DoPT Order: Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment (JCA) Section

North Block, New Delhi - 110 001
Dated: 13th June, 2019


Subject: Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019.

The undersigned is directed to forward a copy of the minutes of the 47th Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019 in Conference Hall, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary for information and necessary action.

Encl.: As above

(Juglal Singh) 
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 2309 2338


The 47th Meeting of the National Council (JCM) was held on 13th April, 2019 under the Chairmanship of Shri P. K. Sinha, Cabinet Secretary, at Rail Bhawan, New Delhi. A list of the representatives of Staff Side and Official Side who participated in the meeting is annexed.

2. At the outset, Secretary (Personnel) welcomed Cabinet Secretary and Chairman, National Council (JCM), the Leader of the Staff Side, the Secretary of the Staff Side, the Senior Officers from-different Ministries/Departments-and Members of-the Staff Side.

3. Thereafter, Cabinet Secretary and Chairman, National Council (JCM) extended a hearty welcome to the representatives of the Staff Side as well as the Official Side. He stated that there has been a long gap between the 46th and 47th meeting of the National Council. However, four meetings of the Standing Committee were held during the last four years. He thanked the Staff side for their cooperation for successful and smooth implementation of recommendations of the 7th CPC and further stated that Government of India have taken several new initiatives, such as maintaining 10% employees' contribution and increasing Government contribution from 10% to 14% in the New Pension Scheme(NPS), promotion of more than 4000 Central Secretariat Officers viz. Deputy Secretaries, Under Secretaries and Section Officers, increasing the duration of admissible maternity leave upto 6 months, employee friendly modifications to the CGHS and abolition of the interview for recruitment to Group 'B' and Group 'C' posts. He further observed that some of the agenda items of the 47th meeting are too old and may have thus lost relevance. He also stated that Staff Side should come up with new ideas for the welfare of the employees, and that National Council and the Standing Committee meetings must be held regularly in future. Chairman also emphasized on the need for all Departmental Council meetings to be held on a regular basis to remove the gap between the two sides as also to identify the issues which require further consideration, and desired that all Secretaries of the concerned Ministries/Departments should ensure regular meetings of the Departmental Councils.
4. Leader of the Staff Side thanked the Chairman for highlighting important initiatives of the Government and for the assurance to continue sustained dialogue through JCM. He highlighted following issues for consideration:-

Para 4.1 to 4.16 and 5 to 5.21
7th CPC Fitment Formula, Option beyond 25.07.2016, MACP Benchmark, Withdrawal of NPS etc: Issues highlighted in 47th NC JCM Meeting

6. Thereafter, the 36 agenda items for meeting of the 47th National Council and Action Taken Statement on 9 agenda items of the 46th meeting of the National Council, JCM held in 2010, were taken up for discussion department-wise, which are summarized below:-

6.1 M/o Health and Family Welfare
6.1.1 Item No.04/10/NC-46 - Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) in lieu of outdoor treatment facilities 

6.1.2 Item no.13/19/NC-47 - Reimbursement of expenses on indoor treatment to pensioners living in non-CGHS towns

6.1.3 Item No. 16/19/NC-47 - Grant of Medical Advance to the Central Govt. employees.

6.1.4 Item No. 17/19/NC-47 - Reimbursement of additional charges paid on account of overstay in the hospitals.

6.1.5 Item No. 18/19/NC-47 - Reimbursement of Oxygen charges.

6.1.6 Item No. 27/19/NC-47 - Hospital Patient Care Allowance for C.G. employees working in hospitals.

6.1.7 Item No. 34/19/NC-47 - Fixing of CGHS rates applicable to the treatment and diagnostic procedure.

6.1.8 In conclusion of items of M/O H&W, Chairman observed that there were many demands for rationalization of the CGHS Scheme. He stated that besides the agenda items, there may be other issues as well which may require to be looked into by the Government. He suggested that the Staff Side may send all the points considered necessary for resolution to Secretary, MoHFW, who may take a meeting in a month's time.

6.2 M/o Defence
6.2.1 Item No. 18/10/NC-46 - Casual labourers (Grant of temporary status & regularization) Scheme -Non implementation of

6.2.2 Item No. 19/10/NC-46 Restricted Holidays for the employees working in the industrial establishments.

6.2.3 Item no. 20/10/NC-46 - Applicability of CCS(RSA) Rules to the workers employed in Defence establishments

6.2.4 Item No. 30/19/47-NC - Consultation with UPSC under rule 9 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 with regard to retired Defence Civilian employees

6.2.5 Item No. 32/19/NC-47 - Revision of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Defence Civilian employees posted in remote/border areas.

6.2.6 Item no. 33/19/NC-47 -Revision of Risk Allowance to the Defence Civilian employees

6.3 D/o Expenditure, M/o Finance
6.3.1 Item No. 8/10/NC-46 - Sanction of Incentive Allowance to Central Government Employees working in Extremists Infested Areas.

6.3.2 Item No.9/10/NC-46 - Declaration of Gandhinagar as Link-City of Ahmedabad.

6.3.3 Item No. 10/10/NC-46 - Upgradation of Jamnagar as B-2 Town with effect from 14.2.2006.

6.3.4 Item No. 11/10/NC-46 - A-l Status to Bangalore City

6.3.5 Item No.3/19/NC-47 - Benefit of proviso to rule 10 CCS(RP) Rules, 2008

6.3.6 Item No. 11/19/NC-47 - Insisting on non-availability certificate from the Estate officer.

6.3.7 Item No. 28/19/NC-47 - Moped Advance.

6.3.8 Item No.35/19/NC-47- Revision in the amount of advance given to the family of a Government Servant who dies while in Service.

6.4 DoPT

6.4.l Item No.16/10/NC-46 - Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Departmental Candidates for Appointment to Group C Posts

6.4.2. Item No. 1/19/NC-47 - Stoppage of Direct Recruitment in Group-D Posts in Central Govt. Offices.

6.4.3  Item No.2/19/NC-47 - Arbitration Awards.

6.4.4 Item No. 4/19/NC-47 - JCM Coverage.

6.4.5 Item No.6/19/NC-47: Washing Allowance

6.4.6 Item No. 12119/NC-47 - Stepping up of pay of Seniors with that of juniors under ACP and MACP.

6.4.7 Item No. 14/19/NC-47 - Increase in Residency Period for future Promotion.

6.4.8 Item No. 15/19/NC-47 - Fixation of Pay in case of employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR-15(a).

6.4.9 Item No. 19/19/NC-47 - LTC for Dependent parents to visit their son at his duty station and to go back to native place.

6.4.10 Item No. 20/19/NC-47 - Revised Scheme of Compassionate Appointment.

6.4.11 Item No.22/19/NC-47 - Creation of NFSG grade in cadre of UDC/Stenographers in all offices outside Secretariat.

6.4.12. Item No.23/19/NC-47 -Hostel Subsidy.

6.4.13 Item No.26/19/NC-47 -Revision in rates of Sewing Charges of Uniform.

6.4.14 Item No.29/19/NC-47 - Revision of Sports increment

6.4.15 Item No.31/19/NC-47 - Litigation cases on service matters.

6.4.16 Item No. 8/19/NC-47 - Granting temporary status to all eligible casual laborers.

6.5 D/o Pension & Pensioners Welfare & D/o Financial Services:
6.5.1 Item No. 5/19/NC-47 - GPF for those who have been recruited on or after 1.1.2004.

6.5.2 Item No. 21/19/NC-47 - Eligibility of Unmarried/ divorced/ widowed and dependent real sister of Govt. servant/pensioners for Family Pension. 

6.5.3 Item No. 24/19/NC-47-Extension of constant attendant allowance to totally visually handicapped pensioners who retired under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972.

6.5.4 Item No.25/19/NC-47 - Arbitrary orders denying revision of pension and family pension in favour of the pensioners who were receipt of compulsory retirement pension and compassionate allowance under Rule 40 and 41 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972.

6.6 CBDT/Department of Revenue

6.6.1 Item No. 7/19/NC-47 - Exempt transport/running allowance from income-tax.

6.6.2 Item no. 10/19/NC-47 - Exempt the island special duty allowance, special duty allowance granted to employees in the north eastern region from the purview of income tax.

6.6.3 Item No. 36/19/NC-47 - Exemption from payment of income tax to Pensioners who have attained age of 80 years or more.

6.6.4 Item no. 9/19/NC-47 - Denial of Parity in scales of pay to the workshop staff of Railway/Defence and Postal Department.

7. After detailed discussions on the agenda, the following important points were raised by Staff Side member of MoD:-

i) MoD has taken a decision to declare 289 items being manufactured in the Ordinance Factories as non-Core and to outsource the same, thereby affecting drastically the workload of Ordinance Factories. Moreover, MoD has decided to close down many Defence Establishments, rendering more than 31,000 employees surplus. These decisions are taken without any discussion with the Staff Side, in spite of the fact that there is a clear direction from the Cabinet Secretary that before taking such decisions, the views of Staff Side should be kept in mind.

ii) During the strike negotiations with recognized Federations, Department of Defence Production has agreed to consider the demand of Staff Side to allot salary expenditure separately to the Ordinance Factories and to de-link the same from the cost of OFB products. The issue is still remaining unsettled and Staff Side requested to settle the matter at the earliest.

Thereafter the following points were noted and summarized:

i) Regular meeting of the National Council, Standing Committee as well as Departmental Councils of the JCM may be held in order to have speedy resolution of issues concerning the employees.

ii) On the persistent demand raised by the Staff Side concerning unavailability of latest instructions/circulars issued by various Departments to the Staff Side, it was directed by the Chairman that steps should be taken by the Departments to ensure that copies of the latest OMs/Circulars are made available to the Staff Side on e-mail as well as by other means.
iii) The Chairman also directed the Official Side to ensure that all matters which require further examination as discussed in today's meeting should be taken up for resolution.
iv) The Chairman directed the official side to look into employee-specific grievances likely to arise due to implementation of decision of the Government to restructure the Printing and Stationery Department and Central Public Works Department.

8. This was followed by a briefing given by Shri Ajay Kumar, Secretary, Department of Defence Production about the work being done, including the important initiatives being taken, by the Ordnance Factory Board. He mentioned the efforts being undertaken to modernize the Board. It was also informed that a meeting of the Departmental Council would be held to discuss the issues of the Ordnance Factory Board with the Staff Side.

9. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks given by Smt. S1tjata Chaturvedi, Additional Secretary (Estt.), DoPT

1.Shri C. Chandramouli SecretaryD/ o Personnel and TrainingShri M. Raghavaiah Leader
2.Shri S. N. Agrawal Member, Staff       - Railway BoardShri Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary
3.Shri Girish C. Murmu Secretary (Expenditure) M/o FinanceShri Rakhal Das Gupta Member
4.Shri K.V. Eapen Secretary (Pension)Shri N. Kannaiah Member
5.Dr. Ajay KumarSecretary (Defence Production)D/ o Defence ProductionShri K.L Gupta Member
6.Shri Rajeev KumarSecretary (Financial Services) D/ o Financial ServicesCh. Sankara Rao Member
7.Ms. Preeti Sudan Secretary(M/ o Health & FW)Shri Venu P. Nair Member
8.Shri Saurabh Kumar Chairman (Ordinance Factory Board)M / o DefenceShri. S.K. Bandhopadhyaya Member
9.Shri Vivek JoshiRegistrar General of India M/o Home AffairsShri R.D. Yadav Member
10.Shri S. Dashora DDG(SR&Legal) D/ o PostShri Mukesh Galav Member
11.Shri P. K. Bisoi Member Personal (D/ o Post)Shri Mukesh Mathur Member
12.Ms. Sujata Chaturvedi Additional Secretary (Estt.) D/ o Personnel & Training . .Shri Gautam Mukherjee Member  ..
13.Ms. Anuradha Prasad Additional Secretary (Ministry of Labour & Employment)Shri J R Bhosle Member
14.Ms. A. G. MathewAdditional Secretary(Personal) D/ o ExpenditureShri Guman Singh Member
15.Shri Sanjeeva Kumar Additional Secretary (M/ o Health & FW)Shri R. P. Bhatnagar Member
16. Shri Amarirleep Garg   - -Joint Secretary (Cabinet Secretariat)Shri K. S; Murty,Member
17.Shri Ritvik Ranjanam Pandey Joint Secretary(D/ o Revenue)Shri Binod Sharma Member
18.Shri N. Subbarayan Joint Secretary (E)M/ o DefenceShri B.C. Sharma Member
19.Shri Ashok Chakyon OSD(P)M/ o DefenceShri P.S. Suryaprakasam Member
20.Shri S.N. Mathur Joint SecretaryD/ o Pension & PWShri R.P. Singh Member
21.Ms. Smriti Sharn DDG(Establishment) (D/ o Post)Shri Ashok Sharma Member
22.Ms. Manju Pandey Joint SecretaryM/o Environment Forest &Climate ChangeShri V. Bhattacharje Member
23.Shri Gyanendra Dev TripathiJoint Secretary (Estt.)D/ o Personnel & TrainingShri K N KuttyMember
24.Shri Sanjay Kumar Joint Secretary(M/ o Housing & UA)Shri M. S. Raja Member
25.Shri Shantanu Joint SecretaryD/ o Defence ProductionShri R. Srinivasan Member
26.Ms. Jayanthi. G Joint SecretaryD/ o Personnel & TrainingShri C. Srikumar Member·
27.Shri V. M. Rao DDG(Coordination) OFS& DOM/ o DefenceShri Ravindra S. R.eddy Member
28.Dr. D. C. Joshi Advisor (CGHS)(M/ o Health & FW)Shri Rajinder Singh Member
29.Shri Alok Kumar EDE (IR)M/ o RailwaysShri Sadhu Singh Member
30. .Shri Harjit Singh DirectorD/ o Pension & PWShri Tapas BoseMember
31.Shri Juglal Singh Deputy SecretaryD/ o Personnel & TrainingShri K. Balakrishanan Member
32.Shri Ashok Kumar Jain Deputy Secretary (Pay)D/o Personnel & TrainingShri R. N. Parashar Member .
33.Shri Sandeep Saxena Under Secretary (L&A)D/o Personnel & TrainingShri D. Kishen Rao Member
34.Shri V S Venkatanathan Asstt. C&AG0/ o C&AG
35.Shri S. N. JhaUnder Secretary (Estt.)D/ o Personnel & Training-

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