Bharat Pensioners samaj introduces Daya Maheshwari Memorial Trophy with Rs 5000/ cash reward

With the intention of developing healthy competition and to encourage better service to Pensioners by its affiliated Associations. Bharat Pensioners Samaj, introduced PEMS i.e. Performance evaluation & monitoring system, under which best performing Association of the year is rewarded  Batta Memorial Trophy  with a cash Prize of Rs 5000/. From  2010  a  Spl. Prize Trophy plus two runners-up cash prizes were added to this system. From this year replacing the Spl prize Trophy, BPS announces introduction of Daya Maheshwari memorial Trophy with cash prize of Rs 5000/-
This year's result for winners of these prizes is as follows as follow:

1. AICGA Pune
2. BSNL & DOT Pensioners Association Ahemdabad.
3. DAPWA Chandigarh
4. RSCWS Mohali

Winners are requested to be present on 04/11/2011 in 56th  AGM of Bharat Pensioners Samaj to receive  the awards

Secretary General Bharat Pensioners Samaj                                        Dated.16. 10.2011


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