Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj Achieves it again

Some good news to share. 
   Bharat Pensioners’ Samaj Achieves it again
(1) The Smart Card for medical treatment in emergency cases, at empanelled hospitals, is signed on 06.07.016 by Member Staff Rly Bd Sh Pradeep Kumar. Now beneficiary will be able to report directly to empanelled hospital. Software commissioning may take about two months more.

(2) Cabinet approves Revision of pension of BSNL Pensioners Removing Anomalies 

On 05.07.2016 the Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the revision of pension of BSNL pensioners and family pensioners, who retired prior to 10.06.2013 by allowing the benefit of merger of 50% DA/DR with Basic Pay/ Pension, effectively amounting to 78.2% DA/DR for the purpose of fitment, and (ii) Modifying the liability of BSNL towards the payment of pensionary benefits to the retired employees. 

(3) Nivaran Portal for redressal of grievances of Railway pensioners/employees:Jun 30, 2016, 07.44 PM IST Railway minister Suresh Prabhu-

Acceding to long outstanding demand of  ‘Bharat Pensioners Samaj Hon’ble  Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu  on 30th june launched NIVARAN portal, an online system for redressal of service/Pension related grievance of serving and former railway employees.

Speaking on the occasion, Prabhu said that railways is trying continuously for addressing public grievances and has already launched an online portal.
“This portal is successful because of the work of railway employees. Today we are launching the portal for the grievance redressal of railway employees/Pensioners,” he said.

“This online system facilitates the employees/pensiobners to lodge their grievances and also monitor their progress,prtal will be fully functional very shortly.

4)  Digitalization of railway pensioners PPOs is also going to be reality very shortly .

S C Maheshwari
Secy Genl BPS


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