61st BPS AGM-Pensioners will not accept any dilution of option 1 recommended by 7th CPC vide their Para 10.1.67 &68

Com Shiv Gopal Mishra Genl. Secy. NC JCM (Staff side) inaugurated 61st AGM of Bharat Pensioners Samaj on 13.11.2016 at Constitution Club N. Delhi . Speaking on the occasion Com Mishra,Com KKN KUTTY President Centrat Govt. Employees & Workers Confederation & Dr Sugan Bhatia Sr vice President AISCCON pledged full support to BPS. S.G. BPS SCMaheshwari, D.Balasubramanium. Genl Secy AIFPA Chennai & Umesh Babu Secy NFRP Palghat declared that Pensioners will not accept any dilution of option 1 recommended by 7th CPC vide their Para10.1.67 & 68 for pension revision and gave a clarion call to pensioners to get ready for the big fight.The event was covered by the correspondent of AajTak Tv Channel.

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