Option for change from CGHS to RMA or vice versa to the Officers/Staff of Railway services, posted in Railway Board during the tenure in Railway Board or at the time of retirement.

S.No. 24
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)


Sub: Medical facility to Railway Officers/Staff working in Railway Board.

The matter relating to the change of option regarding medical facility being availed by Railway Officers/Staff working in Railway Board has been considered. The Competent Authority in consultation with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, has decided that:
(i) The officers/staff of Railway Services, posted in Railway Board’s Office and already given an option to choose the medical facility under either Railway Medical Attendance Rules (RMA) or Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) at the time of joining Railway Board, may be allowed to change their option either during their stay in Railway Board or at the time of retirement (if retiring from Railway Board) from CGHS to RMA and vice versa, subject to the payment of CGHS subscription subsequent to the month of exercising the option for availing CGHS facility. This option may be exercised at the discretion of officer/staff In Board’s Office.

(ii) The option for change from CGHS to RMA or vice versa can also be exercised at the time of retirement, if retiring from Board’s Office, subject to the payment of CGHS contribution from the date of enrolling in CGHS.

2. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Railway Board.

Under Secretary (Admn.)-II
Railway Board.


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