E.mail IDs of Important office bearers of Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Dear all,
Following are the e.mail addresses of Important office bearers of Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Official e.mail address of Bharat Pensioners Samaj : bharatpensioner@gmail.com

President :  Shyam Sunder e.mail : bps.shyamsynder@gmail.com 
Secy Genl : S C Maheshwari email: pensioner77@yahoo.com

Secy (Postal & Ors) : M Chandra Mowli: e.mail: chandramowlim@yahoo.co.in 

Secy (Defence) : Onkar Singh Riar: onkar.riar@yahoo.com   

Secy (Rly Pensnrs) Bimalendu Chakraborty : bimalendu1947@yahoo.in ,

Secy (BSNL/PSUs);Shreepad V Deshpand: svd.pensioners@yahoo.com 

Asstt Secy Genl : K L Malhotra: krishna.malhotra69@gmail.com 

Harchandan Singh V.P.(North): harchandan_chd32@yahoo.co.in 

Somasekher Rao-manchalla  V.P (South) : ssrmanchalla@gmail.com ,

J. Narayana. Rao Rao V.P.(West) :   jnrao36@rediffmail.com

R.N. Dutta, V.P (East)                 :   rudrani_iijt@yahoo.co.in

D.Jayaraman, Editor 'Bharat Pensioner' monthly Magazine of BPS   
                                                                                      : jayaramanbps@gmail.com

A.K.Vatta Secy (PR):   kumarvatta@yahoo.co.in

Er.S C Maheshwari
Former DEN C.Rly.
Secy. Genl. Bharat Pensioners Samaj

Websites :                         www.bharatpensioner.org 
Blog:            :  http://scm-bps.blogspot.in/     

Phone                                          91124 2302262                          
Fax                                   91124 2300423
 Mob :                              09868488199
e.mail:                             pensioner77@yahoo.com 
490A/16 Gurudwara Road


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