Pass facility to non-Railway Servants

  RBE No. 89/2019
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(W)2019/PS5-1/5 
New Delhi, dated 03.06.2019

The General Managers (P) 
All Zonal Railways & 
Production Units;

Sub: Pass facility to non-Railway Servants.

As per Rule 11(1) of the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (hereinafter referred as RSPR-1986), Special Passes are admissible only to Railway Servants, their family members or dependent relatives, as the case may be, on certain specific gro1mds listed under Rule 11. Furthermore, Rule 11(2) lays down the circumstances and the ·conditions subject to which such passes may be issued to them. These circumstances and conditions are specified in Schedule-VII. Therefore, it is observed that Rule 11 and Schedule-VII are meant only for Railway Servants, their family members or dependent relatives.

2. However, it is noticed that over a period of time, pass facilities to certain categories of non-Railway Servants have also been erroneously incorporated as item Nos.18(ii to vi), 22, 24(ii & iii), 25, 26, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 (part), 39, 40 & 41 of the Schedule-VII of RSPR-1986.

3. In this connection, it is also observed that a pass/PTO may be issued to a non-Railway Servant under Rule 12 only.· Therefore, after a review, it has been decided to continue pass/PTO facilities to many of such non-Railway Servants under Rule 12 (i.e. through administrative instructions) and not under Rule 11. Accordingly, in exercise of powers conferred on Competent Authority in Ministry of Railways under Rule 12 of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules-1986, these administrative instructions are issued to regulate, henceforth, pass facility to non-Railway Servants, as stipulated in Annexure-I to this letter. ·

4. Moreover, pass facilities extended under Item Nos.22, 25 & 35 of Schedule VII of RSPR-1986 (viz. to the candidates summoned for test/interview by RRB/RRC, Members of ZRUCC/NRUCC and whole time employees of the Trade Unions/Federations) will no longer be governed by Schedule VII under Rule 11. Hence, Competent authority has decided that these facilities shall be continued and regulated by extant administrative instructions, as already issued by respective nodal directorates of Ministry of Railways.

5. Furthermore, it is seen that pass facility to families of reservists and Casual Labour on recruitment/discharge (i.e. Item No.26 & 30 of RSPR-1986) are no more relevant and hence stands discontinued with immediate effect.

6. Amendment to the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules 1986, as necessary will follow.

Encl: Annexure-1
(D. V. Rao)
Director Estt. (Welfare)
Railway Board

Copy forwarded to:-

(i) Secretary, JS & Dir.(GA)/Railway Board.
(ii) Computer Cell, C&IS, Railway Board for uploading on MoR's website.
(iii) As per standard list.

Annexure to Board's letter No.E(W)2019/PS5-1/5 dated 03.06.2019

SI. No.Category of non- railway servantType of PassClass of PassValidity over Rajdhani/ Shatabdi/ Duronto Express Type TrainsOther conditions
(a) Full time regular staff of quasi Railway Institutions'

b) Full time regular staff of
Railway Institutes, Libraries, Homeopathic/ Ayurvedic dispensaries and other such welfare units run under the aegis of Staff Benefit Fund Committees on whole-time regular basis
Complimentary 'Admin' Cheque Pass
Appropriate class to be determined by General Manager on pay-cum-status basis.
Not entitled
(i) May be issued to an employee who is working as Manager/ Accountant of Railway Cooperative Credit Societies/ Banks for undergoing training from place of work to the training centre and back.

(ii) May be issued to the Directors of the Rly. Cooperative Credit Societies/ Banks when they go either to inspect the Branch Office or meet the Divisional Officers in connection with the recovery of loans and other dues.

(iii) May be issued when General Manager/ Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer considers it necessary for an employee of Cooperative
Society to go to an Accounts Office to reconcile discrepancies.

(iii) May be issued Passes and Concessional Ticket Orders (on terms similar to PTOs of Railway employees) for self and eligible family members at the following scales. :-

Passes :
1st and 2nd year of service:Nil
3rd to 20th year of service:1 set of pass in a calendar year
21st year and over:2 sets of passes in a calendar year
Concessional Ticket Orders:
1st year of service:Nil
2nd year of service and over ::2 sets in a calendar year

(v) Concessional Seasonal Tickets as applicable to Railway employees may be issued over the sections where Railway Employees are entitled to the benefit cf RCPs/ CSTs.

(vi) As regards Secretaries and Managers, the number of passes and concessional Ticket Orders may be the same as for Group C Railway servants.
 (1) Post Retirement Complimentary Passes and CTOs are not admissible on cessation of service.

(2) Retired railway servants, re-employed by quasi institutions and welfare units run under the aegis of Staff Benefit Fund Committees may either elect to get passes on post- retirement account or in terms of these provisions.

(3) The staff of the Railway Employees' Co-operative Insurance Societies, integrated with the Life Insurance Corporation of India, are not eligible for the above facilities.

(4) First Class Passes/ CTOs should be without attendant facility.

(5) Dependent relatives are not to be included in the Passes/ CTOs.
Artists invited to perform cultural activities, etc.
Complimentary 'Admin' Cheque Pass
First Class/ Second Class
Not entitled
(i) May be issued to the supporting artists and outsiders who are essentially required by the main artists (railway servant) for participation in the celebrations held during the Railway Week. The class of pass of the entire party may be the highest class to which any one member (who is a railway servant) of the parties is ordinarily entitled but not higher than First Class.

(ii) Not more than 5 First Class and 15 Second Class passes in a calendar year may be issued in favour of artists who are invited by the authorised organisations e.g. Railway Women's Organisations etc. to give performance for charitable purposes, the net proceeds of which are credited to their funds and utilised for Railwaymen's Welfare and/ or contributed to the Railway Minister's Welfare and Relief Fund. Such passes should not also be issued for more than two occasions in a year by Zonal Railways/ Production Units. Requirement, if any, in excess of 5 First Class and 15 Second Class passes in a calendar year will have to be met by the concerned organization.
Survivors and relatives of railway accident victims
Complimentary 'Admin' Cheque Pass
As stipulated under the conditions
The same type of train in which the victim was travelling
(i) Passes of the same class in which the surviving victim was travelling or higher if recommended by Doctor may be issued

(ii) Passes to not more than two relatives of the victim may be issued.
Lecturer/ eminent person invited by Centralised Railway Training Institutes
Complimentary 'Admin' Cheque Pass
First Class 'A'/ First Class
Not entitled
(i) Visiting Lecturer of the rank of Jt. Secretary/ SAG to the Government of India and above may be issued Pass valid for travel in 1-AC Class.

(ii) In respect of other visiting Lecturer/ eminent personalities, First Class pass may be issued with the approval of Head of the Institute concerned.
Railway Magistrates
Duty Pass
First Class
(i) Duty Card/ Cheque Passes over respective jurisdiction and up to divisional headquarters, wherever required.

(ii) No family member to be included in the Duty Card Pass.

Note:- Other conditions relating to issue of such passes shall continue to be governed by extant administrative orders.

(Ref: Board's letters No. E(W) 96/PS5-ll/l dated 15.01.2004, No. E(W)E(Trg)61/ PS5-2/6 dated 25.03.1963, No.E(G) 61/PS5-2/6 dated 16.04.1962 & No_E(G)60/ PS5-2/3 dated 24.09.1960) .
Government Railway Police (GRP)
Duty Pass
First Class 'A'
First Class
Second Class
Only to one Officer of the rank equivalent to IG and above from each State, heading and exclusive in- charge of GRP.
(i) Entitled to First/ Second Class Duty Card/ Cheque Passes over specified jurisdictions i.e. entire jurisdiction of the officer/ officials of GRP, even if the same extends to the contiguous Railway(s) .

(ii) First Class 'A' Duty Pass entitlement to GRP Officers for self-travel only, over jurisdictions as specified above, will be regulated as under provided that such officers are also entitled to travel in 1-AC Class as per Travelling Allowance Rules/ Orders/ Instructions of respective State Governments:-

(a) IGs/ DIGs/ AIGs who are exclusive in-charge of GRP are entitled to First Class 'A' "Duty Card Passes" valid for travel in 1-AC Class of Mail/ Express trains.

(b) IGs/ DIGs/ AIGs supervising GRP in addition to certain other duties (i.e. not exclusive in-charge) are entitled to First Class 'A' "Duty Cheque Passes" valid for travel in I-AC Class of Mail/ Express trains for performing railway duty.

(c) One Officer of the rank equivalent to IG and above from each State, heading and exclusive in-charge of GRP is entitled to First Class 'A' "Duty Card Pass" for self-travel in 1-AC Class of Mail/ Express/ Rajdhani trains and EC Class of Shatabdi Express trains.

Note:- Other conditions relating to issue of such passes shall continue to be governed by administrative orders issued from time to time.
(Ref: Board's letters No.E(W) 2011/ PS5-13/ 1 dated 13.05.2011, No.E(W) 2002/ PS5-1/ 10 dated 08.04.2005, No. E(W) 91/ PS5-13/ 2 dated 04.01.I999 & No.E(W) 86/ PS5- 13/ I dated 21.02.I986) .
Serving and Former Railway Ministers MR/ MoS(R) / DMR)
Duty Pass/ Tenure Privilege Pass/ Complimentary Card Pass
First Class 'A'
(i) Serving MR/ MoS(R) / DMR: -

(a) Gold Pass may be issued to incumbent MR/ MOS(R) / DMR for uudertaking journeys on official duty.

(b) For journeys otherwise than on duty i.e. on personal account, 06 sets of First Class 'A' Tenure-Privilege Passes per year may be issued to serving MR/ MOS(R) / Dlv'iR for self & other eligible members i.e. family & dependent relatives as defined in the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, as amended from time to time.
(c) Other conditions of travel on passes will be the same as applicable to serving Board Members.

(ii) Former MR/ MOS(R) / DMR: -

First Class 'A' Complimentary Card Pass with lifetime validity available by 1-AC Class alongwith one Companion in the same Class may be issued.
'Lecturers/ Instructors for participating in Workers Education Programmes
Complimentary 'Admin' Cheque Pass
Not higher than First Class
Not entitled
May be issued for participating in Workers Education Programmes conducted by AIRF/ INFIR in the Zonal Headquarters Station/ Divisional Headquarters Station/ Centralised Training Institutes
Persons invited in connection with train working like trail runs, etc.

Complimentary 'Admin' Cheque Pass
As decided by General Manager

Not entitled
May be issued with the personal approval of General Manager.
Claimants before Railway Claims Tribunal
Complimentary 'Admin' Cheque Pass
Sleeper Class
Not entitled
Passes from the place of residence to the place of hearing and back may be issued when attendance of the claimants is ordered by Railway Claims Tribunal in respect of cases falling under Section 124 & 124-A of the Railways Act, 1989.
Doctors/ para medical staff invited in connection with blood donation/ eye testing camps being organized on the Railways
Complimentary 'Admin' Cheque Pass
As decided by General Manager, but not higher than First Class
Not entitled
May be issued in optimum need based situations, from the place of work/ residence to the place where the camps are being held and back.
Sahayaks (Licensed Porters)
Complimentary' 'Admin' Cheque Pass
Second/ Sleeper Class
Not entitled
One set of Pass and two sets of PTOs for self & spouse only with valid of 5 months.
(Ref: Board's letter No.E(W) 2019/PSS-6/6 dated 08.03.2019)
Candidates summoned for test/ interview by RRB/ RRC
As per instructions issued from time to time by respective nodal Directorates of Railway Board.
Members of Railway Users' Consultative Connnittee and National Railway Users' Consultative Council
Whole time employees of the Trade Unions/ Federations

(Total 15 entries)






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