News Flash


Secy.Genl., BPS, Secy Genl, AIFPA, Chennai
with active support of
NFRP, Palghat
Call upon Rly Pensioners’ Associations &

C G Pensioners’ Associations with membership

of Rly Pensioners to attend in large numbers.

4th National Convention of Rly Pensioners

Associations on 9th Feb, 2013 at Nagpur

Delegation fee Rs 200/- per person. For

accommodation at Nagpur and other information

Contact : J.N. Rao, Vice President (West),

Phone : 0712 265 2335

Mob: 09421703511

email :

Associations / Federations may send draft

Resolutions for consideration & inclusion

by 31.12.2012. to:

Bimalendu Chkraborty,

Secretary, Railway Pensioners (B.P.S.),

Office of the N.F.Railway Pensioner's Association,

NJP - Gate bazar, P.O. - Bhaktinagar, Dist.- Jalpaiguri ( W.B.),

PIN - 734007
Email -

Ph.- 08016135182


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