Grant of Notional Increment (as due on 1st July/1st January) for pensionary benefits to those employees who had retired on 30th June/31st December before drawing the same.
Here is the extracted text from the image:
Office of the Principal Chief Personnel Officer
17 N.S. Road, Eastern Railway,
No. E.787/5/Pen/ Notional Increment
Kolkata, dated 21.01.2025
All Concerned
As per Standard list
Sub: Grant of Notional Increment (as due on 1st July/1st January) for pensionary benefits to those employees who had retired on 30th June/31st December before drawing the same.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2020/CC/13 dated 03.12.2024
Reference above, it is noticed that a huge number of Original Applications (OA), Contempt Petitions, and representations have been received all over this railway from retired Railway employees regarding the above subject matter.
In this regard, the matter has been brought to the notice of the competent authority, and the Competent Authority (PCPO) has given approval to allow the notional increment on 1st July/1st January in favor of all the railway employees who retired/are retiring a day before it became due (i.e., 30th June/31st December) and have rendered the requisite qualifying service as of the date of their superannuation with satisfactory work and good conduct. This is for the purpose of calculating the pension admissible to them in compliance with para 7 of DOP&T’s OM dated 14.10.2024, which has been circulated by the Railway Board vide letter under reference (corresponding PCPO’s Sl. No. 137/2024).
Enhanced pension has to be paid by taking into account one increment on or after 01.05.2023 (as the case may be). Enhanced pension for the period prior to 30.04.2023 will not be paid.
Necessary action may be taken accordingly in this regard.
(Anjan Ray)
Chief Personnel Officer (IR),
for Pr. Chief Personnel Officer