Nothing without struggle

Nothing without struggle 
 “Rail Pensioners march to New Jalpaiguri” 
When to avert ‘Mahabharat’ Lord Krishna wanted to make a compromise between Pandvas and Kauravas with merely 5 villages under Pandava’s control and rest entire estate with Kauravas but Kaurvas replied “Can’t give a piece of land even equal to the top of needle without a war. Same situate before us today, Govt. of India is rejecting every just demand of Pensioners. N.F. Railway Pensioners Association invites you to IIIrd National Convention of Railway Pensioners Associations under the aegis of BHARAT PENSIONERS SAMAJ at New Jalpaiguri (WB) On 29th March 2012 

Bimalendu Chakraborty,Mob.08016135182,Tel: 0353 2592331,2562545 e.mail: 
Postal address: Bimalendu Chakraborty,working chairman,Office of the N.F. Railway Pensioners Association; NJP Gate bazar, P.O. Bhaktinagar, (West Bengal) Pin-734007 

Note: Delegation fee Rs 150/- per person inclusive of one night stay, one Dinner on 28th & Lunch on29th.

Shyam Sunder
Secretary Genl.
Bharat Pensioners Samaj


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