Man in Tuticorin gets 3 months in jail.. st

 CHENNAI: The Tiruchendur RDO in Tuticorin district sentenced a 38-year-old man who refused to take care of his widowed mother to three months imprisonment.

E Malaiammal, 67, of Vazhavallan in Eral taluk in Tuticorin district, is a widow. Her husband died 10 years ago. She had submitted a petition to the Tiruchendur RDO, stating that she was living alone and her son Muthukumar refused to take care of her.
Tiruchendur RDO, M Guru Chandran, who investigated the case, ordered on December 9, 2021 that Muthukumar to give his mother a monthly maintenance of 5,000. The man, however, refused to give his mother the money.
He continued to disobey the RDO’s order. The RDO said Malaiammal’s second son was more empathetic and took care of her when needed.Powered By

On July 31, the widow approached the Tuticorin district collector K Senthil Raj. The collector ordered the RDO to take action against Muthukumar. He was arrested under section 24 of the Tamil Nadu Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act of 2007 and on Tuesday was lodged in the Peroorani subjail for three months.
Tuticorin district collector Senthil Raj said they were making all efforts to ensure that elderly people are taken care of by their kith and kin. As many as 74 cases had been registered under the Tamil Nadu Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act of 2007, in the past two and a half years. “We conduct periodic checks on the people who have got relief through the act, through the VAOs in the specific areas, to ensure that the rules are being honoured,” he said. These actions are taken also to send the message to the general public on the importance of taking care of the senior citizens, he said.

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