Comrades together-A moment of solidarity and shared purpose captured at the Bharat Pensioners Samaj (BPS) office, New Delhi.

 A moment of solidarity and shared purpose captured at the Bharat Pensioners Samaj (BPS) office, New Delhi. Comrades deeply committed to the cause of pensioners’ welfare came together for an important discussion on the 8th Central Pay Commission (CPC) Memorandum.

From right to left in the photo:

  • Comrade D. Balasubramanium, General Secretary of AIFPA, Chennai (an MoU partner of BPS),
  • Shri V.K. Taneja, Editor of Bharat Pensioner,
  • Shri S.C. Maheshwari, Secretary General of BPS,
  • Shri Vaithinathan, General Secretary of JIPMER Puducherry ( BPS affiliate).

This visit to the BPS office was not just a meeting; it was a reaffirmation of collective commitment, grace, dignity, and compassion—values that drive the pensioners’ movement. Together, they deliberated on critical issues and strategies to strengthen the 8th CPC Memorandum, ensuring the voice of pensioners is heard loud and clear at the highest levels.

Their united efforts echo the spirit of “Pensioners Unite” for a dignified and secure future.


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