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 Punjab and Haryana high court has made it clear that there c ..

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Kids adopted after retirement can't  ..

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Punjab and Haryana high court has made it clear that there cannot be any discrimination in granting family pension to legally adopted children merely on account of the date of their adoption. The court was of the view that children adopted post-retirement cannot be deprived of pensionary benefits. Justice Tribhuvan Dahiya passed the order while allowing a petition filed by Vikas Kumar, resident of Haryana's Jhajjar district.

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Kids adopted after retirement can't be denied pension: Punjab and Haryana HC

CHANDIGARH: Punjab and Haryana high court has made it clear that there cannot be any discrimination in granting family pension to legally adopted children merely on account of the date of their adoption.
The court was of the view that children adopted post-retirement cannot be deprived of pensionary benefits.
Justice Tribhuvan Dahiya passed the order while allowing a petition filed by Vikas Kumar, resident of Haryana's Jhajjar district.


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He had sought quashing of a Haryana govt order dated Feb 14, 2019, that rejected his claim for family pension. He had also sought directions to release family pension, effective from Sept 24, 2012, with interest, till attaining 25 years of age.

The petitioner's father had retired from military service on July 4, 1970, and was released on military pension. Thereafter, he joined Haryana govt on the post of 'barkandaz' (guard) on Sept 27, 1971, and was promoted to the rank of 'daffedar.' After his superannuation on July 31, 1987, he adopted the petitioner as son on March 1, 2000, but passed away on Jan 26, 2011.
The petitioner claimed family pension from the department, but was not granted it. No reason was cited for it.

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About the Author

Ajay Sura

Ajay Sura is Senior Assistant Editor with The Times of India Chandigarh. He covers news concerning the State of Haryana, Punjab & Haryana High Court and Defence & Military Affairs. He likes to analyse political developments and decoding judicial pronouncements. His hobbies include travelling, mountaineering and trekking.Read More




No BPS/SG/FP/024/x                               Dated 22.06. 2024


The Secretary (Pension)

Government of India


The Joint Secretary
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare
Government of India

Subject: Urgent Intervention Required to Assist Family Pensioner Krishna Devi

Reference: CPENGRAM Registration Number: DOPPW/E/2024/0043223

Dear Sir,

I am writing on behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj to urgently bring to your attention the distressing case of Mrs. Krishna Devi, a 75-year-old widow of the late Bhagwan Singh, Ex-Goods Guard, Dhanbad Division, East Central Railway. Her husband passed away on April 29, 2023, and she has been struggling to obtain her rightful family pension since then.

Details of the Case:

  1. Family Pension Application:
    • Following the death of her husband, Mrs. Krishna Devi applied for the family pension in her dire state.
  2. Overpayment Notice:
    • Instead of initiating her family pension, CPPC/SBI/Patna issued a letter (No. CPPC/Rly/Recovery Dt. 7-3-2024) stating there was an overpayment of Rs. 20,44,557 to her late husband, Bhagwan Singh, and demanded repayment of this amount before starting her family pension.
  3. Non-revision of Pension:
    • It was discovered that since the issuance of the PPO in 2005, it had not been revised as per the 6th and 7th CPC. This clearly indicates that the overpayment was due to administrative lapses, not any fault of the deceased pensioner or his widow.
  4. Guidelines for Recovery:
    • As per RBI Master Circular RBI/2024-25/06 GBA.GBD.No.S1/31.02.007/2024-25 dated April 01, 2024, there are provisions for the refund of excess pension payments:
      • When overpayment is due to an error on the part of the agency bank, this action is independent of recovery from the pensioner. Agency banks should seek guidance from respective Pension Sanctioning Authorities for recovery processes.
    • If the overpayment is due to government errors, banks should resolve the matter with the respective Government Department quickly, keeping records of the government's acknowledgment.
    • CPPC/SBI/Patna officials are ignoring RBI guide lines and insisting on full repayment before starting the family pension.

4a) according to Supreme Court Judgment:

    • The Supreme Court, in its judgment dated August 26, 2022 (CIVIL APPEAL NO. 5527 OF 2022), ruled against the recovery of overpayment from employees/pensioners at a belated stage where the employee is not at fault. CPPC/SBI/Patna officials are ignoring this judgment and insisting on full repayment before starting the family pension.
  1. Previous Case of Injustice:
    • A similar situation occurred with Smt. Shyama Devi, where CPPC/SBI/Patna delayed the initiation of her family pension, causing severe hardship. It required numerous complaints and even police intervention before her family pension was started in 2023.

Request for Immediate Action:

Given these circumstances, it is evident that Mrs. Krishna Devi is being unfairly denied her rightful family pension due to administrative negligence and non-compliance with established guidelines. We urgently request your intervention to:

  1. Instruct CPPC/SBI/Patna to immediately start Mrs. Krishna Devi's family pension in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance on May 16, 2018.
  2. Ensure that only the permissible monthly deductions (1/3 of the net pension plus relief) are made for the recovery of any overpayment.
  3. Take appropriate action against the officials responsible for the overpayment to her late husband and the subsequent harassment caused to Mrs. Krishna Devi.

Your prompt and compassionate action in this matter will provide much-needed relief to a grieving widow and set a precedent for humane and just treatment of pensioners and their families.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Yours faithfully,

S.C. Maheshwari
Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Thank  you so much for your support to Bharat Pensioners Samaj which suffered  heavy damage loosing every thing following  heavy incessant rains in Delhi on 27the and 28thof June 2024 when its office was flooded not only from rain water but sludge from Drain which breached. Your donations were not only a monetary support but carried your affectionate and emotional support which gave strength to stand up again. An organization having love and support of its members and affiliates and with dedicated staff can never fall. Thank you once againTop of Form

Secretary General ,

Dear comrade,

On behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj, I extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support during a time of great adversity. The heavy and incessant rains in Delhi on the 27th and 28th of June 2024 caused unprecedented damage to our office, flooding it with not only rainwater but also sludge from a breached drain.

Your generous donations provided us with crucial monetary support, but more importantly, they carried your affectionate and emotional backing. This support has given us the strength and resolve to stand up once again.

Bharat Pensioners Samaj is an organization fortified by the love and support of its members and affiliates, as well as its dedicated staff. With such a strong foundation, we can never falter.

We are immensely grateful for your kindness and generosity, which have been instrumental in helping us recover and rebuild. Thank you once again for standing by us in our time of need.

Yours sincerely,

Secretary General
Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Hindi Version

विषय: आपके निरंतर समर्थन के लिए हार्दिक धन्यवाद

प्रिय [Recipient's Name],

भारत पेंशनर्स समाज की ओर से, मैं आपके निरंतर समर्थन के लिए अपनी गहरी कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करता हूं, खासकर ऐसे समय में जब हम बड़े संकट से गुजर रहे थे। 27 और 28 जून 2024 को दिल्ली में हुई भारी और लगातार बारिश ने हमारे कार्यालय को अभूतपूर्व नुकसान पहुंचाया, जिससे न केवल वर्षा का पानी, बल्कि टूटे हुए नाले की कीचड़ भी हमारे कार्यालय में भर गई।

आपके उदार दान ने हमें महत्वपूर्ण आर्थिक समर्थन प्रदान किया, लेकिन उससे भी महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि आपने अपने स्नेह और भावनात्मक समर्थन से हमें बल दिया है। इस समर्थन ने हमें फिर से खड़े होने की शक्ति और संकल्प दिया है।

भारत पेंशनर्स समाज अपने सदस्यों और संबद्धों के प्रेम और समर्थन, और समर्पित कर्मचारियों से सशक्त है। ऐसी मजबूत नींव के साथ, हम कभी नहीं गिर सकते।

हम आपकी दया और उदारता के लिए अत्यंत आभारी हैं, जिन्होंने हमें पुनः प्राप्त करने और पुनर्निर्माण में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है। संकट की इस घड़ी में हमारे साथ खड़े होने के लिए एक बार फिर से धन्यवाद।


[Your Name]
भारत पेंशनर्स समाज

Great Success in resolving more than 7 yrs old case of Lumding Division. Smt Usha Devi widow daughter of Late Joy Karan  Fitter New Gauhati Hq Lumding was brought to notice of BPS during AGM. Her mother expired in 1990,She was married in 1994, Husband expired in 2011, Father retired in Dec.2011 & expired on 8-5-2016.  After a gap of more than 01 yr on 20-7-2017, widow daughter submitted all papers for Family Pension but nothing happened during last 07 yrs. BPS took up the case The result is PPO No LMG/PEN/Mech/4152 issued in the name of Smt Usha Devi by the Senior DFM NFRly  Lumding on24.62024                                              Bharat Pensioners Samaj Top of Form


Success Story Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Great Success in resolving more than 7 yrs old case of Lumding Division. Smt Usha Devi widow daughter of Late Joy Karan  Fitter New Gauhati Hq Lumding was brought to notice of BPS during AGM. Her mother expired in 1990,She was married in 1994, Husband expired in 2011, Father retired in Dec.2011 & expired on 8-5-2016.  After a gap of more than 01 yr on 20-7-2017, widow daughter submitted all papers for Family Pension but nothing happened during last 07 yrs. BPS took up the case The result is PPO No LMG/PEN/Mech/4152 issued in the name of Smt Usha Devi by the Senior DFM NFRly  Lumding on24.62024                                              Bharat Pensioners SamajTop of Form

A close-up of a business card

Description automatically generatedSuccess Story Bharat Pensioners Samaj

1.Successful Resolution of a Long-Pending Pension Case

We are pleased to announce the successful resolution of a pension case that has been pending for more than seven years, involving the Lumding Division of NF Rly.

The case of Smt. Usha Devi, the widow daughter of the late Joy Karan, who was a fitter at the New Gauhati HQ Lumding, was brought to our notice during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The details of her case are as follows:

  • Her mother passed away in 1990.
  • She was married in 1994, and her husband passed away in 2011.
  • Her father retired in December 2011 and passed away on May 8, 2016.
  • After a gap of more than a year, on July 20, 2017, Smt. Usha Devi submitted all the necessary documents for the Family Pension. However, no action was taken over the last seven years.

JSG Bharat Pensioners Samaj Shri Amiya Raman took up her case and diligently worked on it. As a result, we are delighted to inform you that the Pension Payment Order (PPO) No. LMG/PEN/Mech/4152 has been issued in the name of Smt. Usha Devi by the Senior Divisional Finance Manager (DFM), NFRly Lumding, on June 24, 2024.

We are proud of this achievement and remain committed to serving our members and affiliates with dedication and persistence.


Secy.Genl. /BPS


2.  Celebrating the Successful Resolution of a Complex Pension Case

    Long live Bharat Pensioners Samaj! Long live North Eastern Railway Pensioners Association!

We are thrilled to share the successful resolution of a complex pension case involving Smt. Krishna Devi, widow of the late Bhagwan Singh, a former guard of Dhanbad Division, East Central Railway. Upon the death of her husband on 29th April 2023, Smt. Krishna Devi applied to SBI to start her family pension. Instead of initiating the pension, the bank notified her that there was an overpayment of ₹20,44,557 to her late husband.

 The Secretary General of Bharat Pensioners Samaj wrote a letter on 22nd June 2024 to the Secretary (Pension), Government of India, and the Joint Secretary, DOPPW, Government of India, urging immediate intervention to help the family pensioner.

As a result, SBI bowed down and vide their number CPPC/SBI dated 27.6.24 assured that the pension would be credited to the account next month.

We truly feel proud of Bharat Pensioners Samaj and our association for resolving such intricate matters promptly and always working in the best interest of pensioners.


Mithilesh Kumar Singh
Branch Minister, Chapra Branch
North Eastern Railway Pensioners Association

Hindi Version

विषय: एक जटिल पेंशन मामले का सफल समाधान

भारत पेंशनर्स समाज जिन्दाबाद, पूर्वोत्तर रेलवे पेंशनर्स एसोसिएशन जिन्दाबाद!

हमें यह बताते हुए अत्यंत खुशी हो रही है कि श्रीमती कृष्णा देवी, स्वर्गीय भगवान सिंह की विधवा, जो धनबाद मंडल, पूर्व मध्य रेलवे के पूर्व गार्ड थे, के एक जटिल पेंशन मामले का सफल समाधान हो गया है। उनके पति की मृत्यु 29 अप्रैल 2023 को हो गई थी। जब श्रीमती कृष्णा देवी ने एसबीआई में फैमिली पेंशन शुरू करने के लिए आवेदन किया, तो बैंक ने पेंशन शुरू करने के बजाय सूचित किया कि उनके स्वर्गीय पति को ₹20,44,557 का ओवरपेमेंट हो गया है।

इस समाचार से स्तब्ध विधवा ने जब मुझसे संपर्क किया, तो मैंने पूरा मामला श्री अमिय रमण सर को बताया। मामले की बारीकी से जांच करने के बाद, उन्होंने पाया कि इस मामले में छठे और सातवें वेतन आयोग का संशोधन नहीं हुआ था। इसके अलावा, आधार कार्ड में भी गड़बड़ी थी।

उन्होंने आश्वासन दिया कि यह सब ठीक होने के बाद बैंक को सही रास्ते पर ला देंगे। और यही हुआ। जैसे ही पीपीओ संशोधन प्रक्रिया में आया, रमण सर ने मुझे केस को सीपीईएनजीआरएएम पर दर्ज करने की सलाह दी। साथ ही, भारत पेंशनर्स समाज के महासचिव ने 22 जून 2024 को भारत सरकार के सचिव (पेंशन) और संयुक्त सचिव, डीओपीएंडपीडब्ल्यू, भारत सरकार को पत्र लिखकर मामले में तत्काल हस्तक्षेप करने और फैमिली पेंशनर की मदद करने का आग्रह किया।

नतीजा यह हुआ कि एसबीआई ने लिखित रूप में आश्वासन दिया कि अगले माह खाते में पेंशन क्रेडिट कर दी जाएगी।

हम वास्तव में भारत पेंशनर्स समाज और हमारे एसोसिएशन पर गर्व महसूस करते हैं जो इस तरह के पेचीदा मामलों को तुरंत सुलझाते हैं और हमेशा पेंशनरों के हित में काम करते हैं।

मिथिलेश कुमार सिंह
शाखा मंत्री, छपरा शाखा
पूर्वोत्तर रेलवे पेंशनर्स एसोसिएशन




2.             No BPS/SG/FP/024/x                                                                      Dated 22.06. 2024


The Secretary (Pension)

Government of India


The Joint Secretary

Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

Government of India

                        Subject: Urgent Intervention Required to Assist Family Pensioner Krishna Devi

                       Reference: CPENGRAM Registration Number: DOPPW/E/2024/0043223

Dear Sir,

I am writing on behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj to urgently bring to your attention the distressing case of Mrs. Krishna Devi, a 75-year-old widow of the late Bhagwan Singh, Ex-Goods Guard, Dhanbad Division, East Central Railway. Her husband passed away on April 29, 2023, and she has been struggling to obtain her rightful family pension since then.

Details of the Case:

1.   Family Pension Application:

o    Following the death of her husband, Mrs. Krishna Devi applied for the family pension in her dire state.

2.   Overpayment Notice:

o    Instead of initiating her family pension, CPPC/SBI/Patna issued a letter (No. CPPC/Rly/Recovery Dt. 7-3-2024) stating there was an overpayment of Rs. 20,44,557 to her late husband, Bhagwan Singh, and demanded repayment of this amount before starting her family pension.

3.   Non-revision of Pension:

o    It was discovered that since the issuance of the PPO in 2005, it had not been revised as per the 6th and 7th CPC. This clearly indicates that the overpayment was due to administrative lapses, not any fault of the deceased pensioner or his widow.

4.   Guidelines for Recovery:

o    As per RBI Master Circular RBI/2024-25/06 GBA.GBD.No.S1/31.02.007/2024-25 dated April 01, 2024, there are provisions for the refund of excess pension payments:

      When overpayment is due to an error on the part of the agency bank, this action is independent of recovery from the pensioner. Agency banks should seek guidance from respective Pension Sanctioning Authorities for recovery processes.

o    If the overpayment is due to government errors, banks should resolve the matter with the respective Government Department quickly, keeping records of the government’s acknowledgment.

o    CPPC/SBI/Patna officials are ignoring RBI guide lines and insisting on full repayment before starting the family pension.

4a) according to Supreme Court Judgment:

o    The Supreme Court, in its judgment dated August 26, 2022 (CIVIL APPEAL NO. 5527 OF 2022), ruled against the recovery of overpayment from employees/pensioners at a belated stage where the employee is not at fault. CPPC/SBI/Patna officials are ignoring this judgment and insisting on full repayment before starting the family pension.

      Request for Immediate Action:

Given these circumstances, it is evident that Mrs. Krishna Devi is being unfairly denied her rightful family pension due to administrative negligence and non-compliance with established guidelines. We urgently request your intervention to:

1.   Instruct CPPC/SBI/Patna to immediately start Mrs. Krishna Devi’s family pension in accordance with the guidelines issued by the RBI &the Supreme Court Judgemen refered in Para 4a)

2.   Take appropriate action against the officials responsible for the harassment being caused to Mrs. Krishna Devi.

Your prompt and compassionate action in this matter will provide much-needed relief to a grieving widow and set a precedent for humane and just treatment of pensioners and their families.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Yours faithfully,


S.C. Maheshwari ,Secretary-General Bharat Pensioners Samaj

* भारत पेंशनर्स समाज जिन्दाबाद,पूर्वोत्तर रेलवे पेंशनर्स एसो जिन्दाबाद!*

श्रीमती कृष्णा देवी विधवा स्व.भगवान सिंह पूर्व गार्ड,धनबाद मंडल,ई.सी. रेलवे के पति की मृत्यु दि.29-4-23 को होने पर जब विधवा ने SBIको फैमिली पेंशन शुरू करने हेतु आवेदन किया तो बैंक ने बजाय पेंशन शुरू करने के यह सूचित किया कि आपके स्वर्गीय पति को रू. 20,44,557/-का ओवरपेमेन्ट हो गया है।   पत्र पाकर स्तब्ध विधवा ने जब मुझसे सम्पर्क किया तो मैने सारा केस श्री अमिय रमण सर को बताया। उन्होने केस की बारीकी से जाच करके कहा कि इस केस मे छठवे तथा सातवे वे.आ. का रीविजन ही नही हुआ है।आधार कार्ड मे भी गडबडी थी। *उन्होने आश्वस्त किया कि यह सब ठीक होने के बाद बैन्क को रास्ते पर ले आऊगा।*  वही हुआ भी।इधर पीपीओ रिवीजन प्रासेस मे लाया ही गया  था कि रमण सर ने केस को CPENGRAM पर मुझे दर्ज करने को कहा और उधर केस पर महासचिव,भारत पेंशनर्स समाज महोदय ने सचिव (पेंशन),भारत सरकार तथा संयुक्त सचिव,डी ओ पी एन्ड पी डब्लू, भारत सरकार को दि. 22-6-24को पत्र लिखकर केस मे तत्काल दखल देकर फैमिली पेंशनर के मदद करने का आग्रह किया। नतीजा यह हुआ कि SBIरास्ते पर आ गया और लिखित दिया कि अगले माह खाते मे पेंशन क्रेडिट कर दिया जाएगा।*  सही मायने में भारत पेंशनर समाज तथा अपने एसोसिएशन पर हम सबको गर्व महसूस होता है जो इस तरह के पेचीदा मामलो को तत्काल सुलझा देते है तथा सदैव पेंशनर हित में लगे रहते है।----मिथिलेश कुमार सिंह, शाखा मंत्री छपरा शाखा,पूर्वोत्तर रेलवे पेंशनर्स एसोसिएशन।



The Secretary,

Government of India

M/O personal, AR,PG & Pensions-DOP and PW


Railway Board

            Subject : Pending cases of family pensioners in Indian Railway Pension Adalats

            Reference :Special Campaign for redressal of Family Pensioners ‘ Grievances lodged


Hundreds of cases of family pensioners and claimant of secondary family pensioners are pending In Railway’s Pension Adalats at different levels without any resolution in sight. Bharat Pensioners Samaj request you, to persuade through your good offices, the Railway administration to launch a special campaign on the lines of the Special Campaign for redressal of Family Pensioners launched by DOP &PW under your leadership.‘ Grievances lodged on CPENGRAMS Portal from 01 st to 31 st July,2024.

The Special Campaign should cover all the grievances about Family Pension & Secondary Family Pension  submitted to Pension Adalats, Divisional & Zonal authorities also rather than restricting the same only to those registered in CPENGRAMS.

A few causes of delay are enumerated here under :

1.         The Railway  authorities are insisting submission of several documents that have no relevance or are obsolete, such as No Objection Certificate from non-eligible siblings which causes the applicants great hardship and turmoil in the family relations,Non returning of old PPO of the Pensioner/Family Pensioner is another  cause of undue delay. The onus for returning the old PPO is on the Banks who do not respond promptly, For example, in NCR ,in the case of Late Sri Narayana Das, PPO 2008732070080,more than one year delay occurred. It was on complaints of our affiliate PAR Secunderabad to the higher authorities, that the original PPO was returned and Secondary Family Pension to the widowed daughter 2

2.         Another cause of delay is that the authorities do not accept Thesildar’s certificate of income and even ITR.

3. Another big hurdle is that even after submission of all the documents several divisions order an inquiry by the Welfare inspector who often try to exploit the applicant.

It is unfortunate, that Secondary Family Pension, is being denied on the grounds that the widowed /unmarried  is young and can marry/remarry, educated  can get employed, more than 25 years of age  etc


It is suggested that  1) Rules need to be streamlined to ensure uniformity and equality. 2)cases should be serially registered date-wise and the same are to be reviewed every month by the Divisinal & Zonal Nodal Officers (ADRM/AGM in Railways )   for clearing the Oldest Registered Cases on top priority and the same should be  monitored at the national level by the concerned department as being done in the Negotiating Forums of PNMs.

Thanking you. With regards

Yours Sincerely,




Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Copy to : Joint Secretay DOP and PW for information and necessary action Please.

The Secretary,
Government of India
M/O Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare

Subject: Pending Cases of Family Pensioners in Indian Railway Pension Adalats

Reference: Special Campaign for Redressal of Family Pensioners' Grievances


I am writing to you on behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj to bring to your attention the numerous unresolved cases of family pensioners and secondary family pension claimants pending in the Railway Pension Adalats at various levels. BPS requests your esteemed office to urge the Railway administration to initiate a special campaign akin to the Special Campaign for Redressal of Family Pensioners’ Grievances launched by DOP&PW under your leadership.

The proposed Special Campaign should encompass all grievances related to Family Pension and Secondary Family Pension submitted to Pension Adalats, as well as those registered with Divisional and Zonal authorities, rather than being confined solely to CPENGRAMS-registered complaints.

Outlined below are several causes of delay:

  1. Unnecessary Documentation Requirements: Railway authorities are demanding irrelevant or obsolete documents, such as No Objection Certificates from non-eligible siblings, causing significant hardship and familial discord.Death certificate of previous family pensioner even in cases where there is no previous family pensioner. Additionally, the non-return of old PPOs (Pension Payment Orders) by banks leads to undue delays. For instance, in the case of Late Sri Narayana Das (PPO 2008732070080) in NCR, a delay of over a year occurred due to the non-return of the original PPO. It was only after complaints from our affiliate PAR Secunderabad that the original PPO was returned, and Secondary Family Pension was granted to the widowed daughter.
  2. Non-Acceptance of Thesildar’s Income Certificate: Authorities often reject income certificates issued by Thesildars, as well as Income Tax Returns (ITR), further delaying the process.
  3. Unnecessary Inquiries by Welfare Inspectors: Even after all necessary documents are submitted, several divisions order inquiries by Welfare Inspectors, who sometimes exploit the applicants.

Moreover, Secondary Family Pension is being unjustly denied on various grounds such as the widow/unmarried daughter being young and capable of remarrying, being educated and employable, or being over 25 years of age.

To address these issues, we suggest the following measures:

  1. Streamline Rules: Ensure uniformity and equality in the application of rules.
  2. Serial Registration and Monthly Review: Cases should be registered serially, date-wise, and reviewed monthly by Divisional and Zonal Nodal Officers (ADRM/AGM in Railways) to prioritize the oldest registered cases. This should be monitored at the national level by the concerned department, similar to the practices in Negotiating Forums of PNMs.

We earnestly hope that these suggestions will be considered and implemented to expedite the resolution of pending family pension cases.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.

With regards,

(S.C. Maheshwari)
Secretary General
Bharat Pensioners Samaj

No BPS/SG/Rly FP/024 /01                                                   Dated 5.7.2024

The Secretary,
Government of India
M/O Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare

Subject: Pending Cases of Family Pensioners in Indian Railway Pension Adalats
Reference: Special Campaign for Redressal of Family Pensioners' Grievances


I am writing to you on behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj (BPS) to highlight numerous unresolved cases of family pensioners and secondary family pension claimants pending in the Railway Pension Adalats at various levels. BPS respectfully requests your esteemed office to urge the Railway administration to initiate a special campaign similar to the Special Campaign for Redressal of Family Pensioners’ Grievances launched by DOP&PW under your leadership.

The proposed Special Campaign should encompass all grievances related to Family Pension and Secondary Family Pension submitted to Pension Adalats, as well as those registered with Divisional and Zonal authorities, rather than being confined solely to CPENGRAMS-registered complaints.

Outlined below are several causes of delay:

  1. Unnecessary Documentation Requirements: Railway authorities are demanding irrelevant or obsolete documents, such as No Objection Certificates from non-eligible siblings, causing significant hardship and familial discord, requiring the death certificate of a previous family pensioner even when there is no previous family pensioner. Additionally, the non-return of old PPOs (Pension Payment Orders) by banks leads to undue delays. For example, in the case of Late Sri Narayana Das (PPO 2008732070080) in NCR, a delay of over a year occurred due to the non-return of the original PPO. It was only after complaints from our affiliate PAR Secunderabad that the original PPO was returned, and Secondary Family Pension was granted to the widowed daughter.
  2. Non-Acceptance of Thesildar’s Income Certificate: Authorities often reject income certificates issued by Thesildars, as well as Income Tax Returns (ITR), further delaying the process.
  3. Unnecessary Inquiries by Welfare Inspectors: Even after all necessary documents are submitted, several divisions order inquiries by Welfare Inspectors, who sometimes exploit the applicants.

Moreover, Secondary Family Pension is being unjustly denied on various grounds such as the widow/unmarried daughter being young and capable of remarrying, being educated and employable, or being over 25 years of age.

To address these issues, we suggest the following measures:

  1. Streamline Rules: Ensure uniformity and equality in the application of rules.
  2. Serial Registration and Monthly Review: Cases should be registered serially, date-wise, and reviewed monthly by Divisional and Zonal Nodal Officers (ADRM/AGM in Railways) to prioritize the oldest registered cases. This should be monitored at the national level by the concerned department, similar to the practices in Negotiating Forums of PNMs.

We earnestly hope that these suggestions will be considered and implemented to expedite the resolution of pending family pension cases.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.

With regards,

(S.C. Maheshwari)
Secretary General
Bharat Pensioners Samaj


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ChatGPT can make mista




Chief Medical Superintendent office

Railway Divisional Hospital DELHI

No: - Med-E/All HU /020624-01,/DLl/24     Dt- 02.07 .2024

All Health Unit ln-Charge, Delhi Division

Subject: - Provision of courier services at all Health Units over Delhi Division on a payment basis (by patient).

 IT has been noticed that there are a number of pensioners who are 80+ under the jurisdiction of all health unit over Delhi Division and are unable to approach their concerned Health unit for receiving regular medicines for chronic illness. In this regard, a pilot project for delivering medicines by courier services on a payment basis by patients is already working at Noida Health Unit.

The feasibility of such services may be explored at all health unit over Delhi Division and at Northern Railway Divisional Hospital Delhi.

Compliance for the above may be solicited at the earliest.



( Asha Rani)

Chief Medical Superintendent

DELHI Division of Northern Railway


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Copy to:- 1 PCMD/NR. 2 DRM DLI 3. ACMS/Store in-Charge/DLI 



Guidelines for Issue of CGHS Card to serving employees and pensioners – MoHFW OM dated 27.6.2024

Key Points of O.M.

A. Serving Employees:

  1. Must apply online for a new CGHS card.
  2. Submit a signed hard copy with photographs to their department.
  3. Required documents: Pay slip, Aadhaar/PAN, disability certificate (if applicable), and photographs.
  4. Applications are processed by the Office of Additional Director, CGHS.

B. Pensioners:

  1. Eligible pensioners not availing Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) can apply.
  2. Option to avail FMA with an IPD-only CGHS card for cashless indoor treatment.
  3. Application with payment proof on Bharatkosh.
  4. Contribution rates based on pay level for a lifetime CGHS card.
  5. Required documents: PPO, Aadhaar/PAN, disability certificate (if applicable), photographs, Bharat Kosh challan, and FMA proof.

C. Electronic CGHS Card:

  1. Accessible via CGHS Website, myCGHS app, and Digilocker.
  2. Electronic card is valid like the plastic card.

D. Replacement of CGHS Card:

  1. Application for a new plastic card upon loss, mutilation, or renewal with a Rs. 100 fee.
  2. No fee for digital card reissue.

E. Other Beneficiaries:

  1. Instructions for MPs, ex-MPs, and other eligible groups remain unchanged.

F. Change in Dependency:

  1. Beneficiaries must inform CGHS of any changes in family member dependency.
  2. Non-compliance may lead to withdrawal of CGHS benefits and further action.


F. No. S.11012/1/2024-EHS(Comp No. 8283407)
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
EHS Section

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 27-06-2024


Subject: Guidelines for Issue of CGHS Card to serving employees and pensioners-reg.

In continuation of this Ministry’s OM No . S.11012/3/2011-CGHS(P) dated 29.12.2011, the undersigned is directed to issue the following guidelines, in view of technological changes and change in payment methods of CGHS Contribution, for issuing of CGHS cards to serving employees and pensioners, as follows:

A. Serving Employees

a.                    Serving employees shall mandatory apply for a new CGHS card online ( to generate a temporary reference number. After online submission of the application form, they should take a printout of the same and submit the hard copy duly signed and photographs affixed thereon, to the department currently employed, for processing and onward submission to the concerned Office of Additional Director, CGHS for issuing the cards. One copy is to be forwarded to the Additional Director of the concerned City and the other copy is to be retained by the Employer Department of the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as ‘sponsoring authority) for CGHS benefits.

b.                   The requisition shall be sponsored by the Head of Department/Head of Office of the employee.

c.                    A Specimen copy of the application form for the New CGHS Card is enclosed at Annexure-1.

d.                   CGHS shall scrutinize the application based on the documents provided:

         i.            Pay Slip indicating the pay scale and CGHS deduction.

    1. Aadhaar Card/PAN card or any other valid document as per RBI guidelines, as ID Proof for Self and Dependent Family Members.
    2. Disability Certificate of Dependant (If applicable) as per OM No.4-24/96-C&P/CGHS(P)/EHS dated 07th May 2018. (Enclosed at Annexure-2)
    3. Photographs of self and Dependant Family Members.

The Standard Operating Procedure is enclosed at Annexure-3.

B. Pensioners

a.                    CGHS card(s) will be issued to eligible pensioners and family pensioners, drawing pension from Central Civil Estimate and his/her dependent family members, when the pensioner is not availing the Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA).

  1. The pensioners also has the option for availing Fixed Medical Allowance with a CGHS card (IPD Card) by paying the full subscription, however, the CGHS ‘IPD only’ card shall be valid only for ‘cashless’ indoor treatment at CGHS Empanelled Private Hospitals/designated Government Hospitals. The beneficiary of ‘IPD only’ CGHS card shall also be eligible for reimbursement of expenses incurred for indoor treatment at any Government/Private Hospital only in case of a Medical Emergency.
  2. The pensioners can submit his/her duly filled application form for the new Pensioner CGHS card, in the new Card Application Form (Annexure 3) to the Additional Director of CGHS city concerned.
  3. The applications shall be accompanied with payment of CGHS Contribution S.11012/1/2024-EHS I/3687003/2024 on Bharatkosh, along with the Challan generated from Bharatkosh as proof of payment.
  4. The contribution (equivalent to 120 times i.e 10 years of existing CGHS contribution rate, at the time of retirement). The existing rates shall be as per the details provided below:

S. No.

Pay Level (7th CPC Pay matrix)



Level 1 to 5

Rs. 30,000/- for whole life CGHS Card


Level 6

Rs. 54,000/- for whole life CGHS Card


Level 7 to 11

Rs. 78,000/- for whole life CGHS Card


Level 12 and above

Rs. 1,20,000/- for whole life CGHS Card

  1. CGHS shall scrutinize the application based on the documents provided:
    1. Self-attested PPO/ Provisional PPO or Last pay certificate
    2. Aadhaar card ID/PAN card or any other valid document as per RBI guidelines as ID proof for Self and dependent family members
    3. Disability Certificate of Dependant (If applicable)
    4. Photographs of self and dependent Family Members.
    5. Copy of Bharat Kosh Challan for CGHS subscription paid
    6. Proof of availing/non-availing FMA (if applicable).

The Standard Operating Procedure is enclosed in Annexure-3.

  1. Retiring employees have the option to apply for a pensioner card along with pension papers 6 months before the date of Retirement (Online as a pensioner new card). The office shall observe the same procedure as for a serving employee for getting his/her CGHS card(s) prepared.

C. Consequent to verification of CGHS Card, the electronic form of CGHS card shall be accessible to the beneficiary using the option of ‘Beneficiary Login’ on CGHS Website, myCGHS app & Digilocker app for Android/iOS-based mobile devices. The electronic CGHS card shall be at par with CGHS plastic Card for availing benefits. The authenticity of CGHS card can be verified using the option of ‘Verify beneficiary’ available on CGHS Website (

D. For the issue of a new CGHS plastic card upon mutilation, renewal or loss of the CGHS Card, application Form AA or BB (Annexure 4 & 5) along with the Bharatkosh Payment challan for Rs. 100/- shall be submitted for issuing a new card to the concerned Additional Director. To encourage the CGHS beneficiaries to use digital CGHS cards, it has also been decided that No fee shall be levied, in case the beneficiary opts for renewal/reissue of card without a fresh printed plastic card.

E. The Instructions issued for the CGHS beneficiaries from Member of Parliament, Ex-Member of Parliament; eligible Autonomous Institutions, Air India and PIB accredited Journalists shall remain as per extant rules.

F. The CGHS Beneficiary shall inform CGHS immediately, if there is any change in dependency criteria of his family members included in the CGHS Card. If he fails to intimate and if CGHS comes to know of the change, then the CGHS facility is liable to be withdrawn and the CGHS shall be free to write to the appropriate authority for recommending action under Service Rules or Pension Rules.

These guidelines issues with the approval of the competent authority and these guidelines shall be effective from one month from the date of issue.

Encl: As above.

(Hemlata Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

View/download the PDF 


 Pramod Kumar ji


Grievance no. DOPPW E/2024/0045727 dated 3.7.24 is a grievance reg non issue of PPO to family pensioner widowed daughter of a Postal employee. Prior to it same grievance  was registered  and appeals also made March/ April 24. Case was initiated on 24th June 23 , but still ppo not yet issued



The  Director (PP)

DOP and PW            (For the kind attention of Dr.Pramod Kumar ji,)


I am writing to bring to your attention grievance no. DOPPW E/2024/0045727, concerning the non-issuance of the PPO to the widowed daughter of a former Postal employee who is entitled to family pension benefits.

This issue has been ongoing since March/April 24. I have to inform you that the PPO has not yet been issued.

BPS  requests your  intervention to expedite the issuance of the PPO to resolve this matter promptly.

Your assistance in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Warm regards,

Truly yours

Secretary General

Bharat Pensioners Samaj


No BPS/SG/FP/024/x                                                                Dated 07.07.024

To The Director (PP)

 Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare

(For the kind attention of Dr. Pramod Kumar ji),

Dear Sir,

Subject: Grievance regarding Non-issuance of PPO to Family Pensioner – Reg. DOPPW E/2024/0045727

I am writing to bring to your attention grievance no. DOPPW E/2024/0045727, regarding the non-issuance of the Pension Payment Order (PPO) to the widowed daughter of a former Postal employee, who is entitled to family pension benefits.

This issue has been pending since March/April 2024, and despite our previous communications, the PPO has not been issued.

Bharat Pensioners Samaj (BPS)  requests your intervention to expedite the issuance of the PPO and resolve this matter promptly.

Your prompt attention and action in this regard would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for addressing this important matter.

Warm regards,

Yours sincerely,

S.C. Maheshwari

Secretary General

Bharat Pensioners Samaj


No                                                                   Dated


The Dr Jitender Singh

Honourable MOS(PP) (Independent Charge)

PMO India

Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal

Hon'ble MOS, M/O Law and Justice

 (Independent Charge) email mljoffice[at]gov[dot]in

Ajay Kumar Bhalla


GOI -DOPT ( secy_mop[at]nic[dot} in)

Dr.Rajiv Mani

Secretary, GOI M/O Law and Justice


Secretary (Pension) DOP and PW

Govt of India

Shri Saurav Chaudhary
Public Grievance Officer Legal Affairs 


Subject: Delay in issuance of formal orders by DoP&T authorising one notional increment to pensioners who retired on 30th June & 31st January (after 01-01-2006) for pensionary benefits

Reference :registration  No DLGLA/E/2024/0000642

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you on behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj to express our deep concern regarding the undue delay in the issuance of formal orders by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoP&T) authorizing the grant of one notional increment to pensioners who retired on 30th June and 31st January post-01-01-2006 for pensionary benefits.

Despite numerous appeals to the DoP&T and the Department of Law & Justice from Pensioners Associations including the Umbrella organization Bharat Pensioners Samaj, the responses received have consistently cited the need for further consultation with the Department of Expenditure and the Department of Legal Affairs. However, we believe that all necessary legal considerations have been exhaustively examined and affirmed by the Honourable Supreme Court and the Additional Solicitor General of India.

In light of the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of KPTCL v. C.P. Mundinamani, 2023 SCC Online SC 401, which has attained finality, the prolonged delay by DoP&T appears unwarranted. The Additional Solicitor General's clear advice against further legal challenge underscores the necessity for immediate action.

Therefore, we earnestly request your office to expedite the issuance of a general order to facilitate the prompt resolution of this matter, ensuring that the affected pensioners receive their rightful benefits without having to resort to additional legal action.

We look forward to your swift and favorable response.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Secretary General
Bharat Pensioners Samaj

No BPS/SG/grievance/5                                             Date: !5.7. 024

Dr. Jitendra Singh
Honourable MOS (PP) (Independent Charge)
PMO India

Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal
Hon'ble MOS, Ministry of Law and Justice (Independent Charge)

Ajay Kumar Bhalla
Secretary, GOI - DoP&T

Dr. Rajiv Mani
Secretary, GOI Ministry of Law and Justice

Secretary (Pension), DOP and PW
Government of India

Shri Saurav Chaudhary
Public Grievance Officer, Legal Affairs

Subject: Delay in issuance of formal orders by DoP&T authorizing one notional increment to pensioners who retired on 30th June & 31st January (after 01-01-2006) for pensionary benefits

Reference: Registration No DLGLA/E/2024/0000642

Dear Sir,

I am writing on behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj to express our deep concern regarding the undue delay in the issuance of formal orders by the Department of Personnel and Training (DOP&T) authorizing the grant of one notional increment to pensioners who retired on 30th June and 31st January post-01-01-2006 for pensionary benefits.

Despite numerous appeals from pensioners associations, including Bharat Pensioners Samaj, the responses from DoP&T and the Ministry of Law and Justice have consistently cited the need for further consultation with the Department of Expenditure and the Department of Legal Affairs. However, we believe that all necessary legal considerations have been exhaustively examined and affirmed by the Honourable Supreme Court and the Additional Solicitor General of India.

In light of the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of KPTCL v. C.P. Mundinamani, 2023 SCC Online SC 401, which has attained finality, the prolonged delay by DoP&T appears unwarranted. The Additional Solicitor General's clear advice against further legal challenge underscores the necessity for immediate action.

Therefore, we earnestly request your offices to expedite the issuance of a general order to facilitate the prompt resolution of this matter, ensuring that the affected pensioners receive their rightful benefits without having to resort to additional legal action.

We look forward to your swift and favorable response.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


[S.C. Maheshwari]
Secretary General
Bharat Pensioners Samaj
Contact: 9868488199























GURGAON: The Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C) has issued a set of SOPs meant to ensure that online users who fall for cyber scams get their money back if they have reported the cases in time.
The SOPs include the role of an investigating officer, and that of banks in ensuring that a person who has lost money to a cybercrime gets it back.

I4C, established by the Union home ministry, provides a framework and ecosystem for law enforcement agencies (LEAs) to deal with cybercrimes in a coordinated manner.

Haryana Police additional director general (cybercrime) OP Singh told TOI on Sunday that the SOPs will streamline the process for the defrauded money to be returned to its rightful owner.
“The SOP clearly delineates the roles and responsibilities of investigating officers, banks and victims. The initiative is aimed to ensure swift and effective handling of cybercrime-related financial disputes, thereby enhancing public trust in the system,” Singh said.

Singh said investigating officers (IOs) play a crucial role. “The process involves several key steps. First, the IO issues a notice under Section 106(1) BNSS to the bank to freeze or disable digital transaction services associated with an account. Second, the IO ensures that the account holder appears for verification within 30 days, either in person or via video conference, to confirm their claim to the blocked funds. Third, if the account holder fails to comply or provide a satisfactory explanation, the IO records this non-compliance and may initiate court proceedings. Lastly, the IO follows court orders to refund the blocked money, forwarding necessary reports and bonds to the court,” he said.
Section 106(1) BNSS says that a police officer may seize any property that is suspected to have been stolen.
Under the new SOP, banks have specific obligations too.
They must refund the money to account holders on receiving a notice under Section 106(3) BNSS, which says that a police officer has to report seizure of property to a magistrate.
Banks are required to update the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP) to maintain transparency and track case progress. For amounts less than Rs 50,000, banks can refund the money without a court order if deemed fraudulent, based on internal policies and Indian Banks’ Association guidelines.
People cheated by cyber cons have other options to reclaim their money.
They can file an application in a jurisdictional court under Section 503 of BNSS. This provision says that after a police officer reports seizure of property to a magistrate, and such property is not produced before a criminal court during trial or inquiry, the magistrate may order disposal of property, or delivery of property to the person entitled to its possession.
Another method is by executing a bond and submitting it to banks to get the amount remitted.
They can also utilise state and district legal services authorities and lok adalats for support. Additionally, victims can file an application for a supardari order, seeking the release of the money lost.


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