Submission of Sheet Roll along with claims for notification of Service Disability element in one go: PCDA Circular No. 563

Office of the Principal CDA (Pensions)
Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad - 211014

Circular No. 563
Dated: 12.07.2016


The O I/C
Records / PAO (ORs)

Subject: Submission of Sheet Roll along with claims for notification of Service Disability element in one go.

As per procedure for submission of disability pension claims as per Circular No. 518 dated 05.12.2013, the Sheet Roll has to be submitted along with claims but various Record Offices have raised the issue that Sheet Roll is held by the RO/ FAQ for final settlement account (FSA) claims. Resultant, Sheet Roll would not be spared in advance for submission of pension claims. Further, after sparing Sheet Rolls, disability pension claims are submitted after discharge/ invalidment and pension claims are finalised approx six months thereafter. Due to above constraints, individual is not in a position to receive his pension and ECHS facilities in time.

2. The issue has been examined, taking into consideration the hardship faced by the individual, competent authority has decided that submission of Sheet Roll along with claims for notification of disability pension may be dispensed with and IAFY-1948(A) may be accepted in lieu of Sheet Roll.

3. However, in lieu of Sheet Roll, certified copy of relevant pages containing occurrences/details Viz. record of particulars (First page of Sheet Roll), promotion and MACP details, posting and transfers, hospitalization and discharge, wounds and injuries (in injury cases), detail of non-reckonable service , Kindred Roll, details of discharge and last pay details may be submitted mandatorily alongwith claims.

4. Requirement of other documents shall remain unchanged.

5. This circular has been uploaded on this office website for dissemination of all concerned.

No. Gts/Tech/0176/IV
Dated: 12.07.2016
(Nasim Ullah)
Asstt. Controller (Pensions)

Source: PCDAPension


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