Implementation of Centralised Pension Payment System (CPPS) – EPFO Order 17 Jan, 2025

 Implementation of Centralised Pension Payment System (CPPS) – EPFO Order 17 Jan, 2025

Employees Provident Fund Organisation
Head Office
Plate A Ground Floor Block II East Kidwai Nagar New Delhi-100023

No. Pension/V4/CPPS/Pilot/2024-Part(1)/eflle-948434/2024-25/08

Date: – 17.01.2025


All Addi. CPFC/ACC(HQ)s, Zonal Offices.

All RPFCs / OICs, Regional Offices.

Subject: Implementation of Centralised Pension Payment System (CPPS)-reg

Madam/ Sir,

As you are aware that pilot run for CPPS in Dec 24 with centralised pension payment through NPCI has been conducted in all ROs. Therefore, now onwards all ROs shall process pension claims with any bank account of any branch of any scheduled commercial bank anywhere in India and shall act as CPPS enabled offices.

2. Accordingly, there should not be any transfer out of PPO due to branch of the bank in which the pensioner has the account, being located outside the jurisdiction of the concerned RO or the bank not having pension disbursement agreement with the concerned RO. While processing pension claim, any such new branch/bank shall be mandatorily added in bank master with its IFSC and the required data fields of Pension Payment Disbursement Account Number & Service charge disbursement Account Number values as zero for such new entries in the system.

3. The member applying for pension claim may be informed that they can also choose same bank account number as per their UAN-KYC used for PF claim in pension claim also. It is advisable to avoid failure/wrong payment due to bank account related errors.

4. It is reiterated that due care shall be taken while entering IFSC and bank account details of beneficiaries for processing of pension claims. The concerned section shall process the claim accordingly.

5. The PPOs for cases included in CPPS are required to be sent only to concerned pensioners and not to the branch. For all such cases, an undertaking in the attached format shall also be taken from the pensioners within one month of receiving pension claim. For offline claims (e.g. death cases) the undertaking may be taken with claim itself.

6. Also, it must be ensured that for all new PPOs issued, Aadhaar must be seeded in the system for all the beneficiaries so that in future, there would be no issue in DLC submission for the pensioner. All ROs are advised to submit Aadhar details of the beneficiaries at the time of pension claims and to make sure that pension would start only after having the details of Aadhar of beneficiaries in the system.

7. Further, in case of revision of any existing PPO (including PoHW cases), if the existing PPO has been issued by another Regional Office, the revised PPO shall also be issued by same Regional Office only i.e. same PPO issuing RO shall continue to disburse pension.

8. It is reiterated that as CPPS is implemented w.e.f 1st Jan 2025, there shall be no transfer out to another RO. For cases which are already marked for transfer out but not yet transferred through e office as per instructions issued, the original RO in which claim is received, shall process it without transferring to any other RO. The claims erroneously transferred to another office in e office after 1st Jan 2025, shall be returned back to original office for necessary action.

9, All Regional Offices shall complete all pending tasks related to pension disbursement in the earlier decentralised system for the period upto December 2024 including reconciliation, recovery and payment of service charges at the earliest.

10. Further, it may be ensured that the reconciliation process is completed as soon as report is made available for the same to concerned ROs. Corrective action shall be promptly taken for pending/rejected/failed transactions and as far as possible, these should be processed in next daily/weekly scroll after corrective action.

11. As the required Software for full scale CPPS is under development, till then, schedule for CPPS until further notice shall be as follows:

Weekly pension payment:

  1. Scroll generation – Every Monday
  2. Upload of payment files – by Next day (Tuesday) forenoon
  3. Payment date for all files – Next day (Tuesday) (Note: in case of holiday, by next working day)

Monthly pension payment:

  1. Generation of BRS and scroll — by 24th of the month
  2. Upload of scroll & payment files —- by 25th of the month
  3. Payment date for all files — 26th of the month

12. After development of final version of software, daily payments would also be enabled and instructions will be issued accordingly.

13. All Zonal Offices shall ensure that these instructions are communicated effectively and strictly adhered to. Any suggestions / feedback in this matter may be communicated to Head Office through proper channel.

[This issues with the approval of CPFC]

Annexure: as above

Yours faithfully,

(Aprajita Jaggi)
Additional Central P.F. Commissioner-(Pension)

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