Gazette notification dated 03.03.2014-Amendment to CCS (Pension) Rules 1972

(Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare)
New Delhi, the 3rd March, 2014
G.S.R. 138 (E).---In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article
148 of the Constitution and, after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to conditions of service of persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, namely'-

1. (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Pension) Second Amendment Rules, 2014.
(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the 1~ October, 2000.
2. In the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, in rule 37A,-
(a) in sub-rule (22) an~sub-rule (23), after the words "Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited" in both the places
where they occur, the words-rand Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited" shall be inserted; .
(b) for sub-rule ~24), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-
"(24) The arrangements under sub-rule (~3) shall be applicable to the existing pensioners and to the employees
who are deemed to have retired from the Government service for absorption in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited and shall not apply to the employees directly recruited by the Bharat
Sanchar Nigam Limited and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited for whom they shall devise their own
pension schemes and make arrangements for funding and disbursing the pens.ionary benefits."
[F. No. 4/23/2013-P&PW(D)]


Note: The principal rules were published vide notification number S.0.934, dated the l" April, 1972 and were
subsequently amended vide notification number-
I. 8.0.254, dated the 4th February, 1989 22. GSR 389(E), dated the 18thApril, 1994
2. S. 0.970, dated the 6th May, 1989 23. S. 0.1775, dated the 19thJuly, 1997
3. S. 0.2467, dated the 7'h October, 1989 24. S. 0.259, dated the 30th January, 1999
4. S. 0.899, dated the 14thApril, 1990 25. S. 0.904(E), dated the 30th September, 2000
5. S. 0.1454, dated the 26th May, 1990 26. S. 0.717(E), dated the 27th July, 2001
6. S. 0.2329, dated the 8th September, 1990 27 G.S.R 75(E), dated the 1stFebruary, 2002
7. S. 0.3269, dated the 8thDecember, 1990 28. S.O.4000, dated the 28th December, 2002
8. S..o;3270, dated the 8thOecember, 1990 29. S.O. 860(E), dated the 28th July, 2003
9. S. 0;3273) dated the 8thDecember, 1990 30. S.O. 1483 (E), dated the 30th December, 2003
10. S. 0.409, dated the 9th February, 1991 31. S.O. 1487 (E), dated the 14thOctober, 2005
11. S. 0.464, dated the 16thFebruary, 1991 32. G.S.R. 723(E), dated the 23rdNovember, 2006
12. S. 0.2287, dated the 7th September, 1991
13. S. 0.2740; dated the 2nd November, 1991 33. S.O. 1821 (E), dated the 25thOctober, 2007
14. G.S.R. 677, dated the 7thDecember, 1991 34. G.S.R. 258 (E), dated the 31SI March, 2008
15. G.S.R. 399, dated the 1 st February, 1992 35. S.O. 1028 (E), dated the 25th April, 2008
16. G.S.R. 55, dated the 15thFebruary, 1992 36. S.O. 829(E), dated the 12th April, 2010
17. G.S.R 570, dated the 19thDecember, 1992 37. G.S.R. No. 176 dated 8thJune 2011
18. S. 0.258, dated the 13thFebruary, 1993 38. G.S.R No. 928(E) dated 21stDecember, 2012
19. S. 0.1673, dated the 7thAugust, 1993 39 G.S.R No. 938(E) dated 27th December, 2012
20. G.S.R. 449, dated the 11 th September, 1993
21. S. 0.1984; dated the 25th September, 1993

Payment of pensionary benefits to all categories of the erstwhile employees of the Government (Group A, B, C and D) absorbed in Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited who have opted for pension on combined service will be made by the Government in the same manner as in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited with effect from 1st October, 2000.
Such erstwhile Government employees including those absorbed in Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited with effect from Ist November, 1998 and governed vide OOP&PW's O.M.No. 4/18/87-P&PW(D) dated 5.7.1989 shall be brought within the purview of these rules with effect from 1st October, 2000. This is certified by the Department of Telecommunication that no one shall be adversely affected by giving retrospective effect to this notification.

Printed by the Manager, Government of'India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-I I0064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-l l 0054


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