Fixing of CGHS rates applicable to the treatment and diagnostic procedure: Agenda Item 47th NC (JCM) Meeting

[Part of the Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019 issued by DoPT vide OM No. 3/1/2019-JCA dated 13.06.2019]

M/o Health and Family Welfare

6.1.7 Item No. 34/19/NC-47 - Fixing of CGHS rates applicable to the treatment and diagnostic procedure.

Staff Side stated that CGHS recognized hospitals at Chennai have given treatment/diagnostic procedure to the Central Government Employees and their dependents. However, the audit authorities are not allowing the medical claims for such treatment/diagnostic procedures on the plea that there is no CGHS rate available for the treatment and diagnostic procedures. It is therefore requested that the rates may be made available.

Reply of the Official-Side:

The issue has since been resolved and the relevant orders have been placed in public domain, and copies of the orders would be made available to the Staff Side Secretariat for their record.
Previous Agenda Item of 47th NC(JCM) Meeting
Item No. 27/19/NC-47 - Hospital Patient Care Allowance for C.G. employees working in hospitals.
Next Agenda Item of 47th NC(JCM) Meeting 
Item no. 18/10/NC-46 - Casual labourers (Grant of temporary status & regularization) Scheme -Non implementation of


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