Invitation from N.F.Railway Pensioners’ Association

N.F. Railway Pensioners’ Association (Regd.)
Head office: Rest Camp, Pandu, Guwhati-781012, Assam
With great pleasure NFRPA announces hosting of 3rd National Convention of Rly Pensioners Associations on to be held under the aegis of Bharat Pensioners Samaj at New Jalpaiguri 29.03.2012 to be followed by 8th biennial Central Conference Of N.F. Railway Pensioners Association on 30th & 31st of March 2012
            N.F.Railway Pensioners’ Association Guwhati humbly seek your participation in this historic event wherein delegates from all over the country will gather to deliberate upon welfare of aged persons and to identify deficient areas and to draw a strategic plan of action. The idea is   not only to seek support from the Government in deficient areas but also to develop systems which enable all of us to act on our own as one family with mutual confidence, support and growing interdependence.
            A strong protest would be made against the Disparity in fixation of Pension of Pre & Post 2006 retirees, PFRDA Bill, Privatization of Railway services, Banks, PSUs and the rampant corruption. Demands will be raised for merger of 50% DR with basic pension, restoration of commuted value of Pension in 12 years, additional old age Pension from 75 years onwards, effective Time Bound Grievance Redressal mechanism, better patient friendly medical facilities, raising FMA to 1200 pm & removing distance restriction, parity in issue of passes to pre & post 2006 retirees, companion in the same class for all classes of post retirement passes, prompt sanction of family pension to widowed / divorced / unmarried dependent daughters & dependent disabled children etc etc
Please intimate your travel plans & requirements to facilitate your comfortable stay.
 Bimalendu Chakraborty
Working Chairman, Reception Committee
Mob.08016135182, Tel: 0353 2592331,2562545
Postal address: Office of the N.F. Railway Pensioners Association;
NJP Gate Bazar, P.O. Bhaktinagar, New Jalpaiguri (West Bengal)  Pin-734007
Note:- Delegation fee Rs 150/ per persons. Delegates coming with families will be Charged extra for Hotel accommodation (as per actual)


Can the Bank retirees attend as delegate by paying Rs.150/- n whether it includes lodging n boarding for the three days or extra amount to be paid.

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