MINUTES of The PNM Meeting between Railway Board and AIRF held on 02nd & 03rd May, 2024



DG(RHS)/ PED(Health)

02/2024: Revised Entitlement for Hospital wards for Railway Beneficiaries in Empanelled Railway Hospital.

Discussed and finalised.


11/2024: A. Medical facility to the dependent children on death of both parents under RELHS-1997.
Medical facility to widowed/divorced/unmarried daughters under RELHS-1997.

RELHS facility is provided to all those retired railway employees and their eligible dependents who have joined RELHS. Eligibility criteria for joining RELHS is already available in Para 612(A) of IRMM.

Staff side stated that Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/2022/A/Med./2(FMA) (E) dated 27.10.2022 should be withdrawn.

Official side has agreed to and this item will be closed.


55/2012: Sanction of adequate manpower for Central Hospital, West Central Railway, Jabalpur.

The staff side mentioned that the current strength of doctors is not adequate and the proposal received from the WCR should be re-examined.

14/2014: AVC for the categories where there is no avenue of promotion of Group ‘B’ staff etc.

Issue is under active consideration.

15/2015: Creation of posts of various categories of paramedical staff in Medical Department on the basis of yardsticks issued by the Railway Board.

The yardsticks to be issued with finance concurrence at the earliest.

39/2016: Abrupt enhancement in per-capita charges for the treatment of staff and their family members employed in Railway Co-operative Thrift & Credit Societies/ Banks and other quasi-administrative offices, including Recognized Unions and Federations, for treatment in Railway Hospitals.

The staff side demanded that this should be made free of cost. The proposal will be examined by Health Dte.

36/2018: Reimbursement of medical claim cases.

The staff side demanded that a separate meeting should be held to discuss and redefine the definition/criteria of ‘Emergency’.

50/2018: Amendment/withdrawal of the foot notes below the Item No.58 of the Model SoP 2017(medical matters).

Discussed and finalised.


01/2022: Provision of Robotic Surgery in NRCH, New Delhi.

Item has been agreed to and has been sent to M&P Dte. for inclusion in the Pink Book.


17/2022: Provision of upgradation of Sub-Divisional Railway Hospital, Patratu in Dhanbad Division of East Central Railway.

The staff side demanded that a proposal for upgradation of Patratu Hospital should be initiated by PCMD/ECR.

12/2023: Mismanagement in functioning of Divisional Hospital, Raipur(SECR).

Discussed and finalised.


29/2023: Medical invalidation of Railway Employees on ground of Psychiatric illness.

It is clarified that these instructions for five years are for complete invalidation and not for medical decategorisation. The item is now closed.


02/2021: Permission to Privilege/Complimentary/Post Retirement Complimentary Pass/PTO holders to travel in Vande Bharat Express.

Discussed and finalised.


04/2023: Deployment of ECRC Staff in Ticket Checking Activities.

A separate meeting will be held on this issue. The item is closed.


20/2021: Revision of pension of pre-2016 Retired Running Staff – Instructions issued by Railway Board incorrect and improper to be rectified. {other officer: EDPC}

Discussed and finalised.


15/2022: Extending benefits to NPS Covered Railway beneficiaries in accordance with the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare notification dated 30.03.2021.

Discussed and Finalised.


20/2022: Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 in place of National Pension System, of those central government employees whose selection for appointment was finalized before 01.01.2004 but who joined government service on or after 01.01.2004.

Discussed and finalised.


22/2023: Recovery towards wrongful/excess payments made to the Govt. Servants – Reg.

The matter will be further examined.

13/2024: Pensionary benefit to medically de-categorized running staff who opt for voluntary retirement with addition of 55% pay element.

The matter is under consideration.

30/2018: Implementation of the 7th CPC recommendations with regard to upgrading of pay scales of six categories of posts.

It was agreed to finalise this item.



01/2024 (A): Appointment on Compassionate Grounds-Cases of Missing Employees.

Discussed and finalised.


01/2024 (B): Appointment on Compassionate grounds-Coverage under Old Pension Scheme where ACG was delayed and appointed after 1.1.2004.

The issue of covering CG wards under OPS in above cases will be reviewed.

42/2016: Compassionate grounds appointment to daughter-in-law of the deceased railway employee.

The issue will be further examined.

12/2022: Payment of settlement dues to staff retiring from Construction Organisation.

The matter will be actively processed.

25/2022: Appointment on Compassionate Grounds – Cases of wards of the second wife.

Discussed and finalised.



17/2024: (A) Grant of Second Class `A’ Pass with entitlement to travel in 3 AC on PRCP to Retired Employees of Level-1.

The matter is under examination.

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