CPAO Orders 2013 : Submission of life certificates with additional information in November every year

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi
2nd Reminder
CPAO/Tech/Life Certificate/2013-14/61
Dt: 10/06/2013
Office Memorandum

Subject: Submission of life certificates with additional information in November every year.

Attention is invited to Para 6 of the notification No.CPAO/Tech/CFI/2012 of this office published in the leading newspaper on 21st October 2012 in which banks were instructed to update their master data based on the life certificates submitted by the Pensioners / family pensioners and forward the updated master data through the CPPC to CPAO. The additional information submitted may also be scanned and send through CPPC to CPAO.

These instructions were further retreated wide CPAO’s office memorandum dated 23rd Oct 2012 and 14th Jan 2013. But till date no hank has responded positively and not send the desired instruction in the prescribed in Para 6 of the notification dated 21.10.2012.

It is therefore, once again instructed to send the updated master data based on life certificates submitted by Pensioners/family pensioners and scanned copies of additional information to NIC cell of CPAO under intimation to Sr. AO. technical section at email address, so that the master data of CPAO can be updated.

(Dr.Dilip Kumar)
Controller of Accounts



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