
Showing posts from May, 2013


A meeting of the representatives of Staff Side National Council with Secretary, Pension AR & PG on pensionary matters was held on 28.5.2013. Staff Side was represented by S/ Shri S.G. Mishra and Rakhal Das Gupta (AIRF), Guman Singh (NFIR) and K.K.N.kutty and S.K.Vyas (Confederation) Old Items The following issues have been discussed 1. Ex-gratia Payment to SRPF / CPF beneficiaries who had voluntarily retired or medically invalidated. It has been decided to implement the Kerala High Court judgment in general and extend the benefit of exgratia payment to the meager number of pre 1986 optees who retired voluntarily or on medical invalidation after rendering 20 years of service. The enabling orders are to be issued shortly. 2. Raising quantum of ex-gratia to CPF retirees on lines of SRPF. In respect of SRPF retirees of the Railways, the rate of ex-gratia was raised from Rs. 600/- pm to Rs. 750/- pm to Rs. 3000pm with effect from 1.11.2006. The Govt. have now decided to revis...

Choose your cuppa coffee carefully

Here’s a guide to common coffee drinks and the calories they pack Kavita Devgan     Forgo the cream, try developing a taste for unsweetened, zero-calorie black coffee A study published in May last year in the   New England Journal of Medicine   suggested that frequent coffee drinkers live longer. Apparently, they have a lower risk of dying from diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc., compared to those who drink little coffee or none at all—a good 10-15% lower. That’s great news for coffee enthusiasts. But when experts talk about coffee being good for health (it also helps bring down blood pressure), they are usually talking about a standard cup of coffee with little milk and very little sugar, if at all. They are definitely not talking about the supersized, sweet-as-the-devil mugs filled to the brim with milk foam and cream—what we down on a regular basis at cafĂ©s. “The Italians and the French love their coffee and have a cup with almost eve...

ARE YOU READY? It’s time to file your income tax returns (ITR). What you need is a good checklist. Here is one

Dating advice: charm thetaxman Zoom Bookmark ARE YOU READY? It’s time to file your income tax returns (ITR). What you need is a good checklist. Here is one HT walks you through the maze make it easier for you FILE PHOTO People queue up to file their tax returns. With e-filing expanding, the crowd is set to shrink. DATES TO REMEMBER Individual Income Tax July 31, 2013: Due date for filing return of income for the financial year 2012-13 March 31, 2014: Last date for filing the ITR for 2012-13 (assessment year 2013-14), with a penalty of R5,000 INCOME FROM SALARY If you have no income apart from your salary, you need these: Form 16: This is a financial statement from your employer(s) that lists details of your income and taxes paid on it during the year. Form 12 BA: This is given to employees whose salary packages include holiday and credit card expenses. Pension certificate: If you receive pension, you need to keep the pension certificate issued by your bank. HOU...

Breaking News -BPS

Agreeing to the request of S.C.Maheshwari Secy. Genl BPS.  Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra Genl. Secy AIRF agreed to include the issue of raising FMA to Rs 1200/PM in AIRF Agenda items  for the forthcoming meeting with Secretary(Pension).

AIRF supports 'Bharat Pensioners Samaj' by taking up Pensioners following issues which were hitherto being raised by BPS- Thanks to Com Shiv Gopal Mishra Genl Secy. AIRF

AIRF supports 'Bharat Pensioners Samaj' by taking up Pensioners following issues  which were hitherto being raised by BPS- Thanks to Com Shiv Gopal Mishra  Genl Secy. AIRF ALL INDIA RAILWAYMEN'S FEDERATION 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi-110055 INDIA No.AIRF/NC/JCM(GC)(Pension) May 18, 2013 The Secretary, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 Dear Sir, Sub:  Agenda items We are sending herewith 08 agenda items on pensionary matters for discussing the same in the forthcoming meeting with the Secretary( Pension). Yours faithfully, sd/- (Shiva Gopal Mishra) General Secretary Item No.1 Sub: Less payment of pension to pre-96 and pre-2006 retirees It has been noted that the employees drawing pay scale of Rs.1400-2300 in V CPC were allotted pay scale of Rs.5000-8000 in V CPC, and subsequently they were placed in scale Rs.9300-34800 in PB-2 with Grade Pay of Rs.4200. Bu...

PM’s address at 45th session of the Indian Labour Conference

PM’s address at 45th session of the Indian Labour Conference Following is the text of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s address at the 45th session of the Indian Labour Conference in New Delhi today: “Let me begin by emphasizing that this is a very important conference that deliberates issues of critical importance to our workers and industry, and therefore to our economy and society at large. I feel happy that as Prime Minister I have participated in all Sessions of the Indian Labour Conference that have taken place since 2005, except the one in 2009 which I could not attend due to ill-health. As you begin proceedings in this 45th Session of the Conference, I compliment you on your past achievements and extend my best wishes for your efforts in the future. It is also my hope that this Session will build further upon the rich legacy of the earlier Sessions. Before I proceed further, let me also state that our Government has paid very serious attention to the issues that Trade ...
International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) Asia Regional Office Development, Welfare and Research Foundation (DWRF) United Nations Information Centre (UNIC)   Observed   International Day of Families on 15.05.2013 At UN Conference Hall, 55 Lodi Estate, New Delhi SH. T.R.Meena IAS joint Secretary MOSJ was the chief Guest ; Er. S.C.Maheshwari Secy. General Bharat Pensioners Samaj with a team of 4 delegates participated in SEMINAR : Advancing Social Integration and Intergenerational Solidarity


CASES OF PRE 2006 PENSIONERSS IN VARIOUS  COURTS  AGAINST  WHICH JUDGEMENTS  FOR GRANTING   MODIFIED  PARITY   HAVE  ALREADY  BEEN  RECEIVED  AS ON   14.05.2013.-Courtesy M.L.Kanaujia Ite  m HEARD BY PETITION NO. & YEAR LEAD PETITIONER NEXT DATE FIXED FOR HEARING REMARKS IN BRIEF 1 AFT-PB  Delhi OA 139/2009 Lt.Col.PK   Kapur DOJ 30.06.2010 *  Modified Parity case.  OA  allowed . 2 AFT-PB  Delhi OA 24/2010 Lt.Com.AvtarSingh DOJ 14.09.2010 Modified Parity case.  OA  allowed . 3 AFT-PB  Delhi OA 270/2010 Sq.Ldr . V K  Jain  DOJ 14.09.2010 Modified Parity case.  OA  allowed . 4 AFT  Chandigarh OA 277/2010 Romesh   Chand DOJ 01.11.2010 Modified Parity case.  OA  allowed . 5 AFT  Chandigarh OA...