The Government of Haryana covers all its employees and Pensioners under PMJAY Ayushman Bharat.

Haryana Government Gazette
Published by Authority
No.84-2024/Ext} Chandigarh Friday, June 7, 2024
Haryana Government
Health Department
The 7th June, 2024
No. 2/22/2024-1HB-IIL -- State Government has decided to implement Comprehensive
Cashless Health Facility (CCHFE)
The Salient Features of this scheme are as under:-
1. Title and Date of Commencement
1. The scheme shall be known as the “Comprehensive Cashless Health Facility (CCHF)” for
regular Haryana Government Employees, Pensioners and their dependents or any other
category as approved by Government of Haryana from time to time.
2. It shall come into force from the date of issuance of the Notification.
2. Definitions:
1. “AB-PM-JAY” shall refer to Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-
PM-JAY) co-managed and co-administered by the National Health Authority (NHA) on
behalf of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and State Health
Authority (SHA) Haryana with the objective of reducing out of pocket healthcare expenses
and improving access of Beneficiary Family Units to provide quality inpatient care and day
care surgeries (as applicable) for treatment of diseases and medical conditions through a
network of Empanelled Health Care Providers.
2. “Beneficiary” means the regular employee, pensioner and their dependent family members
or any other category as approved by Government of Haryana from time to time.
3. “Benefit Package” shall refer to the package that the beneficiary would be entitled to
receive under the scheme for any of the indoor treatment /day care procedure/chronic illness
within the fixed package rate as defined by the Government (Health Department) from time
to time. A list of fixed 1340 packages/implants is already notified by the Government vide
notification no. 2/56/2014-1HB-III dated 14.07.2020. These are subject to revision from time
to time as decided by the Government.
4. “Cashless” means the benefits drawn by the beneficiary (Employees, pensioners and their
dependents) in any empanelled hospital as per his/her entitlement shall be completely
cashless. The beneficiary shall not pay any amount to any empanelled hospital for any
covered treatment within his/her entitlement limits.
5. “Chronic illness” means the already notified 18 chronic illnesses by the Government.
These are subject to revision from time to time as decided by the Government.


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