Clarification regarding Medical facilities to widow /divorced/unmarried daughter after the death of both the parent under RELHS

 Clarification regarding Medical facilities to widow /divorced/unmarried daughter after the death of both the parent under RELHS


Central Railway
Headquarters Office,
Personnel Branch,

No.CR/P/HQ.C Bills/RELHS Corres.

Date: .05.2024


Sub : – Clarification regarding Medical facilities to widow /divorced/unmarried daughter after the death of both the parent under RELHS.

A reference was made by Solapur and Bhusawal division on the above subject matter seeking clarification thereof on the issue of admissibility of option for FMA to widowed/divorced/unmarried daughters in receipt of family pension. This reference is made in light of clarification issued by Railway Board vide letter dated 27.10.2022 & dated 11.11.2022 addressed to Southern Railway and South Central Railway respectively, wherein on the basis of an observation that Widowed/divorced/unmarried daughters in receipt of family pension are not eligible for RELHS, and hence, not entitled to opt for FMA.

The issue has been examined by this office in the light of Raiway Board’s letters No. 97/H/28/1 dated 23.10.1997, RBE No.69/14 dated 07.7.2014 and RBE No.64/2022 dated 10.6.2022.

As per the Railway Board’s letter No. 97/H/28/1 dated 23.10.1997, the definition of dependents/family for RELHS will be the same as in respect of serving Railway employees. The definition of dependency will be same as in pass Rules.

In Railway Board’s letter dated 10.06.2022(RBE 64/2022) clarification regarding continuance of widow pass (WP) facility after demise of the Railway servant and his/her spouse has been issued, and it has been clarified by Board that even after the demises of the spouse of deceased Railway servant, the WP facility may be continued in the name of eldest beneficiary eligible to be included in the WP in terms of extant pass rules. Other eligible members may also be continued in the WPA account, as like before. Further, as per Railway Board’s letter dated 07.07.2014 (RBE No. 64/2014) the entitlement of FMA has been extended to the secondary family pensioner i.e., Widowed/divorced/unmarried daughters, if she fulfills the condition for grant of FMA irrespective of the fact whether they are member or not of RELHS.

In view of the above, since dependents to be included under RELHS is linked with the dependency as per pass rule, and vide Boards letter dated 10.06.2022 continuance of widow pass (WP) facility after demise of the Raitway servant and his/her spouse has already been issued , following instructions are issued with the approval of the Competent Authority:

  1. The benefit of FMA should be continued to the beneficiaries of the secondary family pensioner as was being given prior to issue of Board’s clarification to S.Riy & SC.Rly.
  2. Secondly, all those who were shown as dependents in the Widow Pass and after demises of the widow, the secondary family pension has been granted to the eldest beneficiary, the said eldest beneficiary as well as other eligible members as per pass rule should be eligible for RELHS and, thus, for UMID card.

(This disposes off APO/SUR letter No.SUR/P/Sett/Umid Card/Misc dated 07.12.2023 and APO (W) BSL letter No.2010507/2024 dated 23.02.2024).

Digitally Signed by
Sushilkumar Panda
Date: 16-05-2024 16:36:49
Reason: Approved
(Sushilkumar J.Panda)
Asst.Personnel Officer (Bills)
/- Principal Chief Personnel Officer

Copy to : CPO (A), CPO (G) – for kind information please.
Secretary to PCPO, PPS to PCPO- for kind information please.

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S.C.Rly Clarification regarding widow pass.

Continuance of Widow Pass (WP) facility after the demise of the Railway Servant and his / her spouse: SC Railway


Divisional Office,
Personnel Branch,


Guntakal, Date:11.06.2024



Sub: Continuance of Widow Pass (WP) facility after the demise of the Railway Servant and his / her spouse — Reg.,

Ref. 1) RBE.LR.No.2022/E(W) 01/09(RBE.64/2022), dt.10.06.2022.
2) PCPO/SC Lr.No.P (R) 473/XI dated.14.05.2024.

A reference was made to HQrs/SC on the above subject matter quoted under ref. No.2. seeking clarification thereof on the issue of continuance of Widow Pass (WP) to Widowed / Divorced / Un-married daughters and it is clarified as under :

“In terms of Railway Board’s letter No.2022/E(W)01/09 dated.10.06.2022 (RBE.64/2022) clarified that, even after the demise of spouse of deceased Railway Servant, the Widow Pass (WP) may be continued in the name of eldest beneficiary eligible to be included in the WP in terms of extant Pass Rules. Other eligible members may also be continued in the Widow Pass Account (WPA), as like before.”

“The above clarification is applicable in all death cases of the spouse including COVID-19 death cases.”

Instructions contained in RBE.No.64/2022 may be scrupulously followed in all the circumstances referred therein without any deviation and avoid inconvenience to the applicants.

This issue with the approval of the competent authority.

(S.Raja Sekhar Naik)
For Sr.Divisional Personnel officer
South Central Railway




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