RELHS-S.C.Maheshwari Secy. Genl. Bharat Pensioners Samaj seek disclosure under RTI Act
D.D. (PG) & C.P.I.O.
(Registration & Coordination)
R.No 05, RTI Cell / RB ,Rail Bhawan
New Delhi -01
Subject: Disclosure
under RTI Act 2005
Please disclose following information in print form.
1 Minister for
Railways in his Budget speech in
parliament on 26.02.2013 vide para 48 iv. Announced
extending the treatment facility in case of medical emergency to RELHS beneficiaries to all cities where hospitals
are empanelled either with CGHS or with Railways;
Railway Board to please disclose with file
noting the action taken for the
expeditious implementation
of Ministers ‘ commitment.
Card facility to RELHS beneficiaries :Though instruction in this regard were
issued vide Boards letter Nos 2007/H/28/1/RELHS/Smart card dated
18.07.2012& 27.8.2012 But the implementation has been very very dismal. Even the smart cards already issued by
N.Rly in NCR during Pilot project have not been
Railway Board to please disclose with file noting the action taken for the expeditious
implementation & its own orders
dated 18.7.2012 with Zone wise progress
RELHS facilities to family pensioners, other than spouse i.e Widowed
/ Divorced / Unmarried dependent daughters of Rly. Pensioners and to their
Though in view of Rly Board’s letter
No 2013/H/16/1/Misc dated 09.01.2013 & No 2003/H/28/1/RELHS dated 16.3.2009
All family pensioners are entitled to join RELHS but as the new RELHS cards
are issued by the personnel branch
(and not the Medical branch) they go by manual provision & as per the
eligibility criteria prescribed vide Para 612 (2) iii of Indian Railway Medical
Manual 2000 only the spouse family Pensioner is eligible to join RELHS Thus
unless the eligibility criteria laid down in IRMM is amended Family pensioners other than the spouse will
remain deprived of RELHS facilities.
Inspite of the issue being raised from different
Forums like Human Rights Commission & SCOVA. Directorate General Railway
Board has not taken adequate clarifactory steps by way of amendment to IRMM, to
ensure that facility is made available to all Family Pensioners & their
dependent Kids
Railway Board therefore is requested
to disclose with file noting the action
taken to amend eligibility criteria laid down in IRMM 2000 and to ensure that RELHS
facility is available to all Family Pensioners without any hassle Disclosing
also the status of various representations on the subject.
3 ) RELHS facilities to
dependent parents ; The then Rly
Minister in her budget speech on25th
February 2011 vide para 56
announced extension of medical facilities to both dependent father and mother
of railway employees.. Executive Order to this effect has not been issued so
far Rly board is requested to disclose along with file noting the action taken
for expeditious implementation of Minister’s commitment.
3i) On
24th February 2010 during the budget speech Minister for Railways,
vide para 51, announced that Rly. outpatient Departments (OPD) and
diagnostic centers will be set up at Gurgaon But there has been no progress on
the ground so far. Rly board is requested to disclose
along with file noting the action taken for expeditious implementation of
Ministers’ commitment.
In case you do not hold the requested information this request may be forwarded to competent
authority under Section 6(3) of RTI Act 2005
A postal orders of
Rs 10/- is enclosed towards initial fee under RTI Act.
Er .S.C.Maheshwari
DA/Postal orders
(A Citizen of India)
Dated 07.06.2013
490A/16 Gurudwara Road
Mob: 9868488199