Simplification of Joint Declaration Process – Level at which change can be executed – List of Acceptable Documents: EPFO Order dated 16.01.2025

 Simplification of Joint Declaration Process – Level at which change can be executed – List of Acceptable Documents: EPFO Order dated 16.01.2025

Employees Provident Fund Organisation
Head Office
Plate A Ground Floor Block II, East Kidwai Nagar New Delhi- 110023

No: WSU/JointDeclaration/E-54018/2024-25/006

Date: 16/Jan/2025

All ACC (HQ) Zones,
All ACC Zonal Offices,
All Officers in Charge of the ROs/ DOs.

Sub: Simplification of Joint Declaration Process- reg.


1. In supersession of the directions contained in the Joint Declaration SOP Version 3.0 issued on 31-July-2024, following directions are issued to simplify the process:-

a) The process is simplified based on the classification of members as below:-

    1. Member Id linked with UAN generated based on Aadhaar from 1st Oct, 2017 (JD request received online)
    2. Member Id linked with UAN generated prior to 1st Oct, 2017 wherein Name, Dob & Gender, Aadhaar validated by UIDAI (JD request received online)
    3. Member Id having UAN but not Aadhaar validated by UIDAI or without any UAN or belonging to deceased members (JD request filed in physical mode by member/claimant)

b) Level at which the change can be executed has been revised as per Annexure-I.

c) Documents can be submitted by the member through Digilocker wherever feasible else uploaded as a single PDF from the documents listed in Annexure-II. The facility for uploading through Digilocker shall be introduced shortly. For each parameter, a minimum of 2 documents need to be uploaded but only 1 document would be required if it is through Digilocker. In cases where EE (Employee) himself can carry out the desired change, no document will be required to be uploaded.

d) In all cases where the JD request cannot be filed online by the member, the employers can file the request online including the case of deceased members by duly uploading the physical JD.

e) In case of closed establishments, the physical JD request duly attested by any one of the authorities who are authorized to attest the claim vide Para 10.18 of the MAP Part II-A along with the relevant documents can be submitted to the PRO in the format as laid down in Annexure-III.

f) In case of deceased members, the physical JD format can be signed by any one of the claimants eligible vide Para 70 of the EPF Scheme, 1952 and matching with Aadhaar data will not be required.

(This issues with the approval of CPFC)

(G R Suchindranath)

Annexure I

Level at which change can be executed

S. No.ParameterMember Id linked with UAN on Aadhaar from 1st Oct, 2017 (JD request received online)Member Id_ linked with UAN generated prior to 1st Oct, 2017 wherein Name, Dob & Gender were validated by UIDAI (JD request received online)Member Id having UAN but not Aadhaar validated by UIDAI or without any UAN or belonging’ to deceased members (JD request filed in physical mode by member/ claimant)

(for updation as Indian in case of blank field & change in case of Indian to IW)

EE > ER > DA> AO

(in case the change is from IW to Indian/IW)


(for updation as Indian in case of blank field & change in case of Indian to IW)


(in case the change is from IW to Indian/IW)

5Father NameEEEE> ERER >DA>AO
6Mother nameEEEEER >DA>AO
7Marital StatusEEEEER >DA>AO
8Spouse NameEEEE> ERER >DA>AO
9Date of JoiningEE

(if matching with the contributions received)


(if NOT matching with the contributions received)


(if matching with contribution received)


(if NOT matching with the contributions received)

10Date of Leaving EPF/EPSEE

(if matching with the contributions received)


(if NOT matching with the contributions received)


(if matching with contribution received)


(if NOT matching with the contributions received)

11Reason of Leaving EPF/EPSEE> EREE>ERER >DA>APFC

EE– Employee; ER= Employer/PRO; DA– Dealing Assistant; AO– Accounts Officer; APFC-Assistant PF Commissioner

In Category C, if the Member Id is without a UAN, the system will check if there is any UAN associated with the given Aadhaar and link the Member Id with that UAN. If there is no UAN associated with the Aadhaar, a new UAN will be generated for the Member Id.



1. Name, 2 Gender

S.NOName of Document
2Death Certificate
3Birth Certificate
4Driving Licence
5Service photo identity card issued by Central Govt./State Govt./ UT Govt./ PSU/ Banks
6School Leaving Certificate (SLC)/ School Transfer Certificate (TC)/ SSC certificate/Mark Sheet issued by board/ University containing name
7Bank Pass Book having name and Photograph Cross Stamped by bank official
8PAN Card/ e-PAN
9Ration / PDS photo Card
10Voter ID/ e-Voter ID
11Pensioner Photo Card
12CGHS/ ECHS/ / Medi-Claim Card with Photo issued by State/ Central Govts./ PSUs/ Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) Card
13ST/ SC/ OBC certificate with photograph
14For Full name/First name change requests: PF Member to submit the Gazette notification of new name along with any supporting document of old name with photograph (Even for 1st instance of the Full name/ first name change)
15Valid Visa along with Foreign Passport (valid only) issued in case of other Foreign Nationals
16Freedom Fighter Card having photo
17Person of Indian Origin (PIO) card or Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card issued by Government of India
18Tibetan Refugee Card


3. Nationality

S.NO.Name of Document
2Person of Indian Origin (PIO)card issued by Government of India
3Valid Long Term Visa (LTV) along with Foreign Passport (valid or expired) of origin country issued to minorities communities of Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan namely Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jain, Parsis and Christians
4Valid Visa along with Foreign Passport (valid only) issued in case of Foreign Nationals
5Tibetan Refugee Card
6Voter ID/ Elector Photo Identity Card (EPIC
7Nationality Certificate/ Domicile Certificate
8Appointment Letter/Offer of Appointment in which Nationality is mentioned
9Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths (only in case where the Nationality is not available in system and now getting updated as INDIAN for members who had acquired citizenship of India by birth and has domicile in India


4. Date of Birth

S.NO.Name of Document
1Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths.
2Marksheet issued by any recognized Government Board or University. School Leaving Certificate (SLC)/School Transfer Certificate(TC)/SSC certificate containing Name and Date of Birth
3Certificate based on the service records of the Central/State Government Organizations.
4In the absence of proof of date of birth as above, Medical Certificate issued by Civil Surgeon after examining the member medically and supported with an affidavit on oath by the member duly Notarized.
6PAN by IT department
7Central/State Pension Payment Order
8CGHS/ECHS/ Medi-Claim Card issued by Centre/State/UT Govts./PSU shaving Photo & Date of Birth
9Domicile Certificate issued by the Government
10Ration Card/ PDS Card of the member.
11ESIC Pehchan Card
12Voter ID Card
13Photo ID Card containing DOB issued by State or Central Government/ Public Sector Undertaking or any other Government Organization or a Recognized Education Institution
14Driving Licence


5. Father Name, 6. Mother Name and 7. Spouse Name

S.NOName of Document
1Passport of Member
2Ration Card/PDS Card of the member
3CGHS/ECHS/ Medi-Claim Card with photo of member issued by Centre/ State Govts./ PSUs.
4Pension Card of member
5Birth Certificate of member issued by Registrar of Birth, Municipal Corporation, other notified Local bodies, Government bodies like Taluk, Tehsil etc.
6Marriage Certificate of member issued by the Government
7Photo ID card of member issued by Central/ State Govt like Bhamashah, Jan-Aadhaar, MGNREGA, ARMY Canteen card etc.
8PAN card of member
910th or 12th School Certificate/ Marksheet of the Member bearing father/mother name
10Driving License of Member
11Family entitlement issued by Central or State Government
12Discharge slip/card issued in the name of the mother of the member by a Government Hospital subsequent to the delivery of the child
13Certificate of identity comprising a photograph issued by a MLA/MP, a gazette office or municipal counselor on letter head
14Department of post issued address card to the member
15A certificate of identity comprising a photograph and relationship with the head of a family issued by Sarpanch (President) of the Village Panchayat in rural areas to the member


8. Marital Status

S.NOName of Document
1Marriage Certificate issued by the government/Local Bodies like Municipality/ Gram Panchayat
2Divorce Decree
4Affidavit on oath by the member duly Notarized
5Ration Card/PDS Card
6Voter ID Card
7Death Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths
8Family Member Certificate issued by Employer on letter head
9State Government / ECHS/ ESIC/ CGHS Medical Card
10Pension Card
11MGNREGA Job Card
12Certificate of identity comprising a photograph issued by MP/MLA/gazette officer/Municipal Counselor/Sarpanch (President) of the Village Panchayat.


9. Date of Joining

S.NOName of Document
1Employee register
2Attendance register
3Appointment letter or any other document as establishment maintain under any Central or State Labour Act
4Letter of establishment on their letter head clearly stating the date of joining and duly signed by Employer or the authorized signatory supported by ECR of the employee  during the said period
5Self Declaration by Employee if matching with the contribution received


10. Reason of Leaving

S.NOName of Document
1Resignation Letter
2Letter from establishment on their letter head clearly stating the reason of leaving Supported by ECR of the employee during the said period
3Any document as establisnment deems fit to establish exit reason of employee duly signed by the Employer or the authorized signatory of the establishment on their letterhead
4Death Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths
5Self Declaration by Employee if matching with the contribution received


11. Date of Leaving

S.NOName of Document
1Resignation Letter/Termination Letter
2Experience certificate or any other document as establishment maintain under an Central or State Labour Act
3Wage slip/Salary slip/Full and Final letter
4Letter of establishment on their letter head clearly stating the Date of Leaving and duly signed by Employer or the authorized signatory
5Death Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths
6Attendance and Wage Register
7First Information Report in case of missing person presumed to be dead
8Legal Heir Certificate in case of missing person presumed to be dead
9Self Declaration by Employee if matching with the contribution received


Joint Declaration Format

I ……………………………………… having UAN ……………………………………… PF Account ……………………………………… and Aadhar ……………………………………… is/ was with establishment M/S ……………………………………… The personal details furnished to EPFO earlier were found to be incorrect/ blank, and therefore request for change/Updation in the member profile as follows.

S. No

ParametersExisting Incorrect detailsCorrect details to be updated
4Father Name
5Mother Name
6Spouse Name
7Date of Joining
8Date of Leaving
9Reason of leaving
10Marital Status

Signature of the member

(To be filled by the employer)

I ………………………………………… S/D/O ………………………………………… with the designation of ………………………………………… is the Authorized signatory of the above said establishment. I have verified the request, documents attached and the records of the establishment and hereby certify that the facts mentioned above are correct.

Authorized signatory

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