Extn of Stay in Hospital (Appx A, B and C): ECHS Order 05.07.2022 |

Extn of Stay in Hospital (Appx A, B and C): ECHS Order 05.07.2022

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquaters of
MoD (Army), Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle,
Delhi Cantt- 110010

B/49779-Outsourcing/AG/ECHS/Extn Stay

05 Jul 2022

All Regional Centres, ECHS


1. The process for extn of stay in hosp has been made online. The module has been made live on 05 Jul 2022 in the BPA Website.

2 It is requested that with imdt effect extn of Stay in hosps be done online only. The manual covering the steps required for initiation of extn of Stay till granting of extn is encl for ready ref.

3. Further, it is requestetd that this be disseminated to respective PCs and Empanelled Hosps.

(Sanjeev Gupta)
Jt Dir
(Statistics & Automation)
for MD, ECHS

UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited

(A Government of India Company)

Date: 1st July 2022


Director Medical,
ECHS Bhawan,
Delhi Cantt,

Subject: Proposal for Extension of Stay for Hospitals Modification with inclusion Appendix A, B, C for application and approval of process

Dear Sir,

Following multiple rounds of discussions with you, Dy. MD ECHS and MD, ECHS and other officials BPA developed Extension of Stay module for the benefit of the Hospitals and beneficiaries in a Step to further digitization of the system and making it towards completely automate.

The module is designed to give extension in three stages first stage is beyond 12 days and up to 30 days, Second stage is between 31 days to 60 days and Third Stage is 61 days to 120 days for extended stay. The approval of the extension of stay is to be done at different levels and by different officials in the following manner:

Stage I (13 days to 30 Days) Appendix A — Approval of OIC, Polyclinic
Stage II (31 to 60 Days) Appendix B — Approval of OIC, JDHS, Director RC
Stage III (61 to 120 Days) Appendix C — Approval of OIC, Director Medical (COrg), and MD

The empanelled hospitals will intimate the necessity of extended hospitalization through the application of BPA (www.echsbpa.utiitsl.com/ECHS ) with all the supporting documents along with the upload of Appendix A, B and C as per the stages requirement of Extended stays. The approval process of the extended stay will be as given above. The status of the request of extended stay can be checked by the Hospital on the BPA site. We are submitting the modified module with the inclusion of Appendix A, B and C for the application and approval process of extension of Stay for your kind approval so that it can be integrated into the live application.

A proposal is submitted covering the Introduction, Work Flow and Instructions to Users for requesting modification of the extension of Stay and its approval process for your kind perusal and approval.

Thanking you,
Koshy Thomas, Vice President (IT)


Source: Click here to view/download the PDF


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