Converting Pensioner's Accounts into PMJDY Account: DP&PW may examine the possibility. Seeding of bank accounts of pensioners with Aadhaar numbers – Pensioners Portal Orders

Government of India
Cabinet Secretariat
DBT Mission

4th Floor, Shivaji Stadium Annxexe,
Connaought Place, New Delhi
Dated: 16.03.16

Office Memorandum

Subject : Seeding of bank accounts of pensioners with Aadhaar numbers — reg.

Kindly refer to 0.M. no.1/18/2015-P&PW (E) dated 10.03.16 suggesting for providing multiple bank accounts seeding with Aadhaar number. Following points may be noted in this regard:-

(i) DBT Mission requested D/o Financial Services to examine possibility of seeding PMJDY account with Aadhdar number to be used as primary account (single account) for all government benefits to be transferred.

(ii) The present design of NPCI mapper provides for all payments to single bank account to Aadhaar number under Addhar Payment Bridge (APB), though multiple accounts can be linked Aadhaar.

2. In vies of above, DP&PW may examine possibility of converting Pensioners’ accounts into PMJDY account. Regarding the issue of payment to multiple accounts through APB, the matter may be taken with DFS, NPCI and UIDAI.

(Peeyush Kumar)
Joint Secretary (DBT)


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