Admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) on Retirement: PCDA(O) Pune Advisory No. 25 dtd 21.04.2022. The Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) on Retirement in respect of the Army Officers who wish to settle down at the last station of duty or Other than last station of duty post retirement.

 Admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) on Retirement: PCDA(O) Pune Advisory No. 25 dtd 21.04.2022. The Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) on Retirement in respect of the Army Officers who wish to settle down at the last station of duty or Other than last station of duty post retirement.



O/o PCDA(O) Pune, Public Relation office (PRO)

Admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) on Retirement

Your kind attention is invited to the Govt of India, Ministry of Finance, Dept of Expenditure, New Delhi OM No. 19030/1/2017-E. IV dated 06th January 2022(Copy enclosed).

In partial modification of Para 4 (11) (a) and (b) of Min of Finance, New Delhi OM No. 19030/1/2017-E.1V dated 13th July 2017 regarding, “admissibility of CTG on retirement”. GOI/MOF/DOE New Delhi has since decided that wef 06th January 2022 the Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) on Retirement in respect of the Army Officers who wish to settle down at the last station of duty or Other than last station of duty post retirement, the condition of 20 km from the last station of duty has since been done away with (dispense away with) subject to the condition that change of residence tis actually involved. To settle down at the last station of duty or Other than last station of duty after retirement, full CTG i.e. at the rate of 80% of the last Month’s Basic Pay will be admissible. Only the Army Officer will need to enclose a Self-declaration Certificate regarding his/her change of residence in the prescribed format (Annexure-l) along with final retirement claim to get CTG 80% of last Basic Pay drawn by the Officer.

In case of settlement to and from the Island territories of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Island, Composite Transfer Grant on retirement shall be admissible & paid at full rate of 100% of last month’s Basic Pay in terms of Para 4(ii) (a) of the OM GOI, MOF, Dept of expenditure, new Delhi dated 13′” July 2017.

This is issued bearing the approval of Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure), GOI, MOF, New Delhi.

This is for your kind information.

PCDA (O) Pune has seen.


Jai Hind

(Smt Arati Ray Chaudhury/IDAS)

7th CPC TA Rules – Admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) on Retirement: DoE OM dated 06.01.2022


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