Monitoring/handling of Pensioners’ Grievances 8: uploading of quarterly lists of retiring employees by Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/ AGs/Administrators of UTs/Delhi Admin and respective PAOs through 'Web Responsive Pensioners Service' of CPAO

NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/IT&Tech/Web Responsive/54/2016-17/120
Office Memorandum

Subject: Monitoring/handling of Pensioners’ Grievances 8: uploading of quarterly lists of retiring employees by Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/ AGs/Administrators of UTs/Delhi Admin and respective PAOs through 'Web Responsive Pensioners Service' of CPAO
1. Quick & satisfactory disposal of pensioners' grievances has been on top priority of CPAO. For this purpose, a Grievance Cell is already functioning in CPAO and grievances received through different modes are settled by it. So far, grievances not pertaining to CPAO directly but involving other agencies for final disposal were being forwarded to the concerned agency i.e. Bank, PAO for necessary action through email/letter. However, no tracking/monitoring of disposal of such grievances was available either with the Ministries or with CPAO.

2. In order to fill this gap, CPAO has developed Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System in its website under the ’Web Responsive Pensioners Service’. Through this facility, pensioners’ grievances can be transferred online on the login of the concerned PAO from the CPAO website for early disposal and update thereon for pensioner’s information. For the grievances which need to be resolved by concerned HOO/DDO; PAO has been given facility to mark such grievances to the concerned DDOs for their response. Here, it may be noted that marking of grievances to the DDOs is only for reporting/tracking purpose. After marking the grievances through system, FAQ will require to send the same to the concerned 0005 through available modes i.e. letters/emails as DDOs are not connected through this system. Similarly, response from the 0005 taken through same modes will be updated by FAQs in the system through their login IDs. For the time bound disposal of grievances (within 30 days from the date of receipt at CPAO), monitoring is required. Therefore, facility of monitoring of disposal of grievances marked to PAOs has been provided in the CPAO website under the existing CCAs logins along with Dashboards and meaningful MIS reports.

3. It is further pertinent to mention that large numbers of grievances pertain to delay in start of pension for which late submission of pension papers from HOO to PAD is mainly responsible. For monitoring the timely submission of pension papers, facility to upload quarterly lists of the employees retiring in next 12/15 months has been provided to FAQ in CPAO website to facilitate the implementation of Rule 56 of CCS (Pension) Rules which provides ”that every Head of Department shall have a list prepared every three months each year, of all Government servant who are due to retire within the next twelve/ fifteen months and a copy of each such list shall be supplied to the Accounts Ofiicer concerned” . Under this facility, Pay and Accounts Officers will upload such quarterly lists on CPAO website by using their existing logins after collecting the same from concerned HOOs/DDOs. Facility to monitor timely uploading of quarterly lists and submission of pension papers thereof by the HOOs/DDOs is also provided in the logins of CCA along with Dashboard and required MIS reports.

4. In view of above, all the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/ AGs/Administrators of UTs/Delhi Admin are requested to use this online monitoring facility on regular basis and keep track of the disposal of grievances to ensure that all grievances received from CPAO are settled on priority and maximum within 30 days and status is updated on CPAO website by their FAQs. The period wise pendency information is available on their dashboards. It is also requested to ensure timely uploading of lists of retiring employees and submission of pension papers arising out of such lists. You are also requested to instruct your PAOs to use these online CPAO facilities as they are the nodal points for CPAO in respect of disposal of grievances and uploading of quarterly lists.

5. For familiarization with this facility, step by step user guidance along with relevant screenshots (for CCAs and FAQs) is attached.

6. In case of any difficulty in using this facility, Sh. Davinder Kumar, Technical Director, NIC, CPAO may be contacted on 011-26715338/ email - kumar.davinder[@]

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Encl: As above

(Subhash Chandra)
Controller of Accounts

Source: [Click here]

NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/IT&Tech/Web Responsive/54/2016-17/123
Office Memorandum

Subject: Monitoring of Pensioners' Grievances and uploading of quarterly lists of retiring employees by Ministries/ Departments through 'Web Responsive Pensioners Service' of CPAO.

1. Quick & satisfactory disposal of pensioners’ grievances has been on top priority of CPAO. For this purpose, a Grievance Cell is already functioning in CPAO and grievances received through different modes are settled by it. So far, grievances not pertaining to CPAO directly but involving other agencies for final disposal were being forwarded to the concerned agency i.e. Banks & FAQs for necessary action through email/letter. However, no tracking/monitoring of disposal of such grievances was available either with the Ministries or with CPAO.

2. In order to fill this gap, CPAO has developed Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System in its website under the Web Responsive Pensioners Service. Through this facility, pensioners' grievances can be transferred online on the login of the concerned PAO from the CPAO website for early disposal and update thereon for pensioner’s information. Here, it is not out of the context to mention that most of the pensioners' grievances arise out of the wrong fixation and late finalization of pension by HOO/DDO and delay in start of pension for which late submission of pension papers from Ho0 to PAD is mainly responsible. Such grievances need to be resolved by concerned HOO/DDO; therefore, PAO has been given facility to mark these grievances to the concerned DDDOs for their response.

3. For the time bound disposal of grievances (all grievances need to be disposed of within 30 days from the date of receipt in CPAO), marked to DDOs and strengthen monitoring, login IDs Passwords have been created for 15 (Admin) in the CPAO website along with Dashboards and meaningful MIS reports. For monitoring the timely submission of pension papers, Rule 56 of CCS (Pension) Rules provides that "every Head of Department shall have a list prepared every three months each year, of all Government servant who are due to retire within the next twelve/ fifteen months and a copy of every such list shall be supplied to the Accounts Officer concerned”. In this regard, facility to upload quarterly lists of retiring employees has also been provided in CPAO website. Under this facility, HOOs/DDOs are required to prepare quarterly lists of retiring government employees and furnish the same to concerned Pay and Accounts Officers who in turn will upload it on CPAO website. Facility to monitor timely preparation/uploading of quarterly lists and submission of pension papers thereof by the HOOs/DDOs is also provided in the logins of JS (Admin) along with required MIS reports.

4. In view of above, Joint Secretaries (Admin)/Admin in charge of respective ministries/departments are requested to use this online monitoring facility for timely disposal of pensioners' grievances and timely preparation/uploading of quarterly lists of retiring officials submission of pension papers.For familiarization with this facility, step by step user guidance with relevant screenshots are attached along with login id & password.

5. In case of any difficulty in using this facility, Sh. Davinder Kumar, Technical Director, NIC, CPAO may be contacted on Telephone No. 011-26715338 or through email -

Sanjai Singh
Chief Controller (Pension)
Encl: As above.

Source: [Click here to view/download]


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