
Showing posts from November, 2014

BPS proposed Agenda for 26th of SCOVA

1.    Apex Court Judgements :  Supreme Court judgements should automatically be applied to all similarly placed Pensioners/family pensioners. DOP &PW, Ministry of Law & Justice & the Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure should abandon the policy of pushing every pensioner to the court of law on the matters already decided by the honourable Supreme Court. 2. Online Grievance redresses mechanism CPENGRAM : DOP & PW  should abandon the policy ‘Forward & Forget’ Department should ensure that the grievance is fully resolved in real time and is not closed by the concerned Department for the sake of closing it. There should be a provision to intimate aggrieved about the action taken on his feed back. 3 .Right  to family pension of legally married spouse be made irrevocable : Increasing number of cases in   lower rung are coming to light where in knowingly or unknowingly name of legally married living spouse is not in...

BPS suggestion to DOP &PW for promoting welfare of Pensioners'/Family Pensioners drawing pension / family pension from Central Government.

Dear madam Deepa Anand, With reference to your No A/5/2014-P&PW (D) Dated the 18 th November, 2014 regarding suggestions for promoting welfare of Pensioners'/Family Pensioners drawing pension / family pension from Central Government . Bharat Pensioners Samaj suggest:  1. Pensioners/ family pensioners will be a much happier lot if DOP & PW abandon the policy ‘Forward & Forget’ and  ensures that the grievance registered  CPENGRAM is fully resolved in real time and is not closed by the concerned department for the sake of closing it. There should be a provision to intimate aggrieved about the action taken on his/her feedback. 2.  DOP & PW, Ministry of Law & Justice & the Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure should abandon the policy of pushing every pensioner to the court of law on the matters already decided by the honorable Supreme Court.  Supreme court judgments should automatically be applied to all similarly plac...

S.C.Maheshwari Secy. Genl.. BPS writes to Prime Minister Of India:Will anyone in the Govt. help ?

93 year old defence civilian Pensioner A S Pereira superannuated in 1980 from the Garrison Engineer's office in Bangalore.. waiting on Death Bed for his revised PPO from P/CDA Allahabad CPENGRAMS : Regn No.MODEF/E/2014/00783 March 2014: Exiting PPO number is ENG/902/80 his 25461261(Benglore) Will anyone in the Govt. help? Thank you for writing to the Hon’ble Prime Minister. • Thank You! Your Message has been received. You can send your next message after 72 hours.

Activity report of D.D. Mistry BPS Secy. for BSNL / PSUs

Junagadh 2 nd District Conference: On 22.11.2014, Shri D.D. Mistry, GS BDPA (INDIA) addressed Open Session of 2nd District Conference of Junagadh District, where more than 200 Pensioners/invitees were present. The Mayor of Junagadh City also addressed the session. Shri D.D. Mistry enlighten the audience on pending irriating issues of Pensioners including Anomalies, 78,.2% IDA Merger issue, Medical Allowance, 7th CPC and its relevancy for BSNL Pensioners etc. Shri D.V. Lavadia spoke on pending issues and submitted his annual report and accounts for previous year. 33 rd Get to Gatjer “ Ahmedabad : 21.11.2014: The 33rd Get to Gather – Sneh Samelan – of BDPA (INDIA) was held on 20.11.2015 at 15.00 hours in Ahmedabad Medical Association Hall (Air-conditioned) under the Presidentship of Shri A.N. Patel.Shri J.B. Kumpavat anchored the event in his own meticulous and appreciable manner involving the entire audience. The hall was jam packed beyond its capacity and as such the pensioners ...

Clarifications regarding e-tender 2014 for empanelment of HCOs and determination of rates under CGHS.

F. No. S-11045/36/2012 – CGHS (HEC) Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Directorate  General  of CGHS Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan New Delhi 110 108 Dated: 26th November, 2014 O F F I C E   O R D E R Subject: Clarifications regarding e-tender 2014 for empanelment of HCOs and determination of rates under CGHS. Following are the clarifications regarding e-tender 2014 regarding fixation of rates:- 1. Tata  Memorial Hospital , Mumbai rates of 2012: These rates are applicable for Cancer surgeries in CGHS empanelled hospitals. A detailed order regarding applicable rates for Cancer surgeries in CGHS empanelled hospitals is available on CGHS website. 2. Annual Health Check-up for group ‘A’ Central Government Officers Aged ‘40’ and above and for other categories of CGHS  beneficiaries  as  specified  by Government: It is clarified that annual Health checkup would henceforth be conducted by all CGHS e...

Aadhaar based authentication of Life Certificate for pensioners.


Review of pensioners' data submitted by various pension disbursing banks - meeting held on 21st November, 2014 - reg.


Secy. Genl. S.C.Maheshwari's message to BPS stake holders (COMMUNICATE, COORDINATE & CONSOLIDATE)

Friends, Communication is a basic tool for the promotion, management & progress of an organization. While word of mouth , print  & electronic media remain to be effective methods. Social media is emerging to be the strongest of all mass communication medium.  Need of the hour for a pensioners' organization with a vast base like BPS,  is to communicate freely & frequently with all its stake holders using  conventional as well as modern resources. So communicate to spread awareness, knowledge & information among  pensioner /family pensioners , affiliated/ associated associations, MOU partners, civil society, leaders both of National & Local level, MEDIA and last but not the least those retiring in the near future. We have to exert to spread awareness about pensioners contribution to the nation and the society, their service conditions & entitlement for pension, which never has been a defined benefit in this country . Even after retire...

One Rank-One Pension (OROP

HRI SUKHDEV SINGH DHINDSA Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state Question (a) whether Government’s decision to grant pension to the retired personnel of the Defence Forces as per “One Rank-One Pension (OROP)” formula has since been implemented; if so, the details thereof; (b) if not, the reasons for the delay; and (c) by when this scheme is likely to be implemented? Answer: MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI MANOHAR PARRIKAR) (a) to (c) : A Statement is laid on the Table of the House. The principle of One Rank One Pension for the Armed Forces has been accepted by the Government. The modalities for implementation were discussed with various stakeholders and are presently under consideration of the Government. It will be implemented once the modalities are approved by the Government.

Public Grievances

Press  Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 26-November-2014 14:53 IST Public Grievances On an average, around 42000 grievances are received every month on Centralised Public Grievance Redress and  Monitoring System  (CPGRAMS) and in the Prime Minister’s Office.  Besides, some grievances are also received directly by the Ministries/Departments, other Central Government Offices, and State Governments, for which  centralised data base is not available. As per CPGRAMS, the disposal and pendency for the last three years, related to Central Ministries/Departments/Organisations and State Governments is given below:- Year Disposed Pending 2011 147027 155836 2012 168308 188879 2013 243296 181054 2014 (till 24.11.2014) 254180 192140 The grievances pertaining to states are forwarded to them for further necessary action.    Pending for less than 2 months - 28389 ...

Secy. General BPS gets an invitation a two-day conference on India’s Elderly: Dignity, Health and Security being organized by UNFPA and its partner institutions – IEG (Delhi), TISS (Mumbai) and ISEC (Bangalore) – Will like to have suggestions from Pensioners fraternity regarding points to be raised.


Shortage of Specialists and Consultants in CGHS: Rajya Sabha Q&A

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF  HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE RAJYA SABHA QUESTION NO  263 ANSWERED  ON  25.11.2014 Shortage of Specialists and Consultants in CGHS 263. SHRI GULAM RASOOL BALYAWI: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that there is a shortage of Specialists and Consultants in CGHS; (b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and (c)  the steps  taken or being taken to ensure adequate  availability  of Specialists and Consultants in CGHS?   ANSWER THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI JAGAT PRAKASH NADDA) (a) & (b): Yes. Details are at Annexed. The recruitment of specialists is done at the level of Union Public Service Commission & Posting is done by Central  Health Service . It has been noted that after appointment, very few specialists actually join the CGHS. Cases of taking voluntary retirement...

26th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) scheduled to be held in the month of January, 2015-BPS Invites Agenda items from its stake holders

F. No. 42/39/2014-P&PW(G) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003 Date: 24th Nov, 2014 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject : 26th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) scheduled to be held in the month of January, 2015 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS (PP). The 26th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) of the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare is scheduled to be held in the January, 2015. The details of the date, time and venue of  the meeting  will follow. The meeting will be chaired by the Hon’ble  Minister of  State in the Ministry of Personnel, Pubic Grievances & Pensions. 2. All the Pensioners Associations under SCOVA are requested to kindly provide the following requisite information throu...

Rates of existing Minimum Wages fixed for the Skilled, Semi –skilled and Un-skilled workers effective from 01.10.2014

d, Semi –skilled and Un-skilled workers for the Central Sphere under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 effective from 01.10.2014:- As on 01.10.2014 Name of Scheduled Employment Category of Worker Rates of wages including V.D.A per day (in Rs.) Area A Area B Area C 1. Agriculture Unskilled 217 197 195 Semi-Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 237 219 200 Skilled/Clerical 258 237 218 Highly Skilled 286 265 237 2. Workers engaged in Stone Mines for Stone Breaking and  Stone Crushing 1. Excavation & removal of over burden with 50 meters lead/1.5 meters lift: (a) Soft Soil 221.4 (b) Soft Soil with Rock 334.57 (c) Rock 443.86 2. Removal and Staking of rejected stones with 50 metres lead 1.5 metres lift 176.73 Stone breaking or Stone Crushing for  the stone  size (a) 1.0 inch to 1.5 inches 1377.35 (b) Above 1.5 Inches to 3.0 Inches 1176.92 (c) Above 3.0 Inches to 5 Inches 688.13 (d) Above 5.0 Inches 565.08 3. Sweeping and Cleaning...

Measures taken by the Govt to overcome the Inconvinence caused to Beneficiaries due to Shift in Treatment Policy of CGHS -PIB

With a view to plug the loopholes in the system, the Government decided on 25.8.2014 that only CGHS formulary medicines and those approved by Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) in India would be provided to beneficiaries under CGHS. The maximum period of issued medicines was also curtailed to one month instead of three months. It was decided ibid that only listed investigations/treatments at prescribed CGHS rates would be allowed. The following measures have since been taken to overcome the inconvenience caused to the beneficiaries due to this shift in policy: (i) The Government decided to adopt formularies of Ex- Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) and Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) also in addition to the existing CGHS formulary. (ii) A technical committee under Chairmanship of Special DG has been constituted to consider inclusion/exclusion of medicines/ investigation/treatment/procedures /implant etc. (iii) A Group of experts has been constituted on 25...

Amendment to Minimum Wages Act: Govt. statement in Lok Sabha

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT LOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION NO 6 ANSWERED  ON 24.11.2014 AMENDMENT TO MINIMUM WAGES ACT 6 . Sampath Shri AnirudhanWill the  Minister  of LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT be pleased to state:- ANSWER MINISTER OF STATE (IC) FOR LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT (SHRI BANDARU DATTATREYA)  (a) to (c): A statement is laid on the Table of the House. STATEMENT REFERRED TO IN REPLY TO PARTS (a) TO (c) OF THE LOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION NO. 6 FOR 24.11.2014 BY DR. A. SAMPATH REGARDING “AMENDMENT TO MINIMUM WAGES ACT”. (a) to (c): Yes, Madam. Major Central Trade Unions had raised demands to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory  minimum wage  at not less than Rs.10,000/- linked with cost price index on 04.09.2012. Further, the demand to fix minimum wages not less than Rs.15,000/- per month was placed before the Government by these trade unions on 06.06.2014 ...