Dated: 22 Jan 2012

1          An advertisement from the Congress Party of India has appeared in to-day’s news papers. This concerns the issues relating to ex-servicemen and Defence matters. This is appreciated. Attention of all the political parties engaged in the current elections is drawn to the monumental neglect of less mortals who are serving the Armed forces of the Union of India. They are Defence Services Civilians who are paid salaries and pensions from Defence Services Estimates. Defence Services Civilian Pensioners are authorized for CSD Canteen Facility and the Status of Ex-servicemen as per laid down Army order and definition of ex-servicemen. Despite their contribution to the Armed Forces both in peace and war and despite their authorization they have been denied these facilities and status. The contestants of the current elections are requjested to take up these issues in their agenda.

2.         Central government Health Scheme was launched in the year 1954 for all Central Government Employees and Pensioners. In these 58 years this scheme has so far only covered 24 cities. Whole of Punjab state is uncovered by this scheme till now. Employees can avail medical facilities under CS (Medical Attendance Rules 1944 but there is no medical cover for the Pensioners. The stand condemned. On 27 Jan 2011 Director General Health Services Ministry of Health had stated a move to expand the scheme to Jalandhar (Punjab). But the effort has died even before it was properly taken up. We urge the contestants from Punjab in the current elections to take up this issue as agenda. Our memoranda to the Members of Parliament so far have brought no relief.

Yours sincerely
Defence services Civilian Pensioner
786 Urban Estate, Phase-1, Jalandhar-144022
Phone (M) 98550-50608
Email: onkarsinghriar@yahoo.com



Respected Dr Manmohan Singh, Honourable Prime Minister,

At the outset, let me thank UPA Government under your most efficient and dynamic leadership for the sincere efforts being initiated in bringing TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY & PROBITY among the Public Servants to achieve the ultimate goal of total eradication of CORRUPTION from the functionaries in Government Service in our country in a phased manner.
2. While on the subject, I most humbly and respectfully submit that Defence Services Civilian Pensioners have been discriminated throughout India in the above matter. I would further like to submit for your kind information that Defence Civilian Employees while in service are availing this facility but on retirement they are denied the same. This is a petty entitlement to Defence Services Civilian Pensioners settled throughout India (viz., CSD canteen facility to Defence Services) which has been withheld/withdrawn by Ministry of Defence without even giving sufficient reasons thereof. Such arbitrary withdrawal of a facility enjoyed by them for a long period has to be construed as a gross injustice meted out to them by M of D. They are entitled under Para 4 (b) of Army Order 2 / 2006. Ministry of Defence D (JCM) vide No 5 (9) 2010-D (JCM) dated 31-12-2010 has also recommended for a favourable consideration of the matter. Defence Civilian Pensioners from different parts of the country have also submitted their appeal/representation in this regard to M of D and also to the concerned Study Group. The matter has also been discussed in the SCOVA meeting held on 21-9-2011 at New Delhi as an Agenda Point.
3. I may further add here that Defence Services Civilian Pensioners have served the Armed Forces of the Union of India (Army, Navy and Air Force) and their rank equivalency has been laid down and they are drawing Pensions from Defence Services Estimates. They have signed the Field Service Liability Agreements and are brought under the Army Act when required. As already stated, representations have been made to appropriate authorities. Against my representation to the CSD Authorities at Army HQ/MoD, I was intimated by DDG/Canteen Stores Department at AHQ New Delhi vide letter No 96010/Q/DDGCS 04 Aug 2011 (copy enclosed for ready reference) that the matter is under consideration and no final decision has been arrived at. However, this entitlement remains withheld for no reason/justification and thereby the entire DEFENCE CIVILIAN PENSIONERS throughout India are now under great despair and disappointment.
4, On behalf of the entire DEFENCE CIVILIAN PENSIONERS in INDIA (being one among them) may I take this opportunity to approach vide this APPEAL the most honourable and respected PRIME MINISTER of this great democratic country, who always have a special concern about the welfare of Defence Pensioners, (who rendered their most valuable services for the Defence Preparedness of the country), to kindly intervene and direct MoD to resolve this long pending issue amicably, for which the entire Defence Civilian Pensioners would be much grateful & indebted to him.
5. May I rather the entire Defence Civilian Pensioners in India remain hoping to receive an early positive response in this regard from PMO.
Thanking you,
Most faithfully yours,

A Defence Civilian Pensioners and a senior citizen,

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