Reduction in Pension and Recovery from Pension already paid. Reduction in Pension and Recovery from Pension already paid.By M. L. Kanaujia, IRSSE, CCE/N.E.Railway(Rtd.) There is lot of confusion on the subject of Reduction in Pension already sanctioned and Recovery from Pension already paid. 1. Central Govt. Pensioners except Railway : 1.1. With regard to pensioners governed by the CCS(Pension) Rules 1972, the Rule 8 provide for clearly the provision in this respect. According to this, the pension cannot be reduced, once sanctioned and no recovery from pension can be done, except , in case a pensioner has been convicted of serious crime by a Court of law or pensioner has been found guilty of grave misconduct, that too, after following the laid down procedure. 1.2 The expression `serious crime' includes a crime involving an offence under the Official Secrets Act, 1923 (19 of 1923). 1.3 The expression `grave misconduct' includes the communication or disclosure of any sec...
Showing posts from August, 2012
Health insurance for CGHS beneficiaries
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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE RAJYA SABHA Health insurance for CGHS beneficiaries UNSTARRED QUESTION NO-1775 by SHRI BASHISTHA NARAIN SINGH a) whether it is a fact that in the year 2010, Government mooted a plan to provide health insurance scheme to its serving and retired employees; (b) if so, the present status of that scheme; (c) whether it is also a fact that beneficiaries including Members of Parliament are not getting required medicines from dispensaries specially Ayurvedic dispensary of North Avenue and elsewhere; and (d) if so, by when Government would seriously consider providing health insurance cover to CGHS beneficiaries in order to provide better healthcare? ANSWERED ON-28.08.2012 (a) & (b): There is a proposal for introduction of a health insurance scheme for central government employees and pensioners on pan-India basis with special focus on pensioners living in non-CGHS areas. As per the directions of the ‘C...
Status as on 01.09.2012 of Pensioners' cases Pending in Courts
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Extension of CGHS facilities to KV teachers
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Extension of CGHS facilities to KV teachers Extension of CGHS facilities to KV teachers similarly as being extended to KVS(HQ) and KVS(Regional Office) staff and extension of CGHS facility to KVS employees at par with retired Government of India employees, AIKVTA pointed out in the JCM meeting of KVS. Teachers should also be granted CGHS facility as is being provided to KVS HQ and Regional Office Staff. The CGHS benefits available to Government of India employees after their retirement should also be available to retired KVS employees as is being extended to NCERT employees. Comments of KVS : The matter for extending CGHS facilities to all the KVS employees was taken up by the Sangathan with the Director, CGHS and the have informed that the matter was referred to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and who has opined that it is the policy of the Government not to extend facilitites to new category of beneficiary but consolidate only to those available to existing...
Committee to Look into Pay and Pension Grievances of Military
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Committee to Look into Pay and Pension Grievances of Military Posted: 30 Aug 2012 05:41 AM PDT Committee to Look into Pay and Pension Grievances of Military The Committee chaired by Cabinet Secretary is comprised of Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister; Defence Secretary; Secretary, Department of Expenditure; Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen's Welfare and Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training. Consequent to change in charge of the then Secretary, Department of Expenditure to Department of Revenue, Secretary, Department of Revenue has also been co-opted as a Member of the Committee. Chief of Naval Staff & Chairman, Chiefs of the Staff Committee made a presentation to the Committee. The Committee further interacted with all the Service Chiefs (Chief of Naval Staff & Chairman, Chiefs of the Staff Committee; Chief of Air Staff and Chief of Army Staff). The recommendations of the Committee have been submitted to the Prime Minister....
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PAY SCALE OF URC EMPLOYEES AT PAR WITH EMPLOYEES OF CSDs Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Defence 30-August-2012 17:06 IST Pay Revision of URCs Employees The Unit Run Canteen (URC) employees are getting paid as per the rules regulating the terms and conditions of the services of the civilian employees of the URCs, issued by Army Headquarters in April 2003. These rules were made as per the directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India dated 4th January 2001, in the case of Union of India Vs. M. Aslam and others. It has been held by the Hon'ble Supreme Court, in its order dated 28.4.2009, in the case of R.R. Pillai vs. Commanding Officer HQ SAC (U), that employees of URC are not Government Servants. Hence, the benefits of Sixth Pay Commission are not applicable to them. However, the basic pay of URC employees was enhanced by 50% w.e.f. 1.2.2009 and by another 15% w.e.f. 1.12.2009. ...
Pensioners working more 'to avoid old-age poverty'
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Pensioners working more 'to avoid old-age poverty' Published: 28 Aug 12 12:44 CET The number of German pensioners working “mini-jobs” to supplement their income has risen by 60 percent since 2000, it was revealed on Tuesday. The figures prompted warnings of an old-age poverty epidemic. · Millions of women face poverty in old age - Business & Money (28 Mar 12) · Struggling pensioners forced back to work - Society (15 Dec 11) · Elderly face growing risk of poverty, warns OECD - Business & Money (6 Sep 11) In 2000, 280,000 pensioners had the €400-a-month jobs, which are exempt from taxes and national insurance contributions. This figure has risen to around 761,000, the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper said on Tuesday. And of these, 120,0...