One more effort by BPS to wipe out tears

Inline image 1This lady is Smt.Surajwat Bairagi widow of late Sri.Swaroopdas,Ex.Gate Keeper,Howbagh in S.E.C.Railway Nagpur Division.Sri.Swaroodas retired on 30.7.66 and he was sanctioned  Pension.He expired on 20.09.2006.After his death Smt.Surajwati never approached the Bank for family Pension since she was not aware about the Family Pension and her husband never shared with her about the entitlement of Family Pension.This lady is illiterate like her husband and thought that the employee is only entitled for pension and not the wife.In 2015 when I came to know about this and I contacted the Central Bank Nainpur,MP from where her husband was getting his Pension.The Bank Manager surprised me when he said that in the PPO the name of Smt.Surajwati is also mentioned for family  pension she being the wife.The representations started and ultimately in this month she got her first Family Pension and the Bank Officer dealing with the Railway Pensions assured me that she will be paid the arrerars from the date of death of her husband till now with in a couple of months.
J.Narayana Rao,
Vice President,BPS


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