Dispatch of E‐PPOs in r/o Defence Civilian, no requirement of PENSION CERTIFICATE now: PCDA Circular No: C‐192

O/o The Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), 
Draupadighat, Allahabad – 211014 

Circular No: C‐ 192 
No: G1/C/0199/Vol‐II/Tech 
Dated: ‐13.12.2018 

(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence) 

Subject: Dispatch of E‐PPOs in r/o Defence Civilian to Head of Offices & PDA. 
Reference: This office circular no. C‐164 dated 30.05.2017 and C‐181 dated 22.01.2018. 
(available at www.pcdapension.nic.in )
Attention is invited to above cited circulars under which instructions were issued for implementation of e‐PPO in respect of Defence civilians. LPC‐cum‐Data Sheet containing new fields 1(A). HOO Code and 1(B). Email ID of HOO Code was circulated under circular no. C‐181 dated 22.01.2018. Of late, it is being noticed that column 1(A) & 1(B) are not being filled by the most of the HOOs while forwarding the pension claim to this office. Competent authority has directed that above said fields are mandatory and should be filled by HOO otherwise from 01.04.2019, claim will be rejected/ returned. Head of offices which still have not unique 6 digits HOO code, follow the procedure mentioned at Para 20 of circular C‐164 dt. 30.5.17 to get themselves registered. 

2. Now soft copy of digitally signed e‐PPOs are being forwarded to HOO by email on email address registered under HOO code. The concerned HOO, after scrutinizing and checking the e‐PPO, is requested to forward a copy of the e‐PPO along with Descriptive Roll of the pensioner to PDA concerned. HOOs are also requested to kindly provide a copy of the e‐PPO to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners for their record. If any discrepancy is observed by the HOO in e‐PPO or death occurs before the date of retirement/discharge, then this fact may be immediately brought to the notice of PSA and PDA for remedial measures. PDAs are advised to affect payment based on e‐PPO directly received in XML/PDF file, after confirmation from Head of Offices concerned in the form of receipt of Descriptive Roll, undertaking & non/re‐ employment certificated etc. 

3. In view of e‐PPO concept there is no requirement of PENSION CERTIFICATE, hence concept of Pension Certificate may be treated as deleted. Now, HOO will forward only one copy of Descriptive roll to this office for office record and other two copies will kept at their end for onward forwarding to PDA with e‐PPO(on receipt of e‐PPO through email). 
4. In view of the above, HODs are requested to issue suitable instructions (along with copy of this circular) to all the Head of the Offices under your administrative control to ensure that these additional information should be filled in LPC‐Cum‐Datasheet in r/o Post‐2016 of Pensioners/Family Pensioners to this office.

(Sandeep Thakur) 
Addl.CDA (P) 


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