the compilation latest by 15.11.2011.
This issues with the prior approval of the DGIT(Vig) & CVO , CBDT , New Delhi.
Yours Sincerely
(Adarsh Kumar Modi)
Addl.DIT (Preventive vigilance)
Copy to : (i) The DsIT (Vigilance) North/East/South/ West, zones for information and coordination. (ii)The Web Manager, with request to display the same on website. (iii) The DIT(S) IV with request to display on the web site
Addl.DIT (Preventive vigilance)
 Er.S C Maheshwari
Former DEN C.Rly.
Secretary (Railway)
Bharat Pensioners Samaj (Member SCOVA)
Genl. Secy. RREWA
490A/16 Gurudwara Road;Civil Lines .Gurgaon-122001
Website :


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