
Showing posts from August, 2021

CBS-CTS Integration and Centralized Cheque clearing solution from 30.08.2021: Addendum-II SB Order No. 24/2021 |

CBS-CTS Integration and Centralized Cheque clearing solution from 30.08.2021: Addendum-II SB Order No. 24/2021 SB Order No. 24/2021 F.No. FS-10/3/2020-FS Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (F.S.Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Dated:29.08.2021. ADDENDUM-II To, All Head of Circles/Regions, Sub: – Regarding the implementation of the CBS-CTS Integration and Centralized Cheque clearing solution from 30.08.2021. Sir/Madam, Please refer to  SB Order No. 24/2021 dated 18.08.2021  and Addendum to  SB Order No. 24/2021 dated 21.08.2021  in which rollout of CBS-CTS Integration solution was scheduled on 23.08.2021 and the same was deferred due to connectivity issue. 2. The network connectivity issue between CBS and CTS application has been resolved. Accordingly, the competent  authority has decided to deploy CBS-CTS Integration and Centralization of Cheque Clearing operations at Chennai GPO from 30/08/2021.  3. From 30.08.2021 all...

Recovery from pension by Bank without information is in flagrant violation of principles of Justice: High Court  |

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY, NAGPUR BENCH, NAGPUR LD-VC-CW-665 OF 2020 Shri Naini Gopal S/o Dhirendra Mohan Roy, Aged About 85 Years, Occupation – Pensioner, R/o F-37/B, Central Railway Colony, Ajni, Nagpur-440 003. … Petitioner Versus The Union of India, Ministry of Defence, Through its Secretary, New Delhi. The Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), Office of Principal Controller of Defence Accounts, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh-211 014. The General Manager, State Bank of India, Centralized Pension Processing Centre, 5th Floor, Premises No.T-651 and T-751, I.T.C. Belapur, CBD Belapur Railway Station Complex, Navi Mumbai-400 0614. The General Manager, Ordnance Factory, Bhandara. … Respondents Shri S.S. Sharma, Advocate for Petitioner. Smt. Sushma, Advocate for Respondent Nos.1, 2 and 4. Shri M. Anilkumar, Advocate for Respondent No.3. CORAM : R.K. DESHPANDE & N.B. SURYAWANSHI, JJ. Date of Reserving the Judgment : 13th August, 2020 Date of Pronouncing the Jud...

Extension of time lines for electronic filling of various Forms under the Income-tax Act,1961: IT Circular No. 16/2021 |

Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Direct Taxes New Delhi, Dated 29th August, 2021 Subject: Extension of time lines for electronic filling of various Forms under the Income-tax Act,1961 On consideration of difficulties reported by the taxpayers and other stakeholders in electronic filing of certain Forms under the provisions of Income-tax Act,1961 (Act) read with Income-tax Rules,1962 (Rules), the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), in exercise of its powers under Section 119 of the Act, extends the due dates for electronic filing of such Forms as under: (1)   The application for registration or intimation or approval under Section  10(23C), 12A, 35(1)(ii)/(iia)/(iii) or 80G of the Act in Form No. 10A   required to be filed on or before   30th June,2021 , as extended to 31st August,2021 vide Circular No.12 of 2021 dated 25.06.2021, may be filed on or before   31st March,2022 ; (2) The application for registration or approval under ...

Absorption of medically decategorised employees redeployment of staff in alternative employment on priority: Railway Board Order dated 04.08.2021

 Absorption of medically decategorised employees redeployment of staff in alternative employment on priority: Railway Board Order dated 04.08.2021 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) No. E(NG)I-2021/RE3/2 New Delhi dated 04.08.2021 The General Managers (P)  All Indian Railways/PUs Sub: Absorption of medically decategorised employees redeployment of staff in alternative employment on priority. During the Performance Review Meeting of CRB with General Managers and PCPOs held on 10.07.2021 it has been observed from the data furnished by the Zonal Railways that a large number of medically decategorised staff were waiting for absorption in alternative posts. It was pointed out that there is significant financial implication if staff who is medically decategorized but is not re-deployed quickly in alternative employment.  Zonal Railways/PUs are requested to look into the matter and take immediate steps to ensure that the medically decategorised st...

SPARSH Circular No. 05 in respect of Defence Civilian Pensioners regarding submission of claim through legacy method |

SPARSH Circular No. 05 in respect of Defence Civilian Pensioners regarding submission of claim through legacy method Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(Pension), Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad — 211014 Email CIRCULAR NO. 05 No. PCDAP/SPARSHICIV/2021/VOL-1 Dated: 24th August, 2021 To, (All Head of Department under Min. of Defence) Subject :- Implementation of SPARSH in respect of Defence Civilian Pensioners. Ref:- This office Circular No.  SPARSH-03 dt.30.06.2021 . Please refer to this office circular No. SPARSH-03 wherein it was decided that the cases of individual retiring on or before 01.08.2021 and family pension claims (fresh cases where no PPO has been notified earlier) received till 16.07.2021 shall be processed through legacy system. The claims received after 16.07.2021 would not be entertained as it has to be processed through SPARSH w.e.f. 01.08.2021. As roll out of web based comprehensive pension package system for Defence Civilians ...

Bank Employees Family Pension to be increased to 30% of last pay drawn बैंक कर्मचारी परिवार पेंशन को अंतिम आहरित वेतन के 30% तक बढ़ाया जाएगा |

Bank Employees Family Pension to be increased to 30% of last pay drawn बैंक कर्मचारी परिवार पेंशन को अंतिम आहरित वेतन के 30% तक बढ़ाया जाएगा Ministry of Finance Bank Employees Family Pension to be increased to 30% of last pay drawn Banks’ contribution to NPS Corpus of PSU Bank employees to be enhanced to 14% Posted On: 25 AUG 2021 5:20PM by PIB Mumbai Mumbai, 25 August 2021 In a bid to provide relief to families of bank employees, the Government has approved the Indian Banks’ Association’s (IBA) proposal to increase the family pension to 30% of last salary drawn. This move would make family pension go up to as much as Rs 30,000 to Rs 35,000 per family of bank employees. This was announced by the Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, at a press meet addressed by Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman in Mumbai today. Secretary, DFS informed that, in continuation of the 11th bi-partite settlement on wage revision of public sector bank employees, which was si...

Roll out of RICT CBS version in RICT CBS devices from 25.08.2021: SB Order No. 25/2021 | Central Govt Employees -

Roll out of RICT CBS version in RICT CBS devices from 25.08.2021 SB Order No. 25/2021 F. FS-10/47-2021-FS-DOP Govt. of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (F S Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 24.08.2021 To, All Head of Circles/Regions Subject  :- Regarding roll out of RICT CBS version in RICT CBS devices from 25.08.2021. Sir/Madam, New RICT CBS version  for RICT devices have been developed and tested. The competent authority has decided to roll out RICT CBS version The patch deployment in RICT CBS devices will be done from  25.08.2021 to 31.08.2021  (1st Iteration/Deployment),  01.09.2021 to 06.09.2021  (IInd Iteration/Deployment),  07.09.2021 to 13.09.2021  (IIIrd Iteration/Deployment). 2. The following changes have been made in the RICT CBS version Performance improvement: – Changes are done to handle slowness during a transaction. Device getting unresponsive during config...

Amendment for reimbursement of medicines - Special Sanction in view of COVID-19: ECHS Order 17.08.2021 |

Amendment for reimbursement of medicines – Special Sanction in view of COVID-19: ECHS Order 17.08.2021 Central Organisation ECHS Adjutant General’s Branch Integrated Headquarters Ministry of Defence (Army) Thimayya Marg, Near Gopinath Circle, Delhi Cantt-110010 B/49761/AG/ECHS 17 Aug 2021 (All Regional Centres) AMENDMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF MEDICINES : SPECIAL SANCTION IN VIEW OF COVID-19 1. Further to this HQ letter No B/49761/AG/ECHS dated 23 Mar 2020, even No dt 24 Apr 2020, 01 Jun 2020, 02 Jun 2020, 07 Aug 2020, 05 Oct 2020,01 Jan 2021 and 16 Apr 2021. 2. A onetime sanction for purchase of medicines and claim reimbursement was issued till 31 Jul 2021. In view of increasing cases of COVID-19 and restrictions on mov in containment zones, to promote social distancing and avoiding unnecessary exposure to ECHS beneficiaries as well as minimizing footfall at ECHS Polyclinics, the ECHS beneficiaries having life style/ chronic ailments/ diseases on long treatment may purchase medicines la...